-- Biome library mod by VanessaE -- -- I got the temperature map idea from "hmmmm", values used for it came from -- Splizard's snow mod. -- biome_lib = {} biome_lib.modpath = minetest.get_modpath("biome_lib") local function tableize(s) return string.split(string.trim(string.gsub(s, " ", ""))) end local c1 = minetest.settings:get("biome_lib_default_grow_through_nodes") biome_lib.default_grow_through_nodes = {["air"] = true} if c1 then for _, i in ipairs(tableize(c1)) do biome_lib.default_grow_through_nodes[i] = true end else biome_lib.default_grow_through_nodes["default:snow"] = true end local c2 = minetest.settings:get("biome_lib_default_water_nodes") biome_lib.default_water_nodes = {} if c2 then for _, i in ipairs(tableize(c2)) do biome_lib.default_water_nodes[i] = true end else biome_lib.default_water_nodes["default:water_source"] = true biome_lib.default_water_nodes["default:water_flowing"] = true biome_lib.default_water_nodes["default:river_water_source"] = true biome_lib.default_water_nodes["default:river_water_flowing"] = true end local c3 = minetest.settings:get("biome_lib_default_wet_surfaces") local c4 = minetest.settings:get("biome_lib_default_ground_nodes") local c5 = minetest.settings:get("biome_lib_default_grow_nodes") biome_lib.default_wet_surfaces = c3 and tableize(c3) or {"default:dirt", "default:dirt_with_grass", "default:sand"} biome_lib.default_ground_nodes = c4 and tableize(c4) or {"default:dirt_with_grass"} biome_lib.default_grow_nodes = c5 and tableize(c5) or {"default:dirt_with_grass"} biome_lib.debug_log_level = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("biome_lib_debug_log_level")) or 0 local rr = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("biome_lib_queue_ratio")) or -200 biome_lib.queue_ratio = 100 - rr biome_lib.entries_per_step = math.max(-rr, 1) -- the timer that manages the block timeout is in microseconds, but the timer -- that manages the queue wakeup call has to be in seconds, and works best if -- it takes a fraction of the block timeout interval. local t = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("biome_lib_block_timeout")) or 300 biome_lib.block_timeout = t * 1000000 -- we don't want the wakeup function to trigger TOO often, -- in case the user's block timeout setting is really low biome_lib.block_queue_wakeup_time = math.min(t/2, math.max(20, t/10)) -- the actual important stuff starts here ;-) dofile(biome_lib.modpath .. "/api.lua") dofile(biome_lib.modpath .. "/search_functions.lua") dofile(biome_lib.modpath .. "/growth.lua") dofile(biome_lib.modpath .. "/compat.lua") minetest.after(0.01, function() -- report the final registration results and enable the active block queue stuff local n = #biome_lib.actionslist_aircheck + #biome_lib.actionslist_no_aircheck biome_lib.dbg("All mapgen registrations completed.", 0) if n > 0 then biome_lib.dbg("Total items/actions to handle manually: "..n.. " ("..#biome_lib.actionslist_no_aircheck.." without air checks)", 0) biome_lib.dbg("Total surface types to handle manually: " ..#biome_lib.surfaceslist_aircheck + #biome_lib.surfaceslist_no_aircheck, 0) else biome_lib.dbg("There are no \"handle manually\" items/actions registered,", 0) biome_lib.dbg("so the mapblock queue will not be not used this session.", 0) end biome_lib.dbg("Items sent to the engine's decorations handler: "..#biome_lib.registered_decorations, 0) biome_lib.dbg("Elevation range: "..biome_lib.mapgen_elevation_limit.min.." to ".. string.format("%+d", biome_lib.mapgen_elevation_limit.max).." meters.", 0) if n > 0 then dofile(biome_lib.modpath .. "/block_queue_checks.lua") end end)