--------------------- --! @brief returns whether a faction can be created or not (allows for implementation of blacklists and the like) --! @param name String containing the faction's name factions.can_create_faction = function(name) if #name > factions_config.faction_name_max_length then return false elseif factions.factions.get(name) ~= nil then return false else return true end end util = { coords3D_string = function(coords) return coords.x..", "..coords.y..", "..coords.z end } starting_ranks = {["leader"] = {"build", "door", "container", "name", "description", "motd", "invite", "kick" , "spawn", "with_draw", "territory", "claim", "access", "disband", "flags", "ranks", "promote"}, ["moderator"] = {"claim", "door", "build", "spawn", "invite", "kick", "promote", "container"}, ["member"] = {"build", "container", "door"} } -- Faction permissions: -- -- build: dig and place nodes -- pain_build: dig and place nodes but take damage doing so -- door: open/close or dig doors -- container: be able to use containers like chest -- name: set the faction's name -- description: Set the faction description -- motd: set the faction's message of the day -- invite: (un)invite players to join the faction -- kick: kick players off the faction -- spawn: set the faction's spawn -- with_draw: withdraw money from the faction's bank -- territory: claim or unclaim territory -- claim: (un)claim parcels of land -- access: manage access to territory and parcels of land to players or factions -- disband: disband the faction -- flags: manage faction's flags -- ranks: create, edit, and delete ranks -- promote: set a player's rank -- diplomacy: be able to control the faction's diplomacy factions.permissions = {"build", "pain_build", "door", "container", "name", "description", "motd", "invite", "kick" , "spawn", "with_draw", "territory", "claim", "access", "disband", "flags", "ranks", "promote"} factions.permissions_desc = {"dig and place nodes", "dig and place nodes but take damage doing so", "open/close or dig faction doors", "be able to use containers like chest", "set the faction's name" , "Set the faction description", "set the faction's message of the day", "(un)invite players to join the faction", "kick players off the faction", "set player titles", "set the faction's spawn" , "withdraw money from the faction's bank", "claim or unclaim territory", "(un)claim parcels of land", "manage access to territory and parcels of land to players or factions" , "disband the faction", "manage faction's flags", "create, edit, and delete ranks", "set a player's rank"} -- open: can the faction be joined without an invite? -- monsters: can monsters spawn on your land? -- tax_kick: will players be kicked for not paying tax? -- animals: can animals spawn on your land? factions.flags = {"open", "monsters", "tax_kick", "animals"} factions.flags_desc = {"can the faction be joined without an invite?", "can monsters spawn on your land?(unused)", "will players be kicked for not paying tax?(unused)", "can animals spawn on your land?(unused)"} if factions_config.faction_diplomacy == true then table.insert(factions.permissions, "diplomacy") table.insert(factions.permissions_desc, "be able to control the faction's diplomacy") local lt = starting_ranks["leader"] table.insert(lt, "diplomacy") starting_ranks["leader"] = lt end function factions.new() return { name = "", --! @brief power of a faction (needed for parcel claiming) power = factions_config.power, --! @brief maximum power of a faction maxpower = factions_config.maxpower, --! @brief power currently in use usedpower = 0., --! @brief list of player names players = {}, --! @brief table of ranks/permissions ranks = starting_ranks, --! @brief name of the leader leader = nil, --! @brief spawn of the faction spawn = {x=0, y=0, z=0}, --! @brief default joining rank for new members default_rank = "member", --! @brief default rank assigned to the leader default_leader_rank = "leader", --! @brief faction's description string description = "Default faction description.", --! @brief faction's message of the day. message_of_the_day = "", --! @brief list of players currently invited (can join with /f join) invited_players = {}, --! @brief table of claimed parcels (keys are parcelpos strings) land = {}, --! @brief table of allies allies = {}, -- request_inbox = {}, --! @brief table of enemies enemies = {}, --! neutral = {}, --! @brief table of parcels/factions that are under attack attacked_parcels = {}, --! @brief whether faction is closed or open (boolean) join_free = false, --! @brief gives certain privileges is_admin = false, --! @brief last time anyone logged on last_logon = os.time(), --! @brief how long this has been without parcels no_parcel = os.time(), } end --! @brief create a new empty faction function factions.new_faction(name) local faction = factions.new() faction.name = name factions.factions.set(name, faction) factions.on_create(name) minetest.after(1, function(name) factions.on_no_parcel(name) end, name) factions.onlineplayers[name] = {} return faction end function factions.set_name(oldname, name) local faction = factions.factions.get(oldname) faction.name = name for i, v in pairs(factions.get_faction_list()) do if v ~= oldname then local fac = factions.factions.get(v) if fac.neutral[oldname] then fac.neutral[oldname] = nil fac.neutral[name] = true end if fac.allies[oldname] then fac.allies[oldname] = nil fac.allies[name] = true end if fac.enemies[oldname] then fac.enemies[oldname] = nil fac.enemies[name] = true end if fac.request_inbox[oldname] then local value = fac.request_inbox[oldname] fac.request_inbox[oldname] = nil fac.request_inbox[name] = value end factions.factions.set(v, fac) end end for parcel in pairs(faction.land) do factions.parcels.set(parcel, name) end for playername in pairs(faction.players) do factions.players.set(playername, name) end for playername in pairs(factions.onlineplayers[oldname]) do updateFactionName(playername, name) end factions.onlineplayers[name] = factions.onlineplayers[oldname] factions.onlineplayers[oldname] = nil factions.factions.remove(oldname) factions.factions.set(name, faction) factions.on_set_name(name, oldname) end function factions.count_land(name) local count = 0. for k, v in pairs(factions.factions.get(name).land) do count = count + 1 end return count end function factions.add_player(name, player, rank) local faction = factions.factions.get(name) if factions.onlineplayers[name] == nil then factions.onlineplayers[name] = {} end factions.onlineplayers[name][player] = true factions.on_player_join(name, player) if factions_config.enable_power_per_player then local ip = factions.player_ips.get(player) local notsame = true for i, k in pairs(faction.players) do local other_ip = factions.player_ips.get(i) if other_ip == ip then notsame = false break end end if notsame then factions.increase_maxpower(name, factions_config.powermax_per_player) end end faction.players[player] = rank or faction.default_rank factions.players.set(player, name) faction.invited_players[player] = nil local pdata = minetest.get_player_by_name(player) if pdata then local ipc = pdata:is_player_connected(player) if ipc then createHudFactionName(pdata, name) createHudPower(pdata, faction) end end factions.factions.set(name, faction) end function factions.check_players_in_faction(name) for i, k in pairs(factions.factions.get(name).players) do return true end factions.disband(name, "Zero players on faction.") return false end function factions.remove_player(name, player) local faction = factions.factions.get(name) if factions.onlineplayers[name] == nil then factions.onlineplayers[name] = {} end factions.onlineplayers[name][player] = nil faction.players[player] = nil factions.factions.set(name, faction) factions.players.remove(player) factions.on_player_leave(name, player) if factions_config.enable_power_per_player then local ip = factions.player_ips.get(player) local notsame = true for i,k in pairs(faction.players) do local other_ip = factions.player_ips.get(i) if other_ip == ip then notsame = false break end end if notsame then factions.decrease_maxpower(name, factions_config.powermax_per_player) end end local pdata = minetest.get_player_by_name(player) if pdata then local ipc = pdata:is_player_connected(player) if ipc then removeHud(pdata,"factionName") removeHud(pdata,"powerWatch") end end factions.check_players_in_faction(name) end local parcel_size = factions_config.parcel_size --! @brief disband faction, updates global players and parcels table function factions.disband(name, reason) local faction = factions.factions.get(name) if not faction.is_admin then for i, v in pairs(factions.get_faction_list()) do local fac = factions.factions.get(v) if fac ~= nil and fac.name ~= name then if fac.enemies[name] then factions.end_enemy(fac.name, name) end if fac.allies[name] then factions.end_alliance(fac.name, name) end if fac.neutral[name] then factions.end_neutral(fac.name, name) end if fac.request_inbox[name] then fac.request_inbox[name] = nil end end factions.factions.set(v, fac) end for k, _ in pairs(faction.players) do -- remove players affiliation factions.players.remove(k) end for k, v in pairs(faction.land) do -- remove parcel claims factions.parcels.remove(k) end factions.on_disband(name, reason) if factions.onlineplayers ~= nil and factions.onlineplayers[name] ~= nil then for i, l in pairs(factions.onlineplayers[name]) do removeHud(i, "factionName") removeHud(i, "powerWatch") end factions.onlineplayers[name] = nil end factions.factions.remove(name) end end --! @brief change the faction leader function factions.set_leader(name, player) local faction = factions.factions.get(name) if faction.leader then faction.players[faction.leader] = faction.default_rank end faction.leader = player faction.players[player] = faction.default_leader_rank factions.on_new_leader() factions.factions.set(name, faction) end function factions.set_message_of_the_day(name, text) local faction = factions.factions.get(name) faction.message_of_the_day = text factions.factions.set(name, faction) end --! @brief check permissions for a given player --! @return boolean indicating permissions. Players not in faction always receive false function factions.has_permission(name, player, permission) local faction = factions.factions.get(name) local p = faction.players[player] if not p then return false end local perms = faction.ranks[p] if perms then for i in ipairs(perms) do if perms[i] == permission then return true end end else return false end end function factions.set_description(name, new) local faction = factions.factions.get(name) faction.description = new factions.on_change_description(name) factions.factions.set(name, faction) end --! @brief set faction openness function factions.toggle_join_free(name, bool) local faction = factions.factions.get(name) faction.join_free = bool factions.on_toggle_join_free(name) factions.factions.set(name, faction) end --! @return true if a player can use /f join, false otherwise function factions.can_join(name, player) local faction = factions.factions.get(name) return faction.join_free or faction.invited_players[player] end --! @brief faction's member will now spawn in a new place function factions.set_spawn(name, pos) local faction = factions.factions.get(name) faction.spawn = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z} factions.on_set_spawn(name) factions.factions.set(name, faction) end function factions.tp_spawn(name, playername) local faction = factions.factions.get(name) player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername) if player then player:set_pos(faction.spawn) minetest.sound_play("whoosh", {pos = faction.spawn, gain = 0.5, max_hear_distance = 10}) end end --! @brief send a message to all members function factions.broadcast(name, msg, sender) if factions.onlineplayers[name] == nil then factions.onlineplayers[name] = {} end local message = name .. "> ".. msg if sender then message = sender .. "@" .. message end message = "Faction<" .. message minetest.log(message) for k, _ in pairs(factions.onlineplayers[name]) do minetest.chat_send_player(k, message) end end --! @brief checks whether a faction has at least one connected player function factions.is_online(name) if factions.onlineplayers[name] == nil then factions.onlineplayers[name] = {} end for playername, _ in pairs(factions.onlineplayers[name]) do return true end return false end function factions.get_parcel_pos(pos) if factions_config.protection_style == "2d" then return math.floor(pos.x / parcel_size) * parcel_size .. "," .. math.floor(pos.z / parcel_size) * parcel_size elseif factions_config.protection_style == "3d" then return math.floor(pos.x / parcel_size) * parcel_size .. "," .. math.floor(pos.y / parcel_size) * parcel_size .. "," .. math.floor(pos.z / parcel_size) * parcel_size end end function factions.get_player_faction(playername) local facname = factions.players.get(playername) if facname then local faction = factions.factions.get(facname) return faction, facname end return nil end function factions.get_faction(facname) return factions.factions.get(facname) end function factions.get_faction_at(pos) local y = pos.y if factions_config.protection_depth_height_limit and (pos.y < factions_config.protection_max_depth or pos.y > factions_config.protection_max_height) then return nil end local parcelpos = factions.get_parcel_pos(pos) return factions.get_parcel_faction(parcelpos) end function factions.get_faction_list() local names = {} local directory = string.format("%s/factions/factions", minetest.get_worldpath()) local nameslist = minetest.get_dir_list(directory) for k, v in pairs(nameslist) do names[#names + 1] = v:sub(0, v:len() - 5) end return names end function factions.faction_tick() local now = os.time() for i, facname in pairs(factions.get_faction_list()) do local faction = factions.factions.get(facname) if faction ~= nil then if factions.is_online(facname) then if factions_config.enable_power_per_player then local count = 0 for _ in pairs(factions.onlineplayers[facname]) do count = count + 1 end factions.increase_power(facname, factions_config.power_per_player * count) else factions.increase_power(facname, factions_config.power_per_tick) end end if now - faction.last_logon > factions_config.maximum_faction_inactivity or (faction.no_parcel ~= -1 and now - faction.no_parcel > factions_config.maximum_parcelless_faction_time) then local r = "" if now - faction.last_logon > factions_config.maximum_faction_inactivity then r = "inactivity" else r = "no parcel claims" end factions.disband(facname, r) end end end end function factionUpdate() factions.faction_tick() minetest.after(factions_config.tick_time, factionUpdate) end