local flatdb = require("flatdb") local pp = require("pp") local function split(s, sep, maxsplit, plain) assert(sep and sep ~= "") maxsplit = maxsplit or 1/0 local items = {} if #s > 0 then local init = 1 for i = 1, maxsplit do local m, n = s:find(sep, init, plain) if m and m <= n then table.insert(items, s:sub(init, m - 1)) init = n + 1 else break end end table.insert(items, s:sub(init)) end return items end local db = assert(flatdb("./db")) local book = "0" local function handle(input) local c = split(input, " ", 2) local cmd, key, value = string.upper(c[1]), c[2], c[3] if cmd == "SAVE" then print(db:save(key) and "OK" or "ERROR") elseif cmd == "TOUCH" then if not db[key] then db[key] = {} end print("OK") elseif cmd == "SELECT" then if tonumber(key) and tonumber(key) < 16 then if not db[key] then db[key] = {} end end if db[key] then book = key print("OK") else print("ERROR") end elseif cmd == "GET" then print(pp.format(db[book][key])) elseif cmd == "SET" then local ok, tmp = pcall(load("return "..tostring(value), "=(load)", "t", db)) db[book][key] = ok and tmp or value print("OK") elseif cmd == "INCR" then if not db[book][key] then db[book][key] = 0 end db[book][key] = db[book][key] + 1 print("OK") elseif cmd == "DECR" then if not db[book][key] then db[book][key] = 0 end db[book][key] = db[book][key] - 1 print("OK") elseif cmd == "RPUSH" then if not db[book][key] then db[book][key] = {} end table.insert(db[book][key], value) print(#db[book][key]) elseif cmd == "LPUSH" then if not db[book][key] then db[book][key] = {} end table.insert(db[book][key], 1, value) print(#db[book][key]) elseif cmd == "RPOP" then if not db[book][key] then db[book][key] = {} end print(table.remove(db[book][key], value)) elseif cmd == "LPOP" then if not db[book][key] then db[book][key] = {} end print(table.remove(db[book][key], 1)) elseif cmd == "LLEN" then print(db[book][key] and #db[book][key] or 0) elseif cmd == "LINDEX" then if db[book][key] then local i = tonumber(value) if i < 0 then i = i + #db[book][key] end i = i + 1 print(db[book][key][i]) else print("nil") end end end local function main() if not db["0"] then db["0"] = {} end io.stdout:setvbuf("no") while true do local prefix = book == "0" and "" or ("["..book.."]") io.write("flatdb"..prefix.."> ") local input = io.read("*l") if string.upper(input) == "EXIT" or string.upper(input) == "QUIT" then break end handle(input) end end main()