Crops grow by adding your new plant to the {growing = 1} group and numbering the stages from _1 to as many stages as you like, but the underscore MUST be used only once in the node name to separate plant from stage number e.g.
- 1.49 - Added {eatable=1} groups to food items with the value giving HP when eaten, improved mineclone support, separated foods from crop files, hoes can deal damage. Add weed and weed bale.
- 1.47 - Now blueberries can make blue dye, tweak soil types to work better with older 0.4.x clients and add spanish translation (thx mckaygerhard), add trellis setting to registered_crops and fix pea and soy crop names (thx nixnoxus), add strawberries if ethereal mod not active, added asparagus; spinach; eggplant (thx Atlante for new textures), Sugar Cube
- 1.45 - Dirt and Hoes are more in line with default by using dry/wet/base, added cactus juice, added pasta, spaghetti, cabbage, korean bibimbap, code tidy
- 1.43 - Scythe works on use instead of right-click, added seed=1 groups to actual seeds and seed=2 group for plantable food items.
- 1.42 - Soil needs water to be present within 3 blocks horizontally and 1 below to make wet soil, Jack 'o Lanterns now check protection, add chocolate block.
- 1.38 - Pumpkin grows into block, use chopping board to cut into 4x slices, same with melon block, 2x2 slices makes a block, cocoa pods are no longer walkable
- 1.32 - Added Pea plant (textures by Andrey01) - also added Wooden Bowl and Pea Soup crafts
- 1.31 - Added Pineapple which can be found growing in savannah areas (place pineapple in crafting to obtain 5x rings to eat and a top for re-planting), also Salt which is made from cooking a bucket of water, added food groups so it's more compatible with Ruben's food mods.
- 1.30 - Added Garlic, Pepper and Onions thanks to Grizzly Adam for sharing textures
- 1.29 - Updating functions so requires Minetest 0.4.16 and above to run
- 1.28 - Added chili peppers and bowl of chili, optimized code and fixed a few bugs, added porridge
- 1.27 - Added meshoptions to api and wheat plants, added farming.rarity setting to spawn more/less crops on map, have separate cotton/string items (4x cotton = 1x wool, 2x cotton = 2x string)
- 1.26 - Added support for [toolranks] mod when using hoe's
- 1.25 - Added check for farming.conf setting file to disable specific crops globally (inside mod folder) or world specific (inside world folder)
- 1.24 - Added Hemp which can be crafted into fibre, paper, string, rope and oil.
- 1.23 - Huge code tweak and tidy done and added barley seeds to be found in dry grass, barley can make flour for bread also.
- 1.22 - Added grape bushes at high climates which can be cultivated into grape vines using trellis (9 sticks).
- 1.21 - Added auto-refill code for planting crops (thanks crabman77), also fixed a few bugs
- 1.20b - Tidied code, made api compatible with new 0.4.13 changes and changed to soil texture overlays
- 1.20 - NEW growing routine added that allows crops to grow while player is away doing other things (thanks prestidigitator)
- 1.14 - Added Green Beans from Crops mod (thanks sofar), little bushels in the wild but need to be grown using beanpoles crafted with 4 sticks (2 either side)
- 1.13 - Fixed seed double-placement glitch. Mapgen now uses 0.4.12+ for plant generation
- 1.12 - Player cannot place seeds in protected area, also growing speeds changed to match defaults
- 1.11 - Added Straw Bale, streamlined growing abm a little, fixed melon rotation bug with screwdriver
- 1.10 - Added Blueberry Bush and Blueberry Muffins, also Pumpkin/Melon easier to pick up, added check for unloaded map
- 1.09 - Corn now uses single nodes instead of 1 ontop of the other, Ethanol recipe is more expensive (requires 5 corn) and some code cleanup.
- 1.08 - Added Farming Plus compatibility, plus can be removed and no more missing nodes
- 1.07 - Added Rhubarb and Rhubarb Pie
- 1.06 - register_hoe and register_plant added for compatibility with default farming mod, although any plants registered will use farming redo to grow
- 1.05 - Added Raspberry Bushels and Raspberry Smoothie
- 1.04 - Added Donuts... normal, chocolate and apple... and a few code cleanups and now compatible with jungletree's from MoreTrees mod
- 1.03 - Bug fixes and more compatibility as drop-in replacement for built-in farming mod
- 1.02 - Added farming.mod string to help other mods identify which farming mod is running, if it returns "redo" then you're using this one, "" empty is built-in mod
- 1.01 - Crafting coffee or ethanol returns empty bucket/bottle, also Cocoa spawns a little rarer
- 1.0 - Added Cocoa which randomly grows on jungle tree's, pods give cocoa beans which can be used to farm more pods on a jungle trunk or make Cookies which have been added (or other treats)
- 0.9 - Added Pumpkin, Jack 'O Lantern, Pumpkin Slice and Sugar (a huge thanks to for allowing me to use their textures)
- 0.8 - Added Watermelon and Melon Slice
- 0.7 - Added Coffee, Coffee Beans, Drinking Cup, Cold and Hot Cup of Coffee
- 0.6 - Added Corn, Corn on the Cob... Also reworked Abm