2018-12-31 11:46:27 -07:00
if not df_caverns.config . enable_underworld then
local c_slade = minetest.get_content_id ( " df_underworld_items:slade " )
local c_air = minetest.get_content_id ( " air " )
local c_water = minetest.get_content_id ( " default:water_source " )
local c_glowstone = minetest.get_content_id ( " df_underworld_items:glowstone " )
local c_amethyst = minetest.get_content_id ( " df_underworld_items:glow_amethyst " )
local c_pit_plasma = minetest.get_content_id ( " df_underworld_items:pit_plasma " )
local MP = minetest.get_modpath ( minetest.get_current_modname ( ) )
local oubliette_schematic = dofile ( MP .. " /schematics/oubliette.lua " )
local lamppost_schematic = dofile ( MP .. " /schematics/lamppost.lua " )
local small_slab_schematic = dofile ( MP .. " /schematics/small_slab.lua " )
local small_building_schematic = dofile ( MP .. " /schematics/small_building.lua " )
local medium_building_schematic = dofile ( MP .. " /schematics/medium_building.lua " )
local perlin_cave = {
offset = 0 ,
scale = 1 ,
spread = { x = 200 , y = 200 , z = 200 } ,
seed = 88233498 ,
octaves = 6 ,
persist = 0.67
-- large-scale rise and fall to make the seam between stone and slade less razor-flat
local perlin_wave = {
offset = 0 ,
scale = 1 ,
spread = { x = 1000 , y = 1000 , z = 1000 } ,
seed = 993455 ,
octaves = 3 ,
persist = 0.67
-- building zones
local perlin_zone = {
offset = 0 ,
scale = 1 ,
spread = { x = 500 , y = 500 , z = 500 } ,
seed = 199422 ,
octaves = 3 ,
persist = 0.67
local median = df_caverns.config . underworld_level
local floor_mult = 20
local floor_displace = - 10
local ceiling_mult = - 40
local ceiling_displace = 20
local wave_mult = 50
local y_max = median + 2 * wave_mult + ceiling_displace + - 2 * ceiling_mult
local y_min = median - 2 * wave_mult + floor_displace - 2 * floor_mult
-- Buildings
local oubliette_threshold = 0.8
local town_threshold = 1.1
local local_random = function ( x , z )
math.randomseed ( x + z * 2 ^ 16 )
return math.random ( )
-- create a deterministic list of buildings
local get_buildings = function ( emin , emax , nvals_zone )
local buildings = { }
for x = emin.x , emax.x do
for z = emin.z , emax.z do
local index2d = mapgen_helper.index2d ( emin , emax , x , z )
local zone = math.abs ( nvals_zone [ index2d ] )
if zone > oubliette_threshold and zone < town_threshold then
-- oubliette zone
--zone = (zone - oubliette_threshold)/(town_threshold-oubliette_threshold) -- turn this into a 0-1 spread
local building_val = local_random ( x , z )
if building_val > 0.98 then
building_val = ( building_val - 0.98 ) / 0.02
local building_type
if building_val < 0.8 then
building_type = " oubliette "
elseif building_val < 0.9 then
building_type = " open oubliette "
building_type = " lamppost "
table.insert ( buildings ,
pos = { x = x , y = 0 , z = z } , -- y to be determined later
building_type = building_type ,
bounding_box = { minpos = { x = x - 2 , z = z - 2 } , maxpos = { x = x + 2 , z = z + 2 } } ,
priority = math.floor ( building_val * 10000000 ) % 1000 , -- indended to allow for deterministic removal of overlapping buildings
elseif zone > town_threshold then
-- town zone
local building_val = local_random ( x , z )
if building_val > 0.9925 then
building_val = ( building_val - 0.9925 ) / 0.0075
local building_type
local bounding_box
local priority = math.floor ( building_val * 10000000 ) % 1000
local rotation = ( priority % 4 ) * 90
if building_val < 0.75 then
building_type = " small building "
local boundmin , boundmax = mapgen_helper.get_schematic_bounding_box ( { x = x , y = 0 , z = z } , small_building_schematic , rotation )
bounding_box = { minpos = boundmin , maxpos = boundmax }
elseif building_val < 0.85 then
building_type = " medium building "
local boundmin , boundmax = mapgen_helper.get_schematic_bounding_box ( { x = x , y = 0 , z = z } , medium_building_schematic , rotation )
bounding_box = { minpos = boundmin , maxpos = boundmax }
building_type = " small slab "
local boundmin , boundmax = mapgen_helper.get_schematic_bounding_box ( { x = x , y = 0 , z = z } , small_slab_schematic , rotation )
bounding_box = { minpos = boundmin , maxpos = boundmax }
table.insert ( buildings ,
pos = { x = x , y = 0 , z = z } , -- y to be determined later
building_type = building_type ,
bounding_box = bounding_box ,
rotation = rotation ,
priority = priority , -- indended to allow for deterministic removal of overlapping buildings
-- eliminate overlapping buildings
local building_count = table.getn ( buildings )
local overlap_count = 0
for i = 1 , building_count - 1 do
local curr_building = buildings [ i ]
for j = i + 1 , building_count do
local test_building = buildings [ j ]
if test_building ~= nil and curr_building ~= nil and mapgen_helper.intersect_exists_xz (
curr_building.bounding_box . minpos ,
curr_building.bounding_box . maxpos ,
test_building.bounding_box . minpos ,
test_building.bounding_box . maxpos ) then
if curr_building.priority < test_building.priority then -- this makes elimination of overlapping buildings deterministic
buildings [ i ] = nil
j = building_count + 1
buildings [ j ] = nil
overlap_count = overlap_count + 1
if building_count > 50 and overlap_count > building_count * 2 / 3 then
minetest.log ( " warning " , " [df_caverns] underworld mapgen generated " ..
tostring ( building_count ) .. " buildings and " .. tostring ( overlap_count ) ..
" were eliminated as overlapping, if this happens a lot consider reducing building " ..
" generation probability to improve efficiency. " )
local compacted_buildings = { }
for _ , building in pairs ( buildings ) do
compacted_buildings [ minetest.hash_node_position ( building.pos ) ] = building
return compacted_buildings
-- Pits
local radius_pit_max = 40 -- won't actually be this wide, there'll be crystal spires around it
local radius_pit_variance = 10
local plasma_depth_min = 5
local plasma_depth_max = 75
local region_mapblocks = df_caverns.config . underworld_glowing_pit_mapblocks -- One glowing pit in each region this size
local mapgen_chunksize = tonumber ( minetest.get_mapgen_setting ( " chunksize " ) )
local pit_region_size = region_mapblocks * mapgen_chunksize * 16
local scatter_2d = function ( min_xz , gridscale , border_width )
local bordered_scale = gridscale - 2 * border_width
local point = { }
point.x = math.random ( ) * bordered_scale + min_xz.x + border_width
point.y = 0
point.z = math.random ( ) * bordered_scale + min_xz.z + border_width
return point
-- For some reason, map chunks generate with -32, -32, -32 as the "origin" minp. To make the large-scale grid align with map chunks it needs to be offset like this.
local get_corner = function ( pos )
return { x = math.floor ( ( pos.x + 32 ) / pit_region_size ) * pit_region_size - 32 , z = math.floor ( ( pos.z + 32 ) / pit_region_size ) * pit_region_size - 32 }
local mapgen_seed = tonumber ( minetest.get_mapgen_setting ( " seed " ) )
local get_pit = function ( pos )
if region_mapblocks < 1 then return nil end
local corner_xz = get_corner ( pos )
2019-07-09 23:51:23 -06:00
local next_seed = math.random ( 1 , 2 ^ 31 )
2018-12-31 11:46:27 -07:00
math.randomseed ( corner_xz.x + corner_xz.z * 2 ^ 8 + mapgen_seed )
local location = scatter_2d ( corner_xz , pit_region_size , radius_pit_max + radius_pit_variance )
local variance_multiplier = math.random ( )
local radius = variance_multiplier * ( radius_pit_max - 15 ) + 15
local variance = radius_pit_variance / 2 + radius_pit_variance * variance_multiplier / 2
local depth = math.random ( plasma_depth_min , plasma_depth_max )
math.randomseed ( next_seed )
return { location = location , radius = radius , variance = variance , depth = depth }
local perlin_pit = {
offset = 0 ,
scale = 1 ,
spread = { x = 30 , y = 30 , z = 30 } ,
seed = 901 ,
octaves = 3 ,
persist = 0.67
minetest.register_on_generated ( function ( minp , maxp , seed )
--if out of range of cave definition limits, abort
if minp.y > y_max or maxp.y < y_min then
local t_start = os.clock ( )
local vm , data , data_param2 , area = mapgen_helper.mapgen_vm_data_param2 ( )
local emin = area.MinEdge
local emax = area.MaxEdge
local nvals_cave = mapgen_helper.perlin2d ( " df_caverns:underworld_cave " , emin , emax , perlin_cave ) --cave noise for structure
local nvals_wave = mapgen_helper.perlin2d ( " df_caverns:underworld_wave " , emin , emax , perlin_wave ) --cave noise for structure
local nvals_zone = mapgen_helper.perlin2d ( " df_caverns:underworld_zone " , emin , emax , perlin_zone ) --building zones
local pit = get_pit ( minp )
local buildings = get_buildings ( emin , emax , nvals_zone )
local pit_uninitialized = true
local nvals_pit , area_pit
for vi , x , y , z in area : iterp_yxz ( minp , maxp ) do
if y > y_min then
local index2d = mapgen_helper.index2d ( emin , emax , x , z )
local abs_cave = math.abs ( nvals_cave [ index2d ] ) -- range is from 0 to approximately 2, with 0 being connected and 2s being islands
local wave = nvals_wave [ index2d ] * wave_mult
local floor_height = math.floor ( abs_cave * floor_mult + median + floor_displace + wave )
local ceiling_height = math.floor ( abs_cave * ceiling_mult + median + ceiling_displace + wave )
if y <= floor_height then
data [ vi ] = c_slade
if pit and
pit.location . x - radius_pit_max - radius_pit_variance < maxp.x and
pit.location . x + radius_pit_max + radius_pit_variance > minp.x and
pit.location . z - radius_pit_max - radius_pit_variance < maxp.z and
pit.location . z + radius_pit_max + radius_pit_variance > minp.z
-- there's a pit nearby
if pit_uninitialized then
nvals_pit , area_pit = mapgen_helper.perlin3d ( " df_cavern:perlin_cave " , minp , maxp , perlin_pit ) -- determine which areas are spongey with warrens
pit_uninitialized = false
local pit_value = nvals_pit [ area_pit : index ( x , y , z ) ] * pit.variance
local distance = vector.distance ( { x = x , y = y , z = z } , { x = pit.location . x , y = y , z = pit.location . z } ) + pit_value
if distance < pit.radius - 3 then
if y < y_min + 4 then -- make a layer of amethyst at the bottom of the pit to keep the plasma from digging infinitely downward.
data [ vi ] = c_amethyst
elseif y < median + floor_displace + wave - pit.depth then
data [ vi ] = c_pit_plasma
data [ vi ] = c_air
elseif distance < pit.radius then
data [ vi ] = c_amethyst
elseif distance < radius_pit_max and y == floor_height - 4 then
if math.random ( ) > 0.95 then
df_underworld_items.underworld_shard ( data , area , vi )
elseif y < ceiling_height and data [ vi ] ~= c_amethyst then
data [ vi ] = c_air
elseif data [ vi ] == c_water then
data [ vi ] = c_air -- no water down here
-- Ceiling decoration
for x = minp.x + 1 , maxp.x - 1 do
for z = minp.z + 1 , maxp.z - 1 do
local index2d = mapgen_helper.index2d ( emin , emax , x , z )
local abs_cave = math.abs ( nvals_cave [ index2d ] ) -- range is from 0 to approximately 2, with 0 being connected and 2s being islands
local wave = nvals_wave [ index2d ] * wave_mult
local floor_height = math.floor ( abs_cave * floor_mult + median + floor_displace + wave )
local ceiling_height = math.floor ( abs_cave * ceiling_mult + median + ceiling_displace + wave )
if ceiling_height > floor_height + 5 and ceiling_height < maxp.y and ceiling_height > minp.y then
local vi = area : index ( x , ceiling_height , z )
if (
--test if we're nestled in a crevice
( not mapgen_helper.buildable_to ( data [ vi - area.ystride + 1 ] ) and not mapgen_helper.buildable_to ( data [ vi - area.ystride - 1 ] ) ) or
( not mapgen_helper.buildable_to ( data [ vi - area.ystride + area.zstride ] ) and not mapgen_helper.buildable_to ( data [ vi - area.ystride - area.zstride ] ) )
data [ vi ] = c_glowstone
-- buildings
for x = emin.x + 5 , emax.x - 5 do
for z = emin.z + 5 , emax.z - 5 do
local skip = false
if pit and
pit.location . x - radius_pit_max - radius_pit_variance < x and
pit.location . x + radius_pit_max + radius_pit_variance > x and
pit.location . z - radius_pit_max - radius_pit_variance < z and
pit.location . z + radius_pit_max + radius_pit_variance > z
if vector.distance ( pit.location , { x = x , y = 0 , z = z } ) < radius_pit_max + radius_pit_variance then
-- there's a pit nearby
skip = true
if not skip then
local index2d = mapgen_helper.index2d ( emin , emax , x , z )
local abs_cave = math.abs ( nvals_cave [ index2d ] ) -- range is from 0 to approximately 2, with 0 being connected and 2s being islands
local wave = nvals_wave [ index2d ] * wave_mult
local floor_height = math.floor ( abs_cave * floor_mult + median + floor_displace + wave )
local ceiling_height = math.floor ( abs_cave * ceiling_mult + median + ceiling_displace + wave )
if ceiling_height > floor_height and floor_height <= maxp.y and floor_height >= minp.y then
local building = buildings [ minetest.hash_node_position ( { x = x , y = 0 , z = z } ) ]
if building ~= nil then
building.pos . y = floor_height
--minetest.chat_send_all("placing " .. building.building_type .. " at " .. minetest.pos_to_string(building.pos))
if building.building_type == " oubliette " then
mapgen_helper.place_schematic_on_data ( data , data_param2 , area , building.pos , oubliette_schematic )
elseif building.building_type == " open oubliette " then
mapgen_helper.place_schematic_on_data ( data , data_param2 , area , building.pos , oubliette_schematic , 0 , { [ " df_underworld_items:slade_seal " ] = " air " } )
elseif building.building_type == " lamppost " then
mapgen_helper.place_schematic_on_data ( data , data_param2 , area , building.pos , lamppost_schematic )
elseif building.building_type == " small building " then
mapgen_helper.place_schematic_on_data ( data , data_param2 , area , building.pos , small_building_schematic , building.rotation )
elseif building.building_type == " medium building " then
mapgen_helper.place_schematic_on_data ( data , data_param2 , area , building.pos , medium_building_schematic , building.rotation )
elseif building.building_type == " small slab " then
mapgen_helper.place_schematic_on_data ( data , data_param2 , area , building.pos , small_slab_schematic , building.rotation )
minetest.log ( " error " , " unrecognized underworld building type: " .. tostring ( building.building_type ) )
--send data back to voxelmanip
vm : set_data ( data )
vm : set_param2_data ( data_param2 )
--calc lighting
vm : set_lighting ( { day = 0 , night = 0 } )
vm : calc_lighting ( )
vm : update_liquids ( )
--write it to world
vm : write_to_map ( )
local chunk_generation_time = math.ceil ( ( os.clock ( ) - t_start ) * 1000 ) --grab how long it took
if chunk_generation_time < 1000 then
minetest.log ( " info " , " [df_caverns] underworld mapblock generation took " .. chunk_generation_time .. " ms " ) --tell people how long
minetest.log ( " warning " , " [df_caverns] underworld took " .. chunk_generation_time .. " ms to generate map block "
.. minetest.pos_to_string ( minp ) .. minetest.pos_to_string ( maxp ) )
end )