# textdomain: exchange_shop # shop.lua Exchange Shop=Trgovina Exchange Shop Exchange Shop:=Izmenjevalnica: Exchange Shop: "@1"=Trgovina z menjalnicami: "@1" Owned by @1=V lasti @1 Current stock:=Trenutna zaloga: You need:=Potrebujete: You give:=Vi dajete: Exchange=Izmenjava You get:=Dobili boste: Income=Prihodki Outgoing=Odhajajoči Use (E) + (Right click) for customer interface=Uporabite (E) + (desni klik) za uporabniški vmesnik Cannot dig exchange shop: one or multiple stocks are in use.=Ni mogoče izkopati menjalnice: v uporabi je ena ali več zalog. Exchange shop: Insert your trade goods into 'Outgoing'.=Menjalnica: Vstavite svoje trgovsko blago v "Odhodno". # shop_functions.lua One or multiple ejection fields are filled.=Zapolnjeno je eno ali več polj za izmet. Please empty them or contact the shop owner.=Izpraznite jih ali se obrnite na lastnika trgovine. The field '@1' can not contain multiple times the same items.=Polje "@1" ne more večkrat vsebovati istih elementov. Please contact the shop owner.=Obrnite se na lastnika trgovine. The stock in this shop is full.=Zaloga v tej trgovini je polna. This shop is sold out.=Ta trgovina je razprodana. You do not have enough space in your inventory.=V inventarju nimate dovolj prostora. You do not have the required items.=Nimate zahtevanih elementov. Warning! Stacks are overflowing somewhere!=Opozorilo! Nekje so kupi prepolni!