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synced 2025-03-22 12:40:26 +01:00
Split this mod into a set of sub-mods in a modpack, and in the process did a whole bunch of renovations. * updated Subterrane's API to allow for more patterned placement of things * added "warrens" * clean separation of flooded and non-flooded caverns * rearranged biomes to make cavern layers more distinct * added oil layer * added underworld layer
147 lines
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147 lines
5.2 KiB
if not df_caverns.config.enable_lava_sea then
local c_air = minetest.get_content_id("air")
local c_lava = minetest.get_content_id("default:lava_source")
local c_meseore = minetest.get_content_id("default:stone_with_mese")
local c_mese_crystal = minetest.get_content_id("df_mapitems:mese_crystal")
local c_mese_crystal_block = minetest.get_content_id("df_mapitems:glow_mese")
local c_obsidian = minetest.get_content_id("default:obsidian")
local perlin_cave = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=100, y=100, z=100},
seed = -787324,
octaves = 3,
persist = 0.67
-- large-scale rise and fall
local perlin_wave = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=1000, y=1000, z=1000},
seed = 256664,
octaves = 3,
persist = 0.67
local perlin_mese = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=500, y=500, z=500},
seed = -50001,
octaves = 3,
persist = 0.67
local median = df_caverns.config.lava_sea_level
local floor_mult = 60
local floor_displace = -25
local ceiling_mult = -40
local ceiling_displace = 15
local wave_mult = 10
local y_max = median + 2*wave_mult + -2*ceiling_mult + ceiling_displace
local y_min = median - 2*wave_mult - 2*floor_mult + floor_displace
minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, seed)
--if out of range of cave definition limits, abort
if minp.y > y_max or maxp.y < y_min then
local t_start = os.clock()
math.randomseed(minp.x + minp.y*2^8 + minp.z*2^16 + seed) -- make decorations consistent between runs
local vm, data, data_param2, area = mapgen_helper.mapgen_vm_data_param2()
local nvals_cave = mapgen_helper.perlin2d("df_caverns:lava_cave", minp, maxp, perlin_cave)
local nvals_wave = mapgen_helper.perlin2d("df_caverns:lava_wave", minp, maxp, perlin_wave)
local nvals_mese = mapgen_helper.perlin2d("df_caverns:lava_mese", minp, maxp, perlin_mese)
local nvals_lavasurface = mapgen_helper.perlin2d("df_cavern:cracks", minp, maxp, df_caverns.np_cracks)
for vi, x, y, z in area:iterp_yxz(minp, maxp) do
local index2d = mapgen_helper.index2d(minp, maxp, x, z)
local abs_cave = math.abs(nvals_cave[index2d]) -- range is from 0 to approximately 2, with 0 being connected and 2s being islands
local wave = nvals_wave[index2d] * wave_mult
local lava = nvals_lavasurface[index2d]
local floor_height = math.floor(abs_cave * floor_mult + floor_displace + median + wave)
local ceiling_height = math.floor(abs_cave * ceiling_mult + median + ceiling_displace + wave)
local lava_height = math.floor(median + lava * 2)
if y >= floor_height - 2 and y >= ceiling_height and y < ceiling_height + 2 and y <= lava_height + 2 and not mapgen_helper.buildable_to(data[vi]) then
data[vi] = c_obsidian -- obsidian ceiling
elseif y > floor_height and y < ceiling_height then
if y > lava_height then
data[vi] = c_air
data[vi] = c_lava
elseif y > floor_height - 5 and y < ceiling_height and y <= lava_height + 2 and not mapgen_helper.buildable_to(data[vi]) then
data[vi] = c_obsidian -- thick obsidian floor
elseif y < lava_height and data[vi] == c_air then
data[vi] = c_lava
-- decoration loop.
for x = minp.x + 1, maxp.x-1 do
for z = minp.z + 1, maxp.z -1 do
local index2d = mapgen_helper.index2d(minp, maxp, x, z)
local mese_intensity = math.abs(nvals_mese[index2d])
local abs_cave = math.abs(nvals_cave[index2d]) -- range is from 0 to approximately 2, with 0 being connected and 2s being islands
local wave = nvals_wave[index2d] * wave_mult
local floor_height = math.floor(abs_cave * floor_mult + floor_displace + median + wave)
local ceiling_height = math.floor(abs_cave * ceiling_mult + median + ceiling_displace + wave)
local lava = nvals_lavasurface[index2d]
local lava_height = math.floor(median + lava * 2)
if mese_intensity > 0.65 and ceiling_height > lava_height + 1 and ceiling_height > floor_height + 1 and ceiling_height <= maxp.y and ceiling_height >= minp.y then
local vi = area:index(x, ceiling_height, z)
if not mapgen_helper.buildable_to(data[vi]) then
-- decorate ceiling
if math.random() < 0.25 then
data[vi] = c_meseore
elseif mese_intensity > 0.75 and math.random() < 0.1 then
data[vi] = c_meseore
local bi = vi-area.ystride
data[bi] = c_mese_crystal
data_param2[bi] = math.random(1,4) + 19
elseif mese_intensity > 0.85 and math.random() < 0.025 then
subterrane.big_stalactite(vi-area.ystride, area, data, 6, 13, c_meseore, c_meseore, c_mese_crystal_block)
--send data back to voxelmanip
--calc lighting
vm:set_lighting({day = 0, night = 0})
--write it to world
local chunk_generation_time = math.ceil((os.clock() - t_start) * 1000) --grab how long it took
if chunk_generation_time < 1000 then
minetest.log("info", "[df_caverns] lava sea mapblock generation took "..chunk_generation_time.." ms") --tell people how long
minetest.log("warning", "[df_caverns] lava sea took "..chunk_generation_time.." ms to generate map block "
.. minetest.pos_to_string(minp) .. minetest.pos_to_string(maxp))
end) |