computers = {} computers.register = function (name, def) if (name:sub(1, 1) == ":") then name = name:sub(2) end local modname, basename = name:match("^([^:]+):(.*)") local TEXPFX = modname.."_"..basename.."_" local ONSTATE = modname..":"..basename local OFFSTATE = modname..":"..basename.."_off" local cdef = table.copy(def) minetest.register_node(ONSTATE, { drawtype = "nodebox", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", use_texture_alpha = "clip", description = cdef.description, inventory_image = cdef.inventory_image, groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2}, is_ground_content = false, tiles = { TEXPFX.."tp.png", TEXPFX.."bt.png", TEXPFX.."rt.png", TEXPFX.."lt.png", TEXPFX.."bk.png", TEXPFX.."ft.png" }, node_box = cdef.node_box, selection_box = cdef.node_box, on_rightclick = function (pos, node, clicker, itemstack) if cdef.on_turn_off and cdef.on_turn_off(pos, node, clicker, itemstack) then return itemstack end = OFFSTATE minetest.set_node(pos, node) return itemstack end }) minetest.register_node(OFFSTATE, { drawtype = "nodebox", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", use_texture_alpha = "clip", groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, not_in_creative_inventory=1}, is_ground_content = false, tiles = { (TEXPFX.."tp"..( and "_off" or "")..".png"), (TEXPFX.."bt"..(cdef.tiles_off.bottom and "_off" or "")..".png"), (TEXPFX.."rt"..(cdef.tiles_off.right and "_off" or "")..".png"), (TEXPFX.."lt"..(cdef.tiles_off.left and "_off" or "")..".png"), (TEXPFX.."bk"..(cdef.tiles_off.back and "_off" or "")..".png"), (TEXPFX.."ft"..(cdef.tiles_off.front and "_off" or "")..".png") }, node_box = cdef.node_box_off or cdef.node_box, selection_box = cdef.node_box_off or cdef.node_box, on_rightclick = function (pos, node, clicker, itemstack) if cdef.on_turn_on and cdef.on_turn_on(pos, node, clicker, itemstack) then return itemstack end = ONSTATE minetest.set_node(pos, node) return itemstack end, drop = ONSTATE }) end computers.register_handheld = function (name, def) if (name:sub(1, 1) == ":") then name = name:sub(2) end local modname, basename = name:match("^([^:]+):(.*)") local TEXPFX = modname.."_"..basename.."_inv" local ONSTATE = modname..":"..basename minetest.register_craftitem(ONSTATE, { description = def.description, inventory_image = TEXPFX..".png", wield_image = TEXPFX..".png" }) end computers.pixelnodebox = function (size, boxes) local fixed = { } for _, box in ipairs(boxes) do local x, y, z, w, h, l = unpack(box) fixed[#fixed + 1] = { (x / size) - 0.5, (y / size) - 0.5, (z / size) - 0.5, ((x + w) / size) - 0.5, ((y + h) / size) - 0.5, ((z + l) / size) - 0.5 } end return { type = "fixed", fixed = fixed } end local MODPATH = minetest.get_modpath("computers") dofile(MODPATH.."/computers.lua") dofile(MODPATH.."/gaming.lua") dofile(MODPATH.."/aliases.lua") if minetest.get_modpath("basic_materials") then dofile(MODPATH.."/recipes.lua") end