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synced 2025-03-22 20:50:27 +01:00
* latest versions of mapgen_helper and subterrane * initial work * call it "minetest_game" compatibility instead of "default" compatibility * Getting started on moving all default dependencies to a single root mod * distilling out more dependencies * fix some typos * more default dependencies * beds * start getting some MCL equivalents set up * mine gas dependencies * reorganize * add some mapgen stuff * getting close to actually being able to run mineclone with this * it actually runs! Crashes with out-of-memory error when you try to go below -64, but it's a start. * hide flowing pit plasma from creative inventory * mineclone 5 settings * Update subterrane * get rid of meselamp dependency, bring in ancient lanterns from deep roads * stair dependencies * add mcl fences * add mcl blast resistance and hardness to everything. Also an alternate name for Nethercap in MCL, since "nether" has another meaning there. * buckets of oil and syrup should work in mineclone now * 'splosions! * make hunters avoid repaired ancient lanterns * mapgen torchspine wasn't having its timer set * split mapgen compatibility code into its own file * bypass dependency indirection for df_farming. * apply threshold alpha to food items, they look better that way * bypass dependency indirection for df_mapitems * bypass dependency indirection for df_primordial_items * bypass dependency indirection for df_trees * bypass dependency indirection for df_underworld_items * bypass dependency indirection for df_caverns * fixing up the puzzle seal to work in both * fix puzzle seal formspec for mcl * create built-in substitutes for fireflies and bones mods for when those aren't available * set up mcl dungeon loot for underworld warriors, port over some translations from default * overlooked a debug * add itemslot backgrounds for mcl * added mineclone groups to all registered nodes. TODO: craftitems. This was extremely tedious. Completely untested, aside from simply running the game. * minor fixes to the built-in bones node * eatable group for edibles * clean up some TODOs * adjust pit plasma abm conditions * add df_ambience * fixing up explosions. Also make slade sand diggable in mcl, and fix a bug in web generators * make tower cap caves less chirpy, fix bigger goblin hut schematic, allow glowing spindlestem extract bottles * avoid an undeclared global check * alas, cave pearls aren't set up right for attached_node_facedir. * bunch of work on mineclone ores, moved main config into df_dependencies * add a few more ores * update depends in mod.conf * add opaque group to light-sensitive dirt types Mineclone adds the "opaque" group only to non-light nodes, and torches check for the opaque group to decide whether they can be placed there. light-sensitive nodes need the "light" paramtype to work, though. So adding the opaque group manually to these. * add a touch of reverb to one of the whisper tracks, it didn't fit with the others without it * bloodthorn also needs to be set opaque * add sound to torchspines * isolate Nethercap translation name to make it easier to swap out in Mineclone contexts * ambience tweak * fix dirt spreads https://github.com/FaceDeer/dfcaverns/issues/35 * adding achievements! Almost all untested yet. * fix a few achievements glitches * tweak some more achievements, add delay when achievements unlock other achievements * fix farming achievements, fix spindlestem callbacks on place * icons for farming achievements * more achievement icons, fix ancient lantern achievement * two more icons, update text * add icons for upper cavern layers * all achievements have icons now. Also add another sound to the magma sea ambience * hook into awards' trigger system to get "x/y" progress displayed for the multi-achievement achievements * ironically, Mineclone has an old version of awards that is incompatible with my trigger work. * every award should now have a description and a difficulty. * removing leftovers * missing callbacks for farmables * put growth restrictions on farmables so the achievement doesn't trigger inappropriately. * enable ores in MCL2, fix some undeclared globals, fix icecap growth in MCL (achievements are a good debugging tool) * get *all* the copper and iron containing nodes * fix old awards mod's handling of grouped dig items * Add a little bonus for players who activate a slade breacher - a handheld 'splosion tool * used the wrong drop method * beef up explosions in MCL, make slade brick craftable from slade sand and lava * better creative mode checks, fix crash when digging walls in MCL * Update subterrane * various bugfixes and tweaks * whipping up a simple puzzle chest to give a clue about ancient numbering The coding is done, but UI and a node mesh need to be done * prepare for some art tomorrow * chest node and sounds * images for the combination dials * add puzzle chests to the underworld buildings * update translations * oops, can't initialize the contents of puzzle chests every time or players get endless stuff * add backgrounds to item slots in MCL * wrap the existing function rather than copy and pasting it * fix bucket dependency in cooking recipes * add _mcl_saturation to edibles
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df_trees.doc = {}
local nethercap_name = df_dependencies.nethercap_name
if not minetest.get_modpath("doc") then
local S = minetest.get_translator(minetest.get_current_modname())
-- Trees
df_trees.doc.black_cap_desc = S("The dense black wood of these mushrooms is heavy and hard to work with, and has few remarkable properties.")
df_trees.doc.black_cap_usage = S("Aside from the artistic applications of its particularly dark color, black cap wood is a long-burning fuel source that's as good as coal for some applications. Black cap gills are oily and make for excellent torch fuel.")
df_trees.doc.blood_thorn_desc = S("Blood thorns are the most vicious of underground flora, as befits their harsh environments. Found only in hot, dry caverns with sandy soil far from the surface world's organic bounty, blood thorns seek to supplement their nutrient supply with wickedly barbed hollow spines that actively drain fluids from whatever stray plant or creature they might impale.")
df_trees.doc.blood_thorn_usage = S("When harvested, the central stalk of a blood thorn can be cut into planks and used as wood. It has a purple-red hue that may or may not appeal, depending on one's artistic tastes.")
df_trees.doc.blood_thorn_spike_desc = S("The spikes of a blood thorn can actually remain living long after they're severed from their parent stalk, a testament to their tenacity. As long as they remain alive they will continue to actively drain anything they puncture, though they don't grow.")
df_trees.doc.blood_thorn_spike_usage = S("Living blood thorn spikes remain harmful to creatures that touch them. If killed by bright light, they cause only passive damage to creatures that fall on them (as one would expect from an enormous spike).")
df_trees.doc.fungiwood_desc = S("Thin, irregular layers of spore-producing 'shelves' surround the strong central stalk of the mighty Fungiwood.")
df_trees.doc.fungiwood_usage = S("Fungiwood stalk is strong and very fine-grained, making smooth yellow-tinted lumber when cut. Fungiwood shelf is too fragile to be much use as anything other than fuel.")
df_trees.doc.goblin_cap_desc = S("Massive but squat, mature goblin cap mushrooms are the size of small cottages.")
df_trees.doc.goblin_cap_usage = S("Goblin cap stem and cap material can be cut into wood of two different hues, a subdued cream and a bright orange-red.")
df_trees.doc.nether_cap_desc = S("@1 have an unusual biochemistry that allows them to somehow subsist on ambient heat, in violation of all known laws of thermodynamics. They grow deep underground in frigid, icy caverns that should by all rights be volcanic.", nethercap_name)
df_trees.doc.nether_cap_usage = S("@1 wood, in addition to being a beautiful blue hue, retains the odd heat-draining ability of living icecaps and is able to quickly freeze nearby water solid.", nethercap_name)
df_trees.doc.spore_tree_desc = S("Spore trees have a sturdy 'trunk' that supports a large spongy mesh of branching fibers, with embedded fruiting bodies that produce a copious amount of spores that gently rain down around the spore tree's base.")
df_trees.doc.spore_tree_usage = S("Spore tree trunks can be cut into pale woody planks. The branching fibers and fruiting bodies are only useful as fuel.")
df_trees.doc.tower_cap_desc = S("The king of the fungi, tower cap mushrooms grow to immense proportions.")
df_trees.doc.tower_cap_usage = S("Tower caps are an excellent source of wood.")
df_trees.doc.tunnel_tube_desc = S("Tunnel tubes are hollow, curved fungal growths that support a fruiting body.")
if df_trees.config.enable_tnt then
df_trees.doc.tunnel_tube_usage = S("The trunk of a tunnel tube can be cut and processed to produce plywood-like material. The fruiting body accumulates high-energy compounds that, when ignited, produce a vigorous detonation - a unique adaptation for spreading tunnel tube spawn through the still cavern air.")
df_trees.doc.tunnel_tube_usage = S("The trunk of a tunnel tube can be cut and processed to produce plywood-like material.")
df_trees.doc.torchspine_desc = S("Torchspines are strange organic formations that are alive only in a technical sense. They \"feed\" on volatile flammable vapors vented up through their structure, growing from combustion residue deposited at their tips.")
df_trees.doc.torchspine_usage = S("A torchspine alternates between active and quiescent phases and emits dim light when active. They can be harvested for torches, and their embers sprout into new torchspines when placed on flammable surfaces.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_desc = S("Spindlestems are too big to easily pluck by hand but too small to be called a proper tree. Nevertheless, they are a common and useful resource for underground travelers - particularly their glowing caps.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_usage = S("The stem of a Spindlestem is surprisingly sturdy, and despite their thinness they can grow quite tall. They can be used as a wood substitute in many crafting recipes.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_white_desc = S("The cap of a Spindlestem, uncontaminated by any symbiotic luminescent microorganisms.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_white_usage = S("These things are useless except as weak fuel for a fire.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_red_desc = S("The cap of a Spindlestem, glowing a weak red due to symbiotic microorganisms.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_red_usage = S("Red Spindlestems are a sign of nearby iron deposits - or perhaps Goblin Caps. Their glowing symbiotes can be extracted as a long-lived light source, though the glow is weak.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_green_desc = S("The cap of a Spindlestem, glowing a soft green due to symbiotic microorganisms.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_green_usage = S("Green Spindlestems are a sign of nearby copper deposits. Their glowing symbiotes can be extracted as a long-lived light source, though the glow is not strong.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_cyan_desc = S("The cap of a Spindlestem, glowing a strong cyan due to symbiotic microorganisms.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_cyan_usage = S("Cyan Spindlestems are a sign of both copper and iron deposits nearby. Their glowing symbiotes can be extracted as a long-lived light source.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_golden_desc = S("The cap of a Spindlestem, glowing a brilliant yellow due to symbiotic microorganisms.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_golden_usage = S("Golden Spindlestems are a sign of rare and magical mineral deposits nearby. Their glowing symbiotes can be extracted as a strong and long-lived light source.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_extract_red_desc = S("Living extract from the cap of a red Spindlestem.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_extract_red_usage = df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_red_usage
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_extract_green_desc = S("Living extract from the cap of a green Spindlestem.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_extract_green_usage = df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_green_usage
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_extract_cyan_desc = S("Living extract from the cap of a cyan Spindlestem.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_extract_cyan_usage = df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_cyan_usage
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_extract_golden_desc = S("Living extract from the cap of a yellow Spindlestem.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_extract_golden_usage = df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_golden_usage |