# textdomain: exchange_shop # shop.lua Title:= Set= You give:= You get:= Exchange= You need= You give= := Current stock:= Income= Outgoing= Use (E) + (Right click) for customer interface= owned by @1= Exchange shop (owned by @1= Exchange shop:= Exchange Shop= Exchange shop (constructing)= Cannot dig exchange shop: one or multiple stocks are in use.= Exchange shop: Insert your trade goods into 'Outgoing'.= # shop_functions.lua One or multiple ejection fields are filled.= Please empty them or contact the shop owner.= The field '@1' can not contain multiple times the same items.= The field '@1' can not contain multiple times the same items.= Please contact the shop owner.= The stock in this shop is full.= Please contact the shop owner.= This shop is sold out.= You do not have enough space in your inventory.= You do not have the required items.= Warning! Stacks are overflowing somewhere!=