-- Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Diego MartÃnez <kaeza@users.sf.net> -- License is WTFPL (see README.txt). -- This file defines some items in order to not have to depend on other mods. -- Boilerplate to support localized strings if intllib mod is installed. local S; if (minetest.get_modpath("intllib")) then dofile(minetest.get_modpath("intllib").."/intllib.lua"); S = intllib.Getter(minetest.get_current_modname()); else S = function ( s ) return s; end end if (not minetest.get_modpath("homedecor")) then minetest.register_craftitem(":homedecor:plastic_sheeting", { description = S("Plastic sheet"), inventory_image = "homedecor_plastic_sheeting.png", }) minetest.register_craftitem(":homedecor:plastic_base", { description = S("Unprocessed Plastic base"), wield_image = "homedecor_plastic_base.png", inventory_image = "homedecor_plastic_base_inv.png", }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = 'homedecor:plastic_base 6', recipe = { "default:junglegrass", "default:junglegrass", "default:junglegrass" } }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = 'homedecor:plastic_base 3', recipe = { "default:dry_shrub", "default:dry_shrub", "default:dry_shrub" }, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = 'homedecor:plastic_base 4', recipe = { "default:leaves", "default:leaves", "default:leaves", "default:leaves", "default:leaves", "default:leaves" } }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "cooking", output = "homedecor:plastic_sheeting", recipe = "homedecor:plastic_base", }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'fuel', recipe = 'homedecor:plastic_base', burntime = 30, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'fuel', recipe = 'homedecor:plastic_sheeting', burntime = 30, }) end -- not homedecor