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synced 2025-03-21 12:10:28 +01:00
* cave pearls and spindleshrooms (name subject to change) now are things. Not in mapgen yet. * add the wandering "gas wisp" to light up some of the gas-filled caverns * make wisps rarely spawned by gas explosions * revamp spindlestems into a sort of mineral detector, add glowing extract bottles * optimize pngs * add gas wisps to mapgen * add spindlestems to cavern level 1, most level 1 warrens are now lit up * update internal names, adjust mineral detection range * add cave pearls to some level 2 warrens and tunnels * switch experimental simplecrafting_lib support to crafting mod * Pearls don't grow on falling nodes * put spindlestems with goblin caps, make them always grow red when near those * bunch of documentation * add castle coral to replace cave coral, which has been repurposed into column decoration * documentation for cave coral, update some locale text * add a recipe for cooking oil into paraffin * add old bones to the underworld * MIT license for bones_loot * also cook black cap gills into paraffin, they're oily * add salt crystals to the bloodthorn caverns, illuminating the floor * documentation for salt crystals * auto-generate minetestmapper colors. need to update the spindlestem colours manually * add spindlestem to fungiwood caverns too, and increase warren coverage * in anticipation of eventually adding stuff below the Slade, making glowing pit erosion self-limiting. * add a bit of displacement to the underside of the slade layer * Unique images and names for cooking recipes. * revamp bones loot * add softer footsteps for some fungus types * update mapgen_helper * update cave coral screenshot * mention glowing salts in bloodthorn caverns
71 lines
7.2 KiB
71 lines
7.2 KiB
df_trees.doc = {}
if not minetest.get_modpath("doc") then
-- internationalization boilerplate
local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())
local S, NS = dofile(MP.."/intllib.lua")
-- Trees
df_trees.doc.black_cap_desc = S("The dense black wood of these mushrooms is heavy and hard to work with, and has few remarkable properties.")
df_trees.doc.black_cap_usage = S("Aside from the artistic applications of its particularly dark color, black cap wood is a long-burning fuel source that's as good as coal for some applications. Black cap gills are oily and make for excellent torch fuel.")
df_trees.doc.blood_thorn_desc = S("Blood thorns are the most vicious of underground flora, as befits their harsh environments. Found only in hot, dry caverns with sandy soil far from the surface world's organic bounty, blood thorns seek to supplement their nutrient supply with wickedly barbed hollow spines that actively drain fluids from whatever stray plant or creature they might impale.")
df_trees.doc.blood_thorn_usage = S("When harvested, the central stalk of a blood thorn can be cut into planks and used as wood. It has a purple-red hue that may or may not appeal, depending on one's artistic tastes.")
df_trees.doc.blood_thorn_spike_desc = S("The spikes of a blood thorn can actually remain living long after they're severed from their parent stalk, a testament to their tenacity. As long as they remain alive they will continue to actively drain anything they puncture, though they don't grow.")
df_trees.doc.blood_thorn_spike_usage = S("Living blood thorn spikes remain harmful to creatures that touch them. If killed by bright light, they cause only passive damage to creatures that fall on them (as one would expect from an enormous spike).")
df_trees.doc.fungiwood_desc = S("Thin, irregular layers of spore-producing 'shelves' surround the strong central stalk of the mighty Fungiwood.")
df_trees.doc.fungiwood_usage = S("Fungiwood stalk is strong and very fine-grained, making smooth yellow-tinted lumber when cut. Fungiwood shelf is too fragile to be much use as anything other than fuel.")
df_trees.doc.goblin_cap_desc = S("Massive but squat, mature goblin cap mushrooms are the size of small cottages.")
df_trees.doc.goblin_cap_usage = S("Goblin cap stem and cap material can be cut into wood of two different hues, a subdued cream and a bright orange-red.")
df_trees.doc.nether_cap_desc = S("Nether caps have an unusual biochemistry that allows them to somehow subsist on ambient heat, in violation of all known laws of thermodynamics. They grow deep underground in frigid, icy caverns that should by all rights be volcanic.")
df_trees.doc.nether_cap_usage = S("Nether cap wood, in addition to being a beautiful blue hue, retains the odd heat-draining ability of living nether caps and is able to quickly freeze nearby water solid.")
df_trees.doc.spore_tree_desc = S("Spore trees have a sturdy 'trunk' that supports a large spongy mesh of branching fibers, with embedded fruiting bodies that produce a copious amount of spores that gently rain down around the spore tree's base.")
df_trees.doc.spore_tree_usage = S("Spore tree trunks can be cut into pale woody planks. The branching fibers and fruiting bodies are only useful as fuel.")
df_trees.doc.tower_cap_desc = S("The king of the fungi, tower cap mushrooms grow to immense proportions.")
df_trees.doc.tower_cap_usage = S("Tower caps are an excellent source of wood.")
df_trees.doc.tunnel_tube_desc = S("Tunnel tubes are hollow, curved fungal growths that support a fruiting body.")
if df_trees.config.enable_tnt then
df_trees.doc.tunnel_tube_usage = S("The trunk of a tunnel tube can be cut and processed to produce plywood-like material. The fruiting body accumulates high-energy compounds that, when ignited, produce a vigorous detonation - a unique adaptation for spreading tunnel tube spawn through the still cavern air.")
df_trees.doc.tunnel_tube_usage = S("The trunk of a tunnel tube can be cut and processed to produce plywood-like material.")
df_trees.doc.torchspine_desc = S("Torchspines are strange organic formations that are alive only in a technical sense. They \"feed\" on volatile flammable vapors vented up through their structure, growing from combustion residue deposited at their tips.")
df_trees.doc.torchspine_usage = S("A torchspine alternates between active and quiescent phases and emits dim light when active. They can be harvested for torches, and their embers sprout into new torchspines when placed on flammable surfaces.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_desc = S("Spindlestems are too big to easily pluck by hand but too small to be called a proper tree. Nevertheless, they are a common and useful resource for underground travelers - particularly their glowing caps.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_usage = S("The stem of a Spindlestem is surprisingly sturdy, and despite their thinness they can grow quite tall. They can be used as a wood substitute in many crafting recipes.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_white_desc = S("The cap of a Spindlestem, uncontaminated by any symbiotic luminescent microorganisms.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_white_usage = S("These things are useless except as weak fuel for a fire.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_red_desc = S("The cap of a Spindlestem, glowing a weak red due to symbiotic microorganisms.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_red_usage = S("Red Spindlestems are a sign of nearby iron deposits - or perhaps Goblin Caps. Their glowing symbiotes can be extracted as a long-lived light source, though the glow is weak.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_green_desc = S("The cap of a Spindlestem, glowing a soft green due to symbiotic microorganisms.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_green_usage = S("Green Spindlestems are a sign of nearby copper deposits. Their glowing symbiotes can be extracted as a long-lived light source, though the glow is not strong.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_cyan_desc = S("The cap of a Spindlestem, glowing a strong cyan due to symbiotic microorganisms.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_cyan_usage = S("Cyan Spindlestems are a sign of both copper and iron deposits nearby. Their glowing symbiotes can be extracted as a long-lived light source.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_golden_desc = S("The cap of a Spindlestem, glowing a brilliant yellow due to symbiotic microorganisms.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_golden_usage = S("Golden Spindlestems are a sign of rare and magical mineral deposits nearby. Their glowing symbiotes can be extracted as a strong and long-lived light source.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_extract_red_desc = S("Living extract from the cap of a red Spindlestem.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_extract_red_usage = df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_red_usage
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_extract_green_desc = S("Living extract from the cap of a green Spindlestem.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_extract_green_usage = df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_green_usage
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_extract_cyan_desc = S("Living extract from the cap of a cyan Spindlestem.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_extract_cyan_usage = df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_cyan_usage
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_extract_golden_desc = S("Living extract from the cap of a yellow Spindlestem.")
df_trees.doc.spindlestem_extract_golden_usage = df_trees.doc.spindlestem_cap_golden_usage |