local c_water = df_caverns.node_id.water local c_air = df_caverns.node_id.air local c_dirt = df_caverns.node_id.dirt local c_dirt_moss = df_caverns.node_id.dirt_moss local c_gravel = df_caverns.node_id.gravel local c_stillworm = df_caverns.node_id.stillworm local c_pebble_fungus = df_caverns.node_id.pebble_fungus local c_red = df_caverns.node_id.spindlestem_red local c_wet_flowstone = df_caverns.node_id.wet_flowstone local c_dry_flowstone = df_caverns.node_id.dry_flowstone local c_veinstone = df_caverns.node_id.veinstone local c_pearls = df_caverns.node_id.pearls local chasms_path = minetest.get_modpath("chasms") local log_location if mapgen_helper.log_location_enabled then log_location = mapgen_helper.log_first_location end local wall_vein_perlin_params = { offset = 0, scale = 1, spread = {x = 50, y = 50, z = 50}, seed = 2199, octaves = 3, persist = 0.63, lacunarity = 2.0, flags = "eased", } local subsea_level = df_caverns.config.level2_min - (df_caverns.config.level2_min - df_caverns.config.level1_min) * 0.33 -- "sea level" for the flooded caverns. local flooding_threshold = math.min(df_caverns.config.tunnel_flooding_threshold, df_caverns.config.cavern_threshold) -- cavern value out to which we're flooding tunnels and warrens local get_biome = function(heat, humidity) if humidity < 23 then -- about 20% of locations fall below this threshold return "barren" elseif heat < 40 then return "goblincap" -- about 33% are below this threshold elseif heat < 60 then return "sporetree" -- another 33% else return "tunneltube" end end table.insert(df_caverns.get_biome_at_pos_list, function(pos, heat, humidity) if pos.y < df_caverns.config.level2_min or pos.y >= df_caverns.config.level1_min then return nil end return get_biome(heat, humidity) end) local goblin_cap_shrublist local tunnel_tube_shrublist local spore_tree_shrublist if minetest.get_modpath("df_farming") then goblin_cap_shrublist = { df_farming.spawn_plump_helmet_vm, df_farming.spawn_plump_helmet_vm, df_farming.spawn_dead_fungus_vm, df_farming.spawn_cavern_fungi_vm, } tunnel_tube_shrublist = { df_farming.spawn_sweet_pod_vm, df_farming.spawn_cave_wheat_vm, df_farming.spawn_cave_wheat_vm, df_farming.spawn_dead_fungus_vm, df_farming.spawn_cavern_fungi_vm, } spore_tree_shrublist = { df_farming.spawn_pig_tail_vm, df_farming.spawn_pig_tail_vm, df_farming.spawn_cave_wheat_vm, df_farming.spawn_dead_fungus_vm, df_farming.spawn_cavern_fungi_vm, } end local goblin_cap_cavern_floor = function(abs_cracks, vert_rand, vi, area, data, data_param2) local ystride = area.ystride if abs_cracks < 0.1 then df_caverns.stalagmites(abs_cracks, vert_rand, vi, area, data, data_param2, true) elseif data[vi-ystride] ~= c_air then -- leave the ground as rock if it's only one node thick if math.random() < 0.25 then data[vi] = c_dirt else data[vi] = c_dirt_moss end if math.random() < 0.1 then df_caverns.place_shrub(vi+ystride, area, data, data_param2, goblin_cap_shrublist) elseif math.random() < 0.02 then df_trees.spawn_spindlestem_vm(vi+ystride, area, data, data_param2, c_red) elseif math.random() < 0.015 then df_trees.spawn_goblin_cap_vm(vi+ystride, area, data, data_param2) end end end local spore_tree_cavern_floor = function(abs_cracks, vert_rand, vi, area, data, data_param2) local ystride = area.ystride if abs_cracks < 0.1 then df_caverns.stalagmites(abs_cracks, vert_rand, vi, area, data, data_param2, true) elseif data[vi-ystride] ~= c_air then -- leave the ground as rock if it's only one node thick if math.random() < 0.25 then data[vi] = c_dirt else data[vi] = c_pebble_fungus end if math.random() < 0.1 then df_caverns.place_shrub(vi+ystride, area, data, data_param2, spore_tree_shrublist) elseif math.random() < 0.05 then df_trees.spawn_spore_tree_vm(vi+ystride, area, data, data_param2) end end end local tunnel_tube_cavern_floor = function(abs_cracks, vert_rand, vi, area, data, data_param2) local ystride = area.ystride if abs_cracks < 0.1 then df_caverns.stalagmites(abs_cracks, vert_rand, vi, area, data, data_param2, true) elseif data[vi-ystride] ~= c_air then -- leave the ground as rock if it's only one node thick if math.random() < 0.25 then data[vi] = c_dirt else data[vi] = c_stillworm end if math.random() < 0.1 then df_caverns.place_shrub(vi+ystride, area, data, data_param2, tunnel_tube_shrublist) elseif math.random() < 0.05 then df_trees.spawn_tunnel_tube_vm(vi+ystride, area, data, data_param2) end end end local decorate_level_2 = function(minp, maxp, seed, vm, node_arrays, area, data) math.randomseed(minp.x + minp.y*2^8 + minp.z*2^16 + seed) -- make decorations consistent between runs local heatmap = minetest.get_mapgen_object("heatmap") local humiditymap = minetest.get_mapgen_object("humiditymap") local data_param2 = df_caverns.data_param2 vm:get_param2_data(data_param2) local nvals_cracks = mapgen_helper.perlin2d("df_cavern:cracks", minp, maxp, df_caverns.np_cracks) local nvals_cave = node_arrays.nvals_cave local cave_area = node_arrays.cave_area local cavern_def = node_arrays.cavern_def local vein_noise local vein_area -- Partly fill flooded caverns and warrens for vi, x, y, z in area:iterp_yxz(area.MinEdge, area.MaxEdge) do local cave_val = nvals_cave[vi] if cave_val < -flooding_threshold then if mapgen_helper.is_pos_within_box({x=x, y=y, z=z}, minp, maxp) then local index2d = mapgen_helper.index2di(minp, maxp, area, vi) local biome_name = get_biome(heatmap[index2d], humiditymap[index2d]) local cave_threshold = cavern_def.cave_threshold --check if we're just inside the boundary of the (negazone) cavern threshold if biome_name == "barren" and cave_val < -cave_threshold and cave_val > -cave_threshold - 0.01 then -- add giant rooty structures to the flooded barren caverns if vein_noise == nil then vein_noise, vein_area = mapgen_helper.perlin3d("df_caverns:wall_veins", minp, maxp, wall_vein_perlin_params) end if data[vi] == c_air and math.abs(vein_noise[vein_area:transform(area, vi)]) < 0.02 then data[vi] = c_veinstone end if log_location then log_location("level2_veinstone", area:position(vi)) end end end if data[vi] == c_air and y <= subsea_level then data[vi] = c_water -- otherwise, fill air with water when below sea level end end end --------------------------------------------------------- -- Cavern floors for _, vi in ipairs(node_arrays.cavern_floor_nodes) do local vert_rand = mapgen_helper.xz_consistent_randomi(area, vi) local index2d = mapgen_helper.index2di(minp, maxp, area, vi) local biome_name = get_biome(heatmap[index2d], humiditymap[index2d]) local abs_cracks = math.abs(nvals_cracks[index2d]) local flooded_caverns = nvals_cave[vi] < 0 -- this indicates if we're in the "flooded" set of caves or not. if minp.y < subsea_level and area:get_y(vi) < subsea_level and flooded_caverns then -- underwater floor df_caverns.flooded_cavern_floor(abs_cracks, vert_rand, vi, area, data) if log_location then log_location("level2_flooded_"..biome_name, area:position(vi)) end elseif biome_name == "barren" then if flooded_caverns then df_caverns.wet_cavern_floor(abs_cracks, vert_rand, vi, area, data, data_param2) if log_location then log_location("level2_barren_wet", area:position(vi)) end else df_caverns.dry_cavern_floor(abs_cracks, vert_rand, vi, area, data, data_param2) if log_location then log_location("level2_barren_dry", area:position(vi)) end end elseif biome_name == "goblincap" then goblin_cap_cavern_floor(abs_cracks, vert_rand, vi, area, data, data_param2) if log_location then log_location("level2_goblincap", area:position(vi)) end elseif biome_name == "sporetree" then spore_tree_cavern_floor(abs_cracks, vert_rand, vi, area, data, data_param2) if log_location then log_location("level2_sporetree", area:position(vi)) end elseif biome_name == "tunneltube" then tunnel_tube_cavern_floor(abs_cracks, vert_rand, vi, area, data, data_param2) if log_location then log_location("level2_tunneltube", area:position(vi)) end end end -------------------------------------- -- Cavern ceilings for _, vi in ipairs(node_arrays.cavern_ceiling_nodes) do local vert_rand = mapgen_helper.xz_consistent_randomi(area, vi) local index2d = mapgen_helper.index2di(minp, maxp, area, vi) local biome_name = get_biome(heatmap[index2d], humiditymap[index2d]) local abs_cracks = math.abs(nvals_cracks[index2d]) local flooded_caverns = nvals_cave[vi] < 0 -- this indicates if we're in the "flooded" set of caves or not. if flooded_caverns and minp.y < subsea_level and area:get_y(vi) < subsea_level then -- underwater ceiling, do nothing elseif biome_name == "barren" then if flooded_caverns then -- wet barren if abs_cracks < 0.1 then df_caverns.stalactites(abs_cracks, vert_rand, vi, area, data, data_param2, true) end else -- dry barren if abs_cracks < 0.075 then df_caverns.stalactites(abs_cracks, vert_rand, vi, area, data, data_param2, false) end local y = area:get_y(vi) local y_proportional = (y - df_caverns.config.level1_min) / (df_caverns.config.level2_min - df_caverns.config.level1_min) if abs_cracks * y_proportional > 0.3 and math.random() < 0.005 * y_proportional then df_mapitems.place_big_crystal_cluster(area, data, data_param2, vi, math.random(0,1), true) end end else -- all the other biomes df_caverns.glow_worm_cavern_ceiling(abs_cracks, vert_rand, vi, area, data, data_param2) end end ---------------------------------------------- -- Tunnel floors for _, vi in ipairs(node_arrays.tunnel_floor_nodes) do local index2d = mapgen_helper.index2di(minp, maxp, area, vi) local biome_name = get_biome(heatmap[index2d], humiditymap[index2d]) local flooded_caverns = nvals_cave[vi] < 0 -- this indicates if we're in the "flooded" set of caves or not. if not (flooded_caverns and minp.y < subsea_level and area:get_y(vi) < subsea_level) then if flooded_caverns or biome_name ~= "barren" then -- we're in flooded areas or are not barren df_caverns.tunnel_floor(minp, maxp, area, vi, nvals_cracks, data, data_param2, true) else df_caverns.tunnel_floor(minp, maxp, area, vi, nvals_cracks, data, data_param2, false, c_gravel) end end end ------------------------------------------------------ -- Tunnel ceiling for _, vi in ipairs(node_arrays.tunnel_ceiling_nodes) do local index2d = mapgen_helper.index2di(minp, maxp, area, vi) local biome_name = get_biome(heatmap[index2d], humiditymap[index2d]) local flooded_caverns = nvals_cave[vi] < 0 -- this indicates if we're in the "flooded" set of caves or not. local ystride = area.ystride if not (flooded_caverns and minp.y < subsea_level and area:get_y(vi) < subsea_level) then if flooded_caverns or biome_name ~= "barren" then -- we're in flooded areas or are not barren df_caverns.tunnel_ceiling(minp, maxp, area, vi, nvals_cracks, data, data_param2, true) else df_caverns.tunnel_ceiling(minp, maxp, area, vi, nvals_cracks, data, data_param2, false) end if not flooded_caverns and (biome_name == "barren" or biome_name == "sporetree") and nvals_cracks[index2d] > 0.5 then for i= 1, 4 do if math.random() > 0.5 then local index = vi-i*ystride if data[index] == c_air then df_mapitems.place_against_surface_vm(c_pearls, index, area, data, data_param2) end end end end else -- air pockets local ystride = area.ystride local cracks = nvals_cracks[index2d] if cracks > 0.4 and data[vi-ystride] == c_water then data[vi-ystride] = c_air if cracks > 0.6 and data[vi-ystride*2] == c_water then data[vi-ystride*2] = c_air end end end end ---------------------------------------------- -- Warren floors for _, vi in ipairs(node_arrays.warren_floor_nodes) do local index2d = mapgen_helper.index2di(minp, maxp, area, vi) local biome_name = get_biome(heatmap[index2d], humiditymap[index2d]) local flooded_caverns = nvals_cave[vi] < 0 -- this indicates if we're in the "flooded" set of caves or not. if log_location then local flood_name = "" if flooded_caverns then flood_name = "_flooded" end log_location("level2_warren_"..biome_name..flood_name, area:position(vi)) end if not (flooded_caverns and minp.y < subsea_level and area:get_y(vi) < subsea_level) then if flooded_caverns or biome_name ~= "barren" then -- we're in flooded areas or are not barren df_caverns.tunnel_floor(minp, maxp, area, vi, nvals_cracks, data, data_param2, true) else df_caverns.tunnel_floor(minp, maxp, area, vi, nvals_cracks, data, data_param2, false, c_gravel) end end end ------------------------------------------------------ -- Warren ceiling for _, vi in ipairs(node_arrays.warren_ceiling_nodes) do local index2d = mapgen_helper.index2di(minp, maxp, area, vi) local biome_name = get_biome(heatmap[index2d], humiditymap[index2d]) local flooded_caverns = nvals_cave[vi] < 0 -- this indicates if we're in the "flooded" set of caves or not. local ystride = area.ystride if not (flooded_caverns and minp.y < subsea_level and area:get_y(vi) < subsea_level) then if flooded_caverns or biome_name ~= "barren" then -- we're in flooded areas or are not barren df_caverns.tunnel_ceiling(minp, maxp, area, vi, nvals_cracks, data, data_param2, true) else df_caverns.tunnel_ceiling(minp, maxp, area, vi, nvals_cracks, data, data_param2, false) end if not flooded_caverns and (biome_name == "barren" or biome_name == "sporetree") and nvals_cracks[index2d] > 0.5 then for i= 1, 4 do if math.random() > 0.5 then local index = vi-i*ystride if data[index] == c_air then df_mapitems.place_against_surface_vm(c_pearls, index, area, data, data_param2) end end end end else -- air pockets local cracks = nvals_cracks[index2d] if cracks > 0.4 and data[vi-ystride] == c_water then data[vi-ystride] = c_air if cracks > 0.6 and data[vi-ystride*2] == c_water then data[vi-ystride*2] = c_air end end end end ---------------------------------------------- -- Column material override for dry biome for _, vi in ipairs(node_arrays.column_nodes) do local index2d = mapgen_helper.index2di(minp, maxp, area, vi) local biome_name = get_biome(heatmap[index2d], humiditymap[index2d]) local dry = (biome_name == "barren") and (nvals_cave[vi] > 0) if dry and data[vi] == c_wet_flowstone then data[vi] = c_dry_flowstone end if chasms_path then local pos = area:position(vi) if chasms.is_in_chasm_without_taper(pos) then local flooded_caverns = nvals_cave[vi] < 0 -- this indicates if we're in the "flooded" set of caves or not. if flooded_caverns and pos.y < subsea_level then data[vi] = c_water else data[vi] = c_air end end end end vm:set_param2_data(data_param2) end subterrane.register_layer({ name = "cavern layer 2", y_max = df_caverns.config.level1_min-1, y_min = df_caverns.config.level2_min, cave_threshold = df_caverns.config.cavern_threshold, boundary_blend_range = 64, -- range near ymin and ymax over which caves diminish to nothing perlin_cave = df_caverns.perlin_cave, perlin_wave = df_caverns.perlin_wave, solidify_lava = true, columns = { maximum_radius = 15, minimum_radius = 4, node = "df_mapitems:wet_flowstone", weight = 0.25, maximum_count = 50, minimum_count = 5, }, decorate = decorate_level_2, warren_region_variability_threshold = 0.33, double_frequency = true, is_ground_content = df_caverns.is_ground_content, })