--[[ computers.sandbox code is from https://github.com/kikito/lua-sandbox License MIT 2013 Enrique GarcĂ­a Cota additionally modified by wsor to work with lua 5.1/luajit modifications include: * additional protections * tweaking of structure * modifications to the default env ]] computers.sandbox = {} computers.api = {} --default sandbox enviroment used if none is provided computers.sandbox.default_env = {} ([[ _VERSION assert error ipairs next pairs select tonumber tostring type unpack math.abs math.acos math.asin math.atan math.atan2 math.ceil math.cos math.cosh math.deg math.exp math.fmod math.floor math.frexp math.huge math.ldexp math.log math.log10 math.max math.min math.modf math.pi math.pow math.rad math.random math.sin math.sinh math.sqrt math.tan math.tanh os.clock os.difftime os.time string.byte string.char string.format string.len string.lower string.reverse string.sub string.upper table.insert table.maxn table.remove table.sort table.concat ]]):gsub('%S+', function(id) local module, method = id:match('([^%.]+)%.([^%.]+)') if module then computers.sandbox.default_env[module] = computers.sandbox.default_env[module] or {} computers.sandbox.default_env[module][method] = _G[module][method] else computers.sandbox.default_env[id] = _G[id] end end) --takes a code string, returns a sandboxed function to exicute function computers.sandbox.loadstring(code, options) local defaults = { env = table.copy(computers.sandbox.default_env), quota = 5000 } options = options or {} for k, v in pairs(defaults) do if not options[k] then options[k] = v end end assert(type(code) == "string", "[computers.sandbox]: passed is not a string") local env = options.env env._G = env if code:byte(1) == 27 then minetest.log("warning", "[computers.sandbox]: attempted bytecode execution termminated") return nil, "bytecode disallowed" end local f, err = loadstring(code) if not f then return nil, err end setfenv(f, env) if jit then jit.off(f, true) end local function timeout() debug.sethook() error("quota exceeded: " .. tostring(options.quota)) end return function(...) debug.sethook(timeout, "", options.quota) local string_metatable = getmetatable("") assert(string_metatable.__index == string, "[computers.sandbox]: error with the string metatable") string_metatable.__index = env.string local status, ret = pcall(f, ...) debug.sethook() string_metatable.__index = string if not status then error(ret) end return ret end end --supports string input or table env input with a default env of the base function computers.sandbox.merge_env(nenv, denv) local base_env = table.copy(denv or computers.sandbox.default_env) if type(nenv) == "table" then for k, v in pairs(nenv) do base_env[k] = base_env[k] or {} for key, value in pairs(v) do base_env[k][key] = value end end elseif type(nenv) == "string" then nenv:gsub('%S+', function(id) local module, method = id:match('([^%.]+)%.([^%.]+)') if module then base_env[module] = base_env[module] or {} base_env[module][method] = _G[module][method] else base_env[id] = _G[id] end end) end return base_env end function computers.api.get_dir_keyed_list(path, is_dir) local files = minetest.get_dir_list(path, is_dir) local keyed = {} for _, file in pairs(files) do keyed[file] = true end return keyed end function computers.api.chat_send_player(player, msg) local name = player if type(name) == "userdata" then name = player:get_player_name() end minetest.chat_send_player(name, msg) end