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synced 2025-03-15 17:20:26 +01:00
commit 0a61781b99ec16166ba66f8cb19cd679c8a04f03 Author: FaceDeer <derksenmobile@gmail.com> Date: Mon Aug 1 14:50:07 2022 -0600 add an additional check to ensure old timers don't cause inappropriate growth commit 1d7b6010c36119e2a183478833e5e44759caeaca Author: FaceDeer <derksenmobile@gmail.com> Date: Mon Aug 1 13:21:29 2022 -0600 stop timers when seeds are picked up commit c8fa25ccd79b775d98e32db2a6937f27e1d1ed2c Author: FaceDeer <derksenmobile@gmail.com> Date: Mon Aug 1 13:05:24 2022 -0600 fix replacements for dwarven syrup taffy recipe commit 4de45bb6d728b0696a1e968744b06191e9283c14 Author: FaceDeer <derksenmobile@gmail.com> Date: Mon Aug 1 11:09:48 2022 -0600 account for some additional mod dependencies commit 83ea06bbaa709daab22ff934e901ef0e9dc85767 Author: FaceDeer <derksenmobile@gmail.com> Date: Mon Aug 1 11:09:14 2022 -0600 update cooking recipes to be more specific. commit 302da3ec5155c5be1a29e781cd90b7e84274f831 Author: FaceDeer <derksenmobile@gmail.com> Date: Fri Jul 29 17:12:59 2022 -0600 add location logging for debugging purposes commit 11667e184ebeb9f9d43666b3ccbc1bc71d0bcc70 Author: FaceDeer <derksenmobile@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 24 16:54:21 2022 -0600 add checks for submods being present the df_trees and df_farming checks are likely redundant, but if primordial layers are disabled someone might not have df_primordial_items installed. commit 5906308d87e48841a46855e023201ea6d8e6159c Author: FaceDeer <derksenmobile@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 24 16:49:23 2022 -0600 add config settings for biome restrictions, vastly reduce copy and paste in code commit e52820c2822baf71e4647cf3181b247eac9703aa Author: FaceDeer <derksenmobile@gmail.com> Date: Sat Jul 23 20:45:26 2022 -0600 add initial stab at growing conditions - biome restrictions for trees commit 7b99556df9c8f95f5311b9822eb6210ac3038d34 Author: FaceDeer <derksenmobile@gmail.com> Date: Sat Jul 23 12:08:41 2022 -0600 adding biome API. Not yet tested. commit bf82b3b3fed9bd62b280cb549d972a924f514208 Author: FaceDeer <derksenmobile@gmail.com> Date: Fri Jul 22 21:22:37 2022 -0600 added stubs for growth permission for farming plants commit 46765df3ef01cf031cbe5074d781792a8218e1a8 Author: FaceDeer <derksenmobile@gmail.com> Date: Fri Jul 22 18:36:45 2022 -0600 initial work for restricted plant growth. split out growth conditions for trees, and reworked torchspine to not use ABMs while I was at it.
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190 lines
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local data = {}
chasms = {}
local ignore = {}
-- Use this to set node types to be left alone by chasm-carving
chasms.register_ignore = function(node_name)
ignore[minetest.get_content_id(node_name)] = true
chasms.ignore_content_id = function(content_id)
return ignore[content_id]
local maxy = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("chasms_maxy")) or -50
local miny = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("chasms_miny")) or -2500
local falloff = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("chasms_falloff")) or 100
local web_probability = 0.15 -- the chance that a given mapblock will have webbing criss-crossing the chasm
local chasms_threshold = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("chasms_threshold")) or 0.9
local np_chasms_default = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x = 50, y = 1000, z = 3000},
seed = 94586,
octaves = 2,
persist = 0.63,
lacunarity = 2.0,
local np_chasms = minetest.settings:get_np_group("chasms_params") or np_chasms_default
-- For some reason, these numbers are returned as strings by get_np_group.
local tonumberize_params = function(params)
params.scale = tonumber(params.scale)
params.lacunarity = tonumber(params.lacunarity)
params.spread.x = tonumber(params.spread.x)
params.spread.y = tonumber(params.spread.y)
params.spread.z = tonumber(params.spread.z)
params.offset = tonumber(params.offset)
params.persistence = tonumber(params.persistence)
local nobj_chasm
local chasm_data = {}
local waver_strength = 8
local waver_vector = {x=waver_strength, y=0, z=0}
local np_waver = {
offset = 0,
scale = waver_strength,
spread = {x = 50, y = 50, z = 50},
seed = 49585,
octaves = 2,
persist = 0.63,
lacunarity = 2.0,
local nobj_waver
local waver_data = {}
local minfalloff = miny + falloff
local maxfalloff = maxy - falloff
local get_intensity = function(y)
if y < miny or y > maxy then
return 0
if y <= maxfalloff and y >= minfalloff then
return 1
if y < minfalloff then
return (y-miny)/falloff
-- if y > maxfalloff then
return (maxy-y)/falloff
-- end
local c_air = minetest.get_content_id("air")
local c_web
local log_location
if mapgen_helper.log_location_enabled then
log_location = mapgen_helper.log_first_location
local big_webs_path = minetest.get_modpath("big_webs")
if big_webs_path then
c_web = minetest.get_content_id("big_webs:webbing")
local z_displace = 10000
local calculate_web_array = function(minp, maxp)
local seed = math.random()*10000000
math.randomseed(minp.y + z_displace*minp.z) -- use consistent seeds across the x axis
local webs = {}
for count = 1, math.random(5,20) do
local width = math.random(5, 25)
local direction_vertical = math.random() > 0.5
local web_y = math.random(minp.y+8, maxp.y-8)
local web_z = math.random(minp.z+8, maxp.z-8)
for i = -math.floor(width/2), math.ceil(width/2) do
if direction_vertical then
webs[(web_y+i) + web_z*z_displace] = true
webs[web_y + (web_z+i)*z_displace] = true
return webs
minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, seed)
if minp.y >= maxy or maxp.y <= miny then
-- check if webs are present
local webs
local webs_present = false
if big_webs_path then
local seed = math.random()*10000000
math.randomseed(minp.y + z_displace*minp.z) -- use consistent seeds across the x axis
if math.random() < web_probability then
webs_present = true
local vm, emin, emax = minetest.get_mapgen_object("voxelmanip")
nobj_chasm = nobj_chasm or minetest.get_perlin_map(np_chasms, {x = emax.x - emin.x + 1 + waver_strength*2, y = emax.y - emin.y + 1, z = emax.z - emin.z + 1})
nobj_chasm:get_3d_map_flat(vector.subtract(emin, waver_vector), chasm_data)
nobj_waver = nobj_waver or minetest.get_perlin_map(np_waver, {x = emax.x - emin.x + 1, y = emax.y - emin.y + 1, z = emax.z - emin.z + 1})
nobj_waver:get_3d_map_flat(emin, waver_data)
local chasm_area = VoxelArea:new{MinEdge = vector.subtract(emin, waver_vector), MaxEdge = vector.add(emax, waver_vector)}
local data_area = VoxelArea:new{MinEdge = emin, MaxEdge = emax}
for i, x, y, z in data_area:iterp_xyz(emin, emax) do
local waver = math.min(math.max(math.floor(waver_data[i]+0.5), -waver_strength), waver_strength)
local intensity = get_intensity(y)
if chasm_data[chasm_area:index(x+waver, y, z)]*intensity > chasms_threshold then
if not ignore[data[i]] then
if webs_present then
webs = webs or calculate_web_array(minp, maxp) -- only calculate webs when we know we're in a chasm
if webs[y + z*z_displace] and math.random() < 0.85 then -- random holes in the web
data[i] = c_web
local web_pos = vector.new(x,y,z)
minetest.get_node_timer(web_pos):start(1) -- this timer will check for unsupported webs
if log_location then log_location("chasm_web", web_pos) end
data[i] = c_air
data[i] = c_air
if log_location then log_location("chasm", vector.new(x,y,z)) end
local nobj_local_chasm = minetest.get_perlin(np_chasms)
local nobj_local_waver = minetest.get_perlin(np_waver)
chasms.is_in_chasm = function(pos)
nobj_local_chasm = nobj_local_chasm or minetest.get_perlin(np_chasms)
nobj_local_waver = nobj_local_waver or minetest.get_perlin(np_waver)
local waver = math.min(math.max(math.floor(nobj_local_waver:get_3d(pos)+0.5), -waver_strength), waver_strength)
local chasm_value = nobj_local_chasm:get_3d({x=pos.x+waver, y=pos.y, z=pos.z})
return chasm_value*get_intensity(pos.y) > chasms_threshold
-- A little cheaper to run, for mapgens that know they don't have to worry about the tops and bottoms of chasms
chasms.is_in_chasm_without_taper = function(pos)
nobj_local_chasm = nobj_local_chasm or minetest.get_perlin(np_chasms)
nobj_local_waver = nobj_local_waver or minetest.get_perlin(np_waver)
local waver = math.min(math.max(math.floor(nobj_local_waver:get_3d(pos)+0.5), -waver_strength), waver_strength)
local chasm_value = nobj_local_chasm:get_3d({x=pos.x+waver, y=pos.y, z=pos.z})
return chasm_value > chasms_threshold
end |