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synced 2025-03-27 15:20:23 +01:00
* bring in the art assets from ClockGen's "better_caves_modpack" under CC BY 4.0,, code written from scratch. * update mapgen_helper * import ClockGen's giant mushroom schematics, make them and giant ferns growable * add giant jungle mushroom, rough out actual cavern layer code framework * fungal ceiling decorations * decorate fungal floor a bit * update mapgen_helper * update primordial mushroom schematic placement to ensure it fits * add giant mycelium fungoidal structure * add giant mycelium to mapgen * fix settings for giant mycelium * make mycelium grow when players aren't present * allow mycelium growth to pause when it hits unloaded areas * add a use for giant mycelium * make giant mushrooms edible, make jungle trees growable * rough out the jungle biome * Make a spectrum of jungle growth * optimize pngs, add is_ground_content to everything * use custom is_ground_content method * fix a crash with veinstone, and simplify nvals_cave lookup now that overgen covers the same area * more fixes for overgen support * remove unintentional airspace from underside of slade * fix for overgen crash in level 2 * primordial column material, add sealed shafts to underworld * add seal block * Set up puzzle seals to be able to dig a staircase shaft through the slade layer. TODO: the puzzle to guard the trigger. * puzzle seals now fully functional. Need to add clues for decoding the keys next. * add a small bit of anti-griefing - the seal breach bell only tolls globally 13 times per activation * add flowers to the underworld warrior bones * switch to a different key bell * fancy up the puzzle seal temples with some custom blocks, add sub-slade grid passages * add a clue to the seal formspec * tweak background of inscription 2 so it's less obviously a copy of the background for inscription 1 * switch to compositing to save a few bytes * fancy up the seal's upper surface with inscriptions to make the formspec feel consistent * puzzle particle, bones were only spawning on top of structures * fix ice/oil on level 3, tweak some loot probabilities * add trail mod support * remove deprecated files * boost default plant growth delay, add growing selection boxes * update map colours * add named waypoints to the underworld * try a more efficient way of changing the interiors of columns * polishing up the Primordial layer * update guide with some Primordial teasers * updated magma sea screenshot * update mapgen_helper and subterrane * reduce density of megaflora a bit - was too hard to walk through * spreading_dirt_type depends on light, create my own ABM instead * add names to the glowing pits and some of the ruins * separate setting for ruin markers * record identity of slade-breachers * make mycelia climbable * update subterrane * change surface tunnel detection to allow above-ground stalactites and stalagmites * add rare thicker Goblin Caps, suitable for use as huts. * better goblin cap schematics * update colours * make it slightly harder to dig down through amethyst sheathing of pits * fixing up fungus light sensitivity, tree growth code * fix a few minor bugs * update deprecated functions * add various eating sounds * make mapping kit requirement more flexible * update spindlestem growth code, remove deprecated functions * fix leftover undefined variable * add fireflies to primordial, spread out the post-mapgen node timer for plant matter a bit more. * fix bones formspec * add lbm to upgrade old bones * fix slade undiggability * make torchspines smokey and manually lightable * fix drop definitions * generate dry stalactites in near-surface caverns. * caverns become far too smokey, alas * add pitter patter of spore tree spores, alternate paper recipe * new mapgen_helper metrics * add smokey back to torchspine now that it can be dialed down a bit * replace glowstone texture with a new animated one * switch from ABM to node timer for mapgen mycelium growth * make mapgen mycelium timer delay configurable * improve the efficiency of giant mycelium growth using flat node array, fewer dereferences * remove the smoke from torchspines again - it doesn't dissipate that deep underground * give slade a more muted, gloomy hue to differentiate it from nether stone * update screenshots with new slade colors * update mapgen_helper
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name "glowing_pits" {
customGroupA = "Actinic, Amethyst, Angry, Atrocious, Bad, Blighted, Baneful, Baleful, Beastly, Calamitous, Corrupt, Crazed, Damnable, Demoniacal, Demonic, Depraved, Destructive, Devilish, Diabolical, Disastrous, Execrable, Fiendish, Foul, Frenzied, Glaring, Harmful, Hateful, Heinous, Hellish, Hideous, Infernal, Iniquitous, Injurious, Loathsome, Lost, Maleficent, Malevolent, Malicious, Malignant, Manic, Nefarious, Nightmare, Obscene, Offensive, Pernicious, Poison, Possessed, Rancorous, Repugnant, Repulsive, Revolting, Spiteful, Unhallowed, Unpleasant, Vicious, Vile, Villainous, Violent, Wicked, Wrathful"
customGroupB = "Abyss, Aperture, Breach, Cavity, Chasm, Crevasse, Depth, Deep, Fissure, Funnel, Gate, Gulf, Hell, Hole, Hollow, Inferno, Maw, Mouth, Opening, Pit, Portal, Puncture, Ravager, Rent, Rift, Rim, Schism, Shaft, Split, Throat, Void, Well"
customGroupC = "Adversity, Affliction, Annihilation, Bale, Bane, Blight, Calamity, Cataclysm, Catastrophe, Collapse, Conclusion, Condemnation, Death, Defeat, Destiny, Destruction, Disaster, Doom, Downfall, Failure, Grief, Harm, Hazard, Judgment, Karma, Misadventure, Mischance, Misfortune, Mishap, Ruin, Ruination, Tragedy, Undoing, Verdict, Woe"
rules = "%50The_$A_$B, The_$B_of_$C, %10The_$A_$B_of_$C"
name "underworld_ruins" {
customGroupA = "Abandoned, Absent, Adrift, Alien, Anonymous, Bare, Barren, Blank, Buried, Clandestine, Cloaked, Concealed, Covered, Cryptic, Dark, Dead, Depleted, Deserted, Desolate, Despoiled, Destitute, Devoid, Disappeared, Distant, Exhausted, Empty, Forfeit, Forfeited, Forsaken, Hidden, Incognito, Indiscernible, Invisible, Irretrievable, Irrevocable, Masked, Mislaid, Misplaced, Mystic, Mystical, Nameless, Obscured, Secluded, Secret, Sequestered, Shadowy, Shrouded, Stark, Strange, Uncelebrated, Uncharted, Undiscovered, Unexplained, Unexplored, Unfamiliar, Unfilled, Unidentified, Unknown, Unnamed, Unredeemed, Unsung, Untold, Vacant, Vacated, Vanished, Veiled, Wayward, Warrior's, King's, Knave's, Coward's, Cardinal's, Priest's, Soldier's, Noble, Steadfast, Children's, Howling, Silent, Grinding, Dusty"
customGroupB = "Temple, Chapel, House, Sanctuary, Shrine, Fortress, Tomb, Crypt, Graves, Citadel, Garrison, Rampart, Redoubt, Refuge, Asylum, Haven, Hideout, Retreat, Shelter, Stronghold, Covert, Den, Settlement, Preserve, Seat, Watch, Bulwark, Necropolis, Catacomb, Ruin, Hulk, Wreck"
rules = "The_$A_$B"
} |