Added moreores silver and mithril hoe's with toolrank support

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TenPlus1 2019-04-02 20:04:49 +01:00
부모 15087a7352
커밋 b860998589
1개의 변경된 파일26개의 추가작업 그리고 0개의 파일을 삭제

파일 보기

@ -469,4 +469,30 @@ if minetest.get_modpath("moreores") then
{"", "", "group:stick"}
farming.register_hoe(":moreores:hoe_silver", {
description = S("%s Hoe"):format(S("Silver")),
inventory_image = "moreores_tool_silverhoe.png",
max_uses = 300,
material = "moreores:silver_ingot",
farming.register_hoe(":moreores:hoe_mithril", {
description = S("%s Hoe"):format(S("Mithril")),
inventory_image = "moreores_tool_mithrilhoe.png",
max_uses = 1000,
material = "moreores:mithril_ingot",
-- Toolranks support
if tr then
minetest.override_item("moreores:hoe_silver", {
original_description = S("%s Hoe"):format(S("Silver")),
description = toolranks.create_description("Silver Hoe")})
minetest.override_item("moreores:hoe_mithril", {
original_description = S("%s Hoe"):format(S("Mithril")),
description = toolranks.create_description("Mithril Hoe")})