local S = minetest.get_translator(minetest.get_current_modname()) minetest.register_node("df_mapitems:castle_coral", { description = S("Castle Coral"), tiles = { "dfcaverns_castle_coral_gradient.png", "dfcaverns_castle_coral.png", "dfcaverns_castle_coral.png", "dfcaverns_castle_coral.png^[multiply:#888888", }, _doc_items_longdesc = df_mapitems.doc.castle_coral_desc, _doc_items_usagehelp = df_mapitems.doc.castle_coral_usage, drawtype = "mesh", is_ground_content = false, light_source = 2, mesh = "octagonal_coral.obj", drop = "df_mapitems:castle_coral_skeleton", paramtype = "light", groups = {cracky=2, pickaxey = 1, building_block = 1, coral=1, coral_block=1}, sounds = df_dependencies.sound_stone(), _mcl_hardness = 1.5, _mcl_blast_resistance = 6, }) minetest.register_node("df_mapitems:castle_coral_skeleton", { description = S("Castle Coral Skeleton"), _doc_items_longdesc = df_mapitems.doc.castle_coral_desc, _doc_items_usagehelp = df_mapitems.doc.castle_coral_usage, tiles = { df_dependencies.texture_coral_skeleton }, drawtype = "mesh", mesh = "octagonal_coral.obj", paramtype = "light", is_ground_content = false, groups = {cracky = 3,pickaxey = 1, building_block = 1, coral=2, coral_block=1}, sounds = df_dependencies.sound_stone(), _mcl_hardness = 1.5, _mcl_blast_resistance = 6, }) local c_coral = minetest.get_content_id("df_mapitems:castle_coral") local c_coral_skeleton = minetest.get_content_id("df_mapitems:castle_coral_skeleton") local c_stone = minetest.get_content_id(df_dependencies.node_name_stone) local c_water = minetest.get_content_id(df_dependencies.node_name_water_source) df_mapitems.spawn_castle_coral = function(area, data, vi, iterations) local run = math.random(2,4) local index = vi local zstride = area.zstride local ystride = area.ystride while run > 0 do -- TODO should this be checking for not-water instead of stone? if math.random() > 0.95 or data[index] == c_stone or not area:containsi(index) then return end data[index] = c_coral if iterations > 2 then data[index + 1] = c_coral data[index - 1] = c_coral data[index + zstride] = c_coral data[index - zstride] = c_coral end if iterations > 3 then data[index + 2] = c_coral data[index - 2] = c_coral data[index + zstride * 2] = c_coral data[index - zstride * 2] = c_coral data[index + 1 + zstride] = c_coral data[index - 1 + zstride] = c_coral data[index + 1 - zstride] = c_coral data[index - 1 - zstride] = c_coral end index = index + ystride run = run - 1 end local newiterations = iterations - 1 if newiterations == 0 then return end if math.random() > 0.5 then df_mapitems.spawn_castle_coral(area, data, index + 1 - ystride, newiterations) df_mapitems.spawn_castle_coral(area, data, index - 1 - ystride, newiterations) else df_mapitems.spawn_castle_coral(area, data, index + zstride - ystride, newiterations) df_mapitems.spawn_castle_coral(area, data, index - zstride - ystride, newiterations) end end df_mapitems.spawn_coral_pile = function(area, data, vi, radius) local pos = area:position(vi) for li in area:iterp(vector.add(pos, -radius), vector.add(pos, radius)) do local adjacent = li + area.ystride local node_type = data[li] if math.random() < 0.2 and not mapgen_helper.buildable_to(node_type) and data[adjacent] == c_water then data[adjacent] = c_coral_skeleton end end end