local S = cottages.S --- if no owner is set, all players may use the node; else only the owner cottages.player_can_use = function( meta, player ) if( not( player) or not( meta )) then return false; end local pname = player:get_player_name(); local owner = meta:get_string('owner' ); local public = meta:get_string('public') if( not(owner) or owner=="" or owner==pname or public=="public") then return true; end return false; end -- call this in on_receive_fields and add suitable buttons in order -- to switch between public and private use cottages.switch_public = function(pos, formname, fields, sender, name_of_the_thing) -- switch between public and private local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local public = meta:get_string("public") local owner = meta:get_string("owner") if( sender and sender:get_player_name() == owner and fields.public) then if( public ~= "public") then meta:set_string("public", "public") meta:set_string("infotext", S("Public "..name_of_the_thing.." (owned by %s)"):format(owner)) minetest.chat_send_player(owner, S("Your "..name_of_the_thing.." can now be used by other players as well.")) else meta:set_string("public", "") meta:set_string("infotext", S("Private "..name_of_the_thing.." (owned by %s)"):format(owner)) minetest.chat_send_player(owner, S("Your "..name_of_the_thing.." can only be used by yourself.")) end return true end end