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Name: Dr. Theodore Banks
Background: Dr. Theodore Banks is a renowned geologist and prospector who has made a name for himself in the field of mineral exploration. He was born to a family of miners and has always had a passion for geology and the earth sciences. He received his PhD in geology from a prestigious university and has been working as a prospector for various mining companies and royal patrons for many years. His expertise in mineralogy and geochemistry has led him to discover many rich ore deposits and valuable mineral specimens. He is also a skilled cartographer and surveyor, and is able to accurately map and document his discoveries. He has been commissioned by Queen Isabella of Aragon to explore the caverns in search of new mineral deposits and bring back samples for further study. He is known for his meticulous attention to detail and his ability to make accurate predictions about mineral deposits based on the geology of an area. He is determined to make the greatest discovery of his career and is willing to take great risks to achieve it. He travels with a team of engineers and laborers.
This explorer's background allows for him to be obsessed with discovering new minerals and rocks, also his academic background and job history as a prospector make him a reliable and experienced explorer. He is also a skilled cartographer and surveyor, which will come in handy in the underground caverns.
Name: Professor Amelia Rose
Background: Professor Amelia Rose is a renowned naturalist and botanist who has dedicated her life to the study of plants and their ecosystems. Born and raised in a small village surrounded by lush forests and meadows, she developed a deep appreciation for the natural world from a young age. She received her Ph.D in botany from a prestigious university and has been working as a professor of botany and ecology for many years.
She is known for her deep understanding of the complex relationships between plants and their environment, and her ability to identify and classify new species with ease. She is also a skilled artist, and often illustrate her findings in her journals with detailed drawings and watercolors. She has been commissioned by the same royal patron as Dr. Banks, Queen Isabella, but her main goal is to document and classify the new species that she finds in the caverns, and study the interactions between them, and how they adapt to the underground environment. She is known for her poetic and artistic way of describing the natural world and her passion for discovery.
This explorer is distinct from Dr. Banks as she has a different set of skills, expertise and interests. She is a naturalist and botanist, which means she is interested in the ecological details of what she discovers and is skilled in classifying and identifying new species of plants. She's also a skilled artist, which helps her in documenting her findings and describing the natural world in a poetic and artistic way. She travels with a group of graduate students.
These two know each other and will be rivals, each denigrating the others' approach to exploration and choice of focus in their logs. Banks thinks Rose is flighty and airheaded, Rose thinks Banks is callous and has no appreciation for beauty.
Name: Sir Reginald Sterling
Background: Sir Reginald Sterling is a wealthy and adventurous nobleman who is driven by a desire for fame and glory. He has always been fascinated by tales of exploration and discovery, and has spent much of his fortune funding expeditions to far-off lands. He is a skilled hunter and marksman and is also a trained archaeologist. He decided to explore the caverns on his own initiative, driven by his desire to be the first to see fantastic sights and to plant his personal flag.
Sir Sterling's early logs would detail his initial excitement and wonder at the fantastic sights he encountered in the caverns, as well as his attempts to claim them in the name of himself. He would write about the challenges he faced and the obstacles he overcame, as well as the unique features and discoveries he made. However, as he ventured deeper into the caverns, he began to encounter strange and terrifying creatures, and artifacts of ancient eldritch civilizations that began to unsettle him. He started to become paranoid and delusional, and his later logs would become increasingly disjointed and difficult to understand, filled with rambling and incoherent musings about the horrors he had encountered. Despite this, the logs could still contain valuable information and secrets hidden among his madness.
This explorer is distinct from Dr. Banks and Professor Rose as he is not a scientist but a gentleman adventurer, and his main goal is not scientific discovery but fame and glory. He is driven by his desire to be the first to see fantastic sights and to plant his personal flag. He's also a skilled hunter and marksman and is trained archaeologist, which help him in his journey to the caverns. He's the first explorer to enter the caverns and he's the one who faced the ancient eldritch horrors deep beneath the Earth that broke his mind. He wasn't commissioned by any royal patron but he came here on his own initiative.