local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())
local S, NS = dofile(MP.."/intllib.lua")

local wisp_desc
local wisp_usage

if minetest.get_modpath("doc") then
	wisp_desc = S("Mysterious blue flames may occasionally be found flickering on the edges of oil lakes, burning without oxygen and seeming to maintain their size as they drift about through the unbreathable atmosphere.")
	wisp_usage = S("Gas Wisps have no known use, and fortunately they are not hostile or very dangerous.")

minetest.register_node("mine_gas:gas_wisp", {
	description = S("Gas Wisp"),
	_doc_items_longdesc = wisp_desc,
	_doc_items_usagehelp = wisp_usage,
	walkable = false,
	is_ground_content = false,
	diggable = false,
	buildable_to = true,
	drawtype = "plantlike",
	waving = 1,
	drowning = 1,
	damage_per_second = 4,
	post_effect_color = {a = 20, r = 20, g = 20, b = 250},
	tiles = {{name = "mine_gas_wisp.png", animation =
			type = "vertical_frames",
			aspect_w = 16,
			aspect_h = 16,
			length = 1.5,
	light_source = 10,
	use_texture_alpha = true,
	groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=0},
	paramtype = "light",
	paramtype2 = "meshoptions",
	place_param2 = 0,
	-- * bit 4 (0x10, decimal 16) - Makes the plant mesh 1.4x larger
	inventory_image = "mine_gas_wisp_inventory.png",
	drop = {},
	sunlight_propagates = true,
	on_blast = function() end, -- unaffected by explosions

    label = "mine_gas:gas wisp movement",
    nodenames = {"mine_gas:gas_wisp"},
    neighbors = {"mine_gas:gas"},
    interval = 1.0,
    chance = 10,
    catch_up = true,
    action = function(pos, node)
		local next_pos = {x=pos.x+math.random(1,3)-2, y=pos.y+math.random(1,3)-2, z=pos.z+math.random(1,3)-2}
		local next_node = minetest.get_node(next_pos)
		if next_node.name == "mine_gas:gas" then
			minetest.swap_node(next_pos, node)
			minetest.swap_node(pos, next_node)
		pos = next_pos


    label = "mine_gas:gas wisp extinguish",
    nodenames = {"mine_gas:gas_wisp"},
    neighbors = {"air"},
    interval = 10,
    chance = 1,
    catch_up = true,
    action = function(pos, node)
		for y = -1, 1 do
			for x = -1, 1 do
				for z = -1, 1 do
					local node_name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+x, y=pos.y+y, z=pos.z+z}).name
					if node_name == "mine_gas:gas" or minetest.get_item_group(node_name, "flammable") > 0 then
						-- there's gas or a flammable adjacent, don't extinguish
		-- no gas adjacent, extinguish
		minetest.set_node(pos, {name="air"})