# textdomain: homedecor_common ### crafts.lua ### Small Wooden Drawer=小的木抽屉 Terracotta Roof Tile=陶土屋顶瓦 ### expansion.lua ### Not enough room - the space for the headboard is occupied!=没有足够的空间-床头板的空间被占用了! Not enough room - the upper space is occupied!=没有足够的空间-上面的空间被占用了! Someone already owns that spot.=已经有东西占用那个地方了。 Someone already owns the spot where the headboard goes.=有东西已经占用床头板的位置了。 ### furnaces.lua ### @1 (active)=@1(活动) @1 (active: @2%)=@1(活动:@2%) @1 (empty)=@1(空) @1 (out of fuel)=@1(燃油耗尽) @1 (output bins are full)=@1(输出箱已满) Furnace=熔炉 ### inventory.lua ### @1 (Locked)=@1(锁定) @1 (owned by @2)=@1(归@2所有)