# Comma-separated list of things that a spawned node is allowed to grow # through. Air is always added to whatever else you specify here. biome_lib_default_grow_through_nodes (List of things a plant can grow through) string default:snow # Comma-separated list of nodes that should be treated as water or water-like # for the sake of looking for neighboring wet ground. biome_lib_default_water_nodes (List of "water-like" sources) string default:water_source,default:water_flowing,default:river_water_source,default:river_water_flowing # Comma-separated list of nodes that should be considered "wet" if one of # the configured "water-like" sources is nearby. biome_lib_default_wet_surfaces (List of "wet" nodes) string default:dirt,default:dirt_with_grass,default:sand # Comma-separated list of nodes that something must be sitting on to be # able to actively change from one thing to another (such as a sapling # growing into a tree), to be used if the mod that added that growable # thing didn't provide its own list of suitable surfaces. biome_lib_default_grow_nodes (List of default surfaces a plant can thrive on) string default:dirt_with_grass # Comma-separated list of nodes to use as the "root" of something that can # gradually climb up a wall (such as ivy), to be used if the mod that added # the climing thing didn't provide its own list. biome_lib_default_ground_nodes (List of default root nodes) string default:dirt_with_grass # biome_lib divides its workload into "actions", as dictated by the sum # total of all mods that use it, and this sets how much of that work is done # per globalstep tick. If positive, a single action is executed on that # percentage of ticks, on average. If negative, it becomes positive, and # that many actions are executed on every single tick, skipping none. # More negative means more throughput, at the expense of lag. On fast PC's, # a setting of between -500 and -2000 might be good. biome_lib_queue_run_ratio (Queue run ratio) int -100 # Minetest's map generator allows neighboring areas to overflow into one # another, to create smooth terrain, but it often hands the map blocks that # comprise those areas to Lua (and hence, to biome_lib) before that overflow # function happens, which causes the mapgen to overwrite whatever Lua does # to them. This setting (in seconds) makes biome_lib wait before adding its # normal output to those map blocks, to give the engine plenty of time to # run that overflow feature first. biome_lib_block_timeout (Deferred block timeout) int 300 # This does just what it sounds like - it shows all debug output that's sent # with a level equal to or greater than this value. A setting of 0 shows only # the bare necessities, such as the startup and shutdown messages, 1 adds # internal non-fatal errors to what's shown, 2 adds warnings, 3 adds other # basic info, 4 adds all the verbose debugging spew. 3 is perhaps the most # useful setting. biome_lib_debug_log_level (Debug log level) int 0