mazes-80 59bf43aa28
Optimize code and modernize API calls
* Remove is_connected() and use minetest counterpart

* Less calls to minetest.get_connected_players()

* Deprecated: get_player_velocity

* Luacheck: unused assignements

* Luacheck: unused variable

* Luacheck: already declared variable


Co-authored-by: mazes 80 <>
2023-02-22 03:10:33 +01:00

216 lines
7.4 KiB

# Particle Effect
Use this effect to render downfall or similar visuals using particles.
Expects a table as the parameter containing information for the spawner.
All values for ParticleSpawner definitions are valid.
Furthermore, the following default values have been changed:
- time <int> [0.5] (reduced time results in smoother position updates, but more lag)
- collisiondetection <bool> [true]
- collision_removal <bool> [true]
- playername <string> [current player] (Set to empty string to show for everyone)
- vertical <bool> [nil] (Unless explicitly set, particle facing rotation will be automatically set based on direction of velocity)
The following optional values have been introduced for convenience:
- boxsize <vector> [nil] (Overrides minpos and maxpos based on specified sizes per direction with the player in the center)
- boxsize <number> [nil] (If set to a number, the resulting vector will have the specified size in all directions)
- v_offset <int> [0] (Use in conjunctin with boxsize. Adds specified height to minpos and maxpos y-coordinates)
- attach_to_player <bool> [false] (Overrides attached object with current player)
The following optional values have been expanded with additional value types for convenience:
- size <int> [nil] (Overrides both minsize and maxsize if set)
- minvel <int> [nil] (Overrides minvel with a downward facing vector of specified length)
- maxvel <int> [nil] (Overrides maxvel with a downward facing vector of specified length)
- velocity <vector | int> [nil] (Overrides both minvel and maxvel if set)
- minacc <int> [nil] (Overrides minacc with a downward facing vector of specified length)
- maxacc <int> [nil] (Overrides maxacc with a downward facing vector of specified length)
- acceleration <vector | int> [nil] (Overrides both minacc and maxacc if set)
The following new behaviours have been introduced:
- use_wind <bool> [true] (Adjusts velocity and position for current windspeed)
- detach <bool> [false] (Unless enabled, considers positions as relative to current player as if spawner's position would be attached)
- adjust_for_velocity <bool> [true] (Corrects position of particle spawner by player's movement speed. Only applicable if detach = false and not manually attached)
if not climate_mod.settings.particles then return end
local EFFECT_NAME = "climate_api:particles"
local CYCLE_LENGTH = climate_api.SHORT_CYCLE
-- parse config by injecting default values and adding additional parameters
local function parse_config(player, particles)
-- override default values with more useful ones
local defaults = {
time = 0.5,
collisiondetection = true,
collision_removal = true,
playername = player:get_player_name(),
use_wind = true,
attach_to_player = false,
detach = false,
adjust_for_velocity = true
-- inject missing default values into specified config
local config = climate_api.utility.merge_tables(defaults, particles)
-- scale particle amount based on mod config
if particles.amount ~= nil then
config.amount = particles.amount * climate_mod.settings.particle_count
-- restore default visibility if specified
if particles.playername == "" then
config.playername = nil
-- provide easier param for exptime
if particles.expirationtime ~= nil then
config.minexptime = particles.expirationtime
config.maxexptime = particles.expirationtime
config.expirationtime = nil
-- provide easier param for size
if particles.size ~= nil then
config.minsize = particles.size
config.maxsize = particles.size
config.size = nil
-- randomly select a texture when given a table
if type(particles.texture) == "table" then
config.texture = particles.texture[math.random(#particles.texture)]
if particles.pos ~= nil then
config.minpos = particles.pos
config.maxpos = particles.pos
config.pos = nil
-- provide easier size based param for position
if type(particles.boxsize) == "number" then
particles.boxsize = {
x = particles.boxsize,
y = particles.boxsize,
z = particles.boxsize
if particles.boxsize ~= nil then
local size_x = particles.boxsize.x or 0
local size_y = particles.boxsize.y or 0
local size_z = particles.boxsize.z or 0
local v_offset = particles.v_offset or 0
v_offset = v_offset + (size_y / 2)
config.minpos = {
x = -size_x / 2,
y = v_offset - (size_y / 2),
z = -size_z / 2
config.maxpos = {
x = size_x / 2,
y = v_offset + (size_y / 2),
z = size_z / 2
config.size_x = nil
config.size_y = nil
config.size_z = nil
config.v_offset = nil
-- provide easy param to define unanimous falling speed
if particles.velocity ~= nil then
particles.minvel = particles.velocity
particles.maxvel = particles.velocity
config.velocity = nil
if type(particles.minvel) == "number" then
config.minvel = { x = 0, y = -particles.minvel, z = 0 }
if type(particles.maxvel) ~= nil then
config.maxvel = { x = 0, y = -particles.maxvel, z = 0 }
-- provide easy param to define unanimous falling acceleration
if particles.acceleration ~= nil then
particles.minacc = particles.acceleration
particles.maxacc = particles.acceleration
config.acceleration = nil
if type(particles.minacc) == "number" then
config.minacc = { x = 0, y = -particles.minacc, z = 0 }
if type(particles.maxacc) == "number" then
config.maxacc = { x = 0, y = -particles.maxacc, z = 0 }
-- attach particles to current player if specified
if config.attach_to_player then
config.attached = player
config.attach_to_player = nil
-- attach coordinates to player unless specified or already attached
if (not config.detach) and config.attached == nil then
local ppos = player:get_pos()
config.minpos = vector.add(config.minpos, ppos)
config.maxpos = vector.add(config.maxpos, ppos)
-- correct spawn coordinates to adjust for player movement
if config.adjust_for_velocity then
local velocity = player:get_velocity()
config.minpos = vector.add(config.minpos, velocity)
config.maxpos = vector.add(config.maxpos, velocity)
config.detach = nil
config.adjust_for_velocity = nil
-- move particles in wind direction
if config.use_wind then
local pos = vector.multiply(vector.add(config.minpos, config.maxpos), 0.5)
local wind = climate_api.environment.get_wind(pos)
-- adjust velocity to include wind
config.minvel = vector.add(config.minvel, wind)
config.maxvel = vector.add(config.maxvel, wind)
-- adjust spawn position for better visibility
local vel = vector.multiply(vector.add(config.minvel, config.maxvel), 0.5)
local windpos = vector.multiply(
config.minpos = vector.add(config.minpos, windpos)
config.maxpos = vector.add(config.maxpos, windpos)
config.use_wind = nil
-- if unspecified, use 2D or 3D rotation based on movement direction
if particles.vertical == nil then
local vel = vector.multiply(vector.add(config.minvel, config.maxvel), 0.5)
config.vertical = math.abs(vector.normalize(vel).y) >= 0.6
return config
local function handle_effect(player_data)
for playername, data in pairs(player_data) do
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername)
for weather, value in pairs(data) do
local config = parse_config(player, value)
climate_api.register_effect(EFFECT_NAME, handle_effect, "tick")
climate_api.set_effect_cycle(EFFECT_NAME, CYCLE_LENGTH)