# claycrafter Minetest clay crafter mod. Adds a way for players to obtain clay other than mining, out of a common material: dirt. It adds three new nodes: Claycrafter: Used to convert compressed dirt into clay. Compressed dirt: Just 9 dirt, compressed, useful for saving storage space, too! (Not present if moreblocks is installed, use moreblocks:dirt_compressed instead) Glass of water: Used as fuel for the Claycrafter. Placeable. ##### Dependencies: Default Vessels ##### Optional dependencies: moreblocks Special thanks to everamzah ##### License for Code Dragonop (LGPLv3) ##### License for Media Textures created or modified by Dragonop (CC-BY-SA 4.0) Glass of water derived from the Drinking Glass texture from the vessels mod made by Thomas-S which is distributed as (CC-BY-SA 3.0) Compressed dirt derived from the minetest's game default dirt texture made by Neuromancer and later modified by random-geek which is distributed as (CC-BY-SA 3.0) Arrow textures by Blockmen, from minetest game's default, distributed under (CC-BY-SA 3.0)