# textdomain:climate_api Make changes to the current weather= Display weather information= The following weather presets are active for you:= Your sky is clear. No weather presets are currently active.= As a result, the following environment effects are applied:= scorching= pleasant= chilly= It is a @1 @2 right now and humidity is at @3%.= Override the weather algorithm's base heat= Provide a number to modify the base heat= Base heat changed= Override the weather algorithm's heat= Provide a number to modify the heat= Heat value reset= Heat value changed= Override the weather algorithm's base humidity= Provide a number to modify the base humidity= Base humidity changed= Override the weather algorithm's humidity= Provide a number to modify the humidity= Humidity value reset= Humidity value changed= Override the weather algorithm's windspeed= Provide a vector of two numbers to modify the wind= Wind reset= Invalid wind configuration= Wind changed= Print the active Climate API configuration= Current Settings= Turn the specified weather preset on or off for all players or reset it to automatic= Unknown weather preset= Invalid weather status. Set the preset to either on, off or auto.= Weather @1 successfully set to @2= Prints which weather presets are enforced or disabled= Current activation rules:= Prints which weather influences cause your current weather= Current influences rules:=