#!/bin/bash # This program generates a bitmap font for font_api mod for Minetest game. # (c) Andrzej Pieńkowski <pienkowski.andrzej@gmail.com> # (c) Pierre-Yves Rollo <dev@pyrollo.com> # License: GPL usage() { echo "Usage: $0 fontfile fontname fontsize" echo "fontfile: A TTF font file to use to create textures." echo "fontname: The font name to be used in font_api (should be simple, with no spaces)." echo "fontsize: Font height to be rendered." } if [ $# -ne 3 ] then usage exit 1 fi fontfile=$1 fontname=$2 fontsize=$3 if [ ! -r "$fontfile" ] then echo "$fontfile not readable." exit 1 fi # check imagemagick hash convert &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "Error: This program requires convert from ImageMagick! Please install it by typing 'sudo apt-get install imagemagick' in terminal." abort=1 fi # check ttx hash ttx &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "Error: This program requires ttx from FontTools! Please install it by typing 'sudo apt-get install fonttools' in terminal." abort=1 fi if [ $abort ] then exit 1 fi generate() { for i in $(seq $((0x$1)) $((0x$2))) do if echo "$codepoints" | grep -qi $(printf "0x%x" $i) then hex=$(printf "%04x" $i) echo -e "Generating textures/font_${fontname}_$hex.png file for \"\\U$hex\" char." if [[ "$hex" == "005c" ]] # Backslash char then convert -background none -fill black -font "$fontfile" -pointsize $fontsize label:"\\\\" -colorspace gray -channel alpha -threshold 50% textures/font_${fontname}_$hex.png else convert -background none -fill black -font "$fontfile" -pointsize $fontsize label:"$(echo -en "\\U$hex")" -colorspace gray -channel alpha -threshold 50% textures/font_${fontname}_$hex.png fi fi done } mkdir textures # Reads all available code points in the font. codepoints=$(ttx -o - "$fontfile" | grep "<map code=" | cut -d \" -f 2) # Mandatory chars generate 0020 007f # generate space and null characters if [ ! -f "textures/font_${fontname}_0030.png" ]; then echo "Error: Something wrong happened! Font was not generated!" exit 1 else size=$(identify textures/font_${fontname}_0030.png | cut -d " " -f 3) if ! [[ $fontHeight =~ $re ]] ; then echo "Error: Something wrong happened! Generated files might be broken!" exit 1 else w=$(expr $(echo $size | cut -d x -f 1) - 1) h=$(expr $(echo $size | cut -d x -f 2) - 1) # Space char convert -size $size xc:transparent -colorspace gray textures/font_${fontname}_0020.png # Null char convert -size $size xc:transparent -colorspace gray -stroke black -fill transparent -strokewidth 1 -draw "rectangle 0,0 $w,$h" textures/font_${fontname}_0000.png fi fi # Optional Unicode pages (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode) : # 00a0-00ff Latin-1 Supplement (full) generate 00a0 00ff # 0100-017f Latin Extended-A (full) generate 0100 017f # 0370-03ff Greek (full) generate 0370 03ff # 0400-04ff Cyrilic (full) generate 0400 04ff # 2000-206f General Punctuation (Limited to Dashes) generate 2010 2015 # 2000-206f General Punctuation (Limited to Quotes) generate 2018 201F # 20a0-20cf Currency Symbols (Limited to Euro symbol) generate 20ac 20ac