-- Home Decor mod by VanessaE -- -- Mostly my own code, with bits and pieces lifted from Minetest's default -- lua files and from ironzorg's flowers mod. Many thanks to GloopMaster -- for helping me figure out the inventories used in the nightstands/dressers. -- -- The code for ovens, nightstands, refrigerators are basically modified -- copies of the code for chests and furnaces. homedecor = {} homedecor.debug = 0 -- detail level for roofing slopes and also cobwebs homedecor.detail_level = 16 homedecor.modpath = minetest.get_modpath("homedecor") -- Boilerplate to support localized strings if intllib mod is installed. local S = rawget(_G, "intllib") and intllib.Getter() or function(s) return s end homedecor.gettext = S -- debug local dbg = function(s) if homedecor.debug == 1 then print('[HomeDecor] ' .. s) end end -- infinite stacks if minetest.get_modpath("unified_inventory") or not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then homedecor.expect_infinite_stacks = false else homedecor.expect_infinite_stacks = true end --table copy function homedecor.table_copy(t) local nt = { }; for k, v in pairs(t) do if type(v) == "table" then nt[k] = homedecor.table_copy(v) else nt[k] = v end end return nt end -- Determine if the item being pointed at is the underside of a node (e.g a ceiling) function homedecor.find_ceiling(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) -- most of this is copied from the rotate-and-place function in builtin local unode = core.get_node_or_nil(pointed_thing.under) if not unode then return end local undef = core.registered_nodes[unode.name] if undef and undef.on_rightclick then undef.on_rightclick(pointed_thing.under, unode, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing) return end local pitch = placer:get_look_pitch() local fdir = core.dir_to_facedir(placer:get_look_dir()) local wield_name = itemstack:get_name() local above = pointed_thing.above local under = pointed_thing.under local iswall = (above.y == under.y) local isceiling = not iswall and (above.y < under.y) local anode = core.get_node_or_nil(above) if not anode then return end local pos = pointed_thing.above local node = anode if undef and undef.buildable_to then pos = pointed_thing.under node = unode iswall = false end if core.is_protected(pos, placer:get_player_name()) then core.record_protection_violation(pos, placer:get_player_name()) return end local ndef = core.registered_nodes[node.name] if not ndef or not ndef.buildable_to then return end return isceiling, pos end -- nodebox arithmetics and helpers -- (please keep non-generic nodeboxes with their node definition) dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/handlers/nodeboxes.lua") -- expand and unexpand decor dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/handlers/expansion.lua") -- register nodes that cook stuff dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/handlers/furnaces.lua") -- glue it all together into a registration function dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/handlers/registration.lua") -- load various other components dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/misc-nodes.lua") -- the catch-all for all misc nodes dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/tables.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/electronics.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/shutters.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/shingles.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/slopes.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/door_models.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/doors_and_gates.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/fences.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/lighting.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/kitchen_appliances.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/kitchen_furniture.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/bathroom_furniture.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/bathroom_sanitation.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/laundry.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/nightstands.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/clocks.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/misc-electrical.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/paintings.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/window_treatments.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/crafts.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/furniture.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/furniture_medieval.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/furniture_recipes.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/climate-control.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/cobweb.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/books.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/exterior.lua") dofile(homedecor.modpath.."/handlers/locked.lua") print("[HomeDecor] "..S("Loaded!"))