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# Language: Español
# Author: Diego Martínez <lkaezadl3@gmail.com>
### kitchen_cabinet.lua ###
Kitchen Cabinet = Gabinete de Cocina
## 1: Player name, 2: position
%s moves stuff in kitchen cabinet at %s = %s mueve cosas en gabinete de cocina en %s
%s moves stuff to kitchen cabinet at %s = %s mueve cosas al gabinete de cocina en %s
%s takes stuff from kitchen cabinet at %s = %s toma cosas del gabinete de cocina en %s
Half-height Kitchen Cabinet (on ceiling) = Gabinete de cocina de media altura (en techo)
Under-sink cabinet = Gabinete con Lavabo
Kitchen Cabinet with sink = Gabinete de cocina con lavabo
### door_models.lua ###
Mahogany Closet Door = Puerta de Armario de Caoba
Oak Closet Door = Puerta de Armario de Roble
Fancy Wood/Glass Door = Puerta de Madera y Cristal de Lujo
Glass Office Door = Puerta de Oficina de Cristal
Glass and Wood, Mahogany-colored = Cristal y Madera, color Caoba
Glass and Wood, Oak-colored = Cristal y Madera, color Roble
Glass and Wood, White = Cristal y Madera, color Blanco
Plain Wooden Door = Puerta Simple de Madera
left = izquierda
right = derecha
## 1: Side the doors opens to
(Top Half, %s-opening) = (Parte Superior, abre a la %s)
(%s-opening) = (abre a la %s)
### door_nodes.lua ###
Not enough vertical space to place a door! = ¡No hay suficiente espacio vertical para colocar una puerta!
### crafts.lua ###
Brass Ingot = Lingote de Latón
Bucket of white paint = Cubo de Pintura Blanca
Legs for Small Utility table = Patas de Mesa Utilitaria Pequeña
Plastic sheet = Lámina de Plástico
Silicon lump = Terrón de Silicio
Simple Integrated Circuit = Circuito Integrado Simple
Small Wooden Drawer = Cajón Pequeño de Madera
Terracotta Roof Tile = Teja de Terracota
Titanium Dioxide = Dióxido de Titanio
Uncooked Terracotta Base = Base de Terracota sin Cocer
Unprocessed Plastic base = Base de Plástico sin Procesar
### fences.lua ###
Barbed Wire Fence = Cerca de Alambre de Púas
Barbed Wire Fence Gate = Portón de Cerca de Alambre de Púas
Brass Fence/railing = Cerca/Barandilla de Latón
Brass Fence/railing with sign = Cerca/Barandilla de Latón con Letrero
Chainlink Fence = Cerca de Cadenas
Chainlink Fence Gate = Portón de Cerca de Cadenas
Chainlink Fence Gate (open) = Portón de Cerca de Cadenas (Abierto)
Unpainted Picket Fence = Cerca de Piquete sin pintar
Unpainted Picket Fence Gate = Portón de Cerca de Piquete sin pintar
White Picket Fence = Cerca de Piquete blanca
White Picket Fence Gate = Portón de Cerca de Piquete blanca
Wooden Privacy Fence = Cerca privada de madera
Wrought Iron Fence/railing = Cerca/Barandilla de Hierro Forjado
Wrought Iron Fence/railing with sign = Cerca/Barandilla de Hierro Forjado con Letrero
want to simply place the wielded item like usual. = solo se desea colocar el objeto empuñado normalmente.
### furniture_medieval.lua ###
Bars = Barras
Binding Bars = Barras de Unión
Chains = Cadenas
Wall Torch = Antorcha de Pared
### furniture_bathroom.lua ###
Toilet = Inodoro
Sink = Lavabo
Taps = Grifo
Shower Tray = Piso de Ducha
Shower Head = Ducha
### init.lua ###
Loaded! = ¡Cargado!
Asphalt Shingles = Tejas de Asfalto
Black Plastic Flower Pot = Florero de Plástico Negro
Brass Pole = Poste de Latón
Brass Table Legs = Patas de Mesa de Latón
red = rojas
green = verdes
blue = azules
white = blancas
pink = rosas
violet = violetas
## 1: Color name
Curtains (%s) = Cortinas (%s)
Drop-Ceiling Tile = Cielorraso
Glass Skylight = Claraboya de Cristal
Glass Table (Small, Round) = Mesa de Cristal (Pequeña, Redonda)
Glass Table (Small, Square) = Mesa de Cristal (Pequeña, Cuadrada)
Green Plastic Flower Pot = Florero de Plástico Negro
Large Area Rug = Manta Grande
Large Glass Table Piece = Pieza de Mesa de Cristal Grande
Large Stereo Speaker = Altavoz de Estéreo Grande
Legs for Utility Table = Patas de Mesa Utilitaria
Projection Screen Material = Material de Pantalla de Proyección
Small Surround Speaker = Pequeño Altavoz Envolvente
Small Throw Rug = Manta Pequeña
Stereo Receiver = Receptor Estéreo
Terracotta Flower Pot = Florero de Terracota
Terracotta Roofing = Tejado de Terracota
Textured Ceiling Paint = Pintura Texturada para Techo
Utility Table = Mesa Utilitaria
Utility table mk2 = Mesa Utilitaria mk2
Wooden Shutter (Black) = Obturador de Madera (Negro)
Wooden Shutter (Dark Grey) = Obturador de Madera (Gris Oscuro)
Wooden Shutter (Forest Green) = Obturador de Madera (Verde Bosque)
Wooden Shutter (Grey) = Obturador de Madera (Gris)
Wooden Shutter (Light Blue) = Obturador de Madera (Azul Claro)
Wooden Shutter (Purple) = Obturador de Madera (Púrpura)
Wooden Shutter (Red) = Obturador de Madera (Rojo)
Wooden Shutter (Unpainted Mahogany) = Obturador de Madera (Caoba sin Pintar)
Wooden Shutter (Unpainted Oak) = Obturador de Madera (Roble sin Pintar)
Wooden Shutter (White) = Obturador de Madera (Blanco)
Wooden Shutter (Yellow) = Obturador de Madera (Amarillo)
Wooden Tabletop piece = Pieza de Mesa de Madera
Wooden Tabletop (Small, Round) = Pieza de Mesa de Madera (Pequeña, Redonda)
Wooden Tabletop (Small, Square) = Pieza de Mesa de Madera (Pequeña, Cuadrada)
Wood Shingles = Tejas de Madera
Wrought Iron Pole = Poste de Hierro Forjado
someone = alguien
## 1: Player name
Sorry, %s owns that spot. = Lo siento, %s es dueño de ése lugar.
### lighting.lua ###
White Glowlight (small cube) = Luz Blanca (cubo pequeño)
White Glowlight (small cube, on ceiling) = Luz Blanca (cubo pequeño, en techo)
White Glowlight (thick) = Luz Blanca (Gruesa)
White Glowlight (thick, on wall) = Luz Blanca (Gruesa, en pared)
White Glowlight (thin) = Luz Blanca (Fina)
White Glowlight (thin, on wall) = Luz Blanca (Fina, en pared)
Yellow Glowlight (small cube) = Luz Amarilla (cubo pequeño)
Yellow Glowlight (small cube, on ceiling) = Luz Amarilla (cubo pequeño, en techo)
Yellow Glowlight (thick) = Luz Amarilla (Gruesa)
Yellow Glowlight (thick, on wall) = Luz Amarilla (Gruesa, en pared)
Yellow Glowlight (thin) = Luz Amarilla (Fina)
Yellow Glowlight (thin, on wall) = Luz Amarilla (Fina, en pared)
### locked.lua ###
## 1: Item description, 2: Owner name
%s (owned by %s) = %s (propiedad de %s)
## 1: Player name, 2: Item description, 3: Owner name, 4: Position
%s tried to access a %s belonging to %s at %s = %s ha intentado acceder un(a) %s propiedad de %s en %s
## 1: Item description
%s (Locked) = %s (Cerrado)
Locked Cabinet = Gabinete Cerrado
Locked Nightstand = Mesa de Noche Cerrada
Locked Fridge = Refri Cerrado
Locked Oven = Estufa Cerrada
### nightstands.lua ###
Mahogany Nightstand with One Drawer = Mesa de Noche de Caoba, un Cajón
Mahogany Nightstand with Two Drawers = Mesa de Noche de Caoba, dos Cajones
Oak Nightstand with One Drawer = Mesa de Noche de Roble, un Cajón
Oak Nightstand with Two Drawers = Mesa de Noche de Roble, dos Cajones
## 1: Player name, 2: position
%s moves stuff in nightstand at %s = %s mueve cosas en mesa de noche en %s
%s moves stuff to nightstand at %s = %s mueve cosas hacia mesa de noche en %s
%s takes stuff from nightstand at %s = %s mueve cosas desde mesa de noche en %s
One-drawer Nightstand = Mesa de Noche de un Cajón
Two-drawer Nightstand = Mesa de Noche de dos Cajones
### oven.lua ###
Oven = Estufa
## 1: Item name
Could not insert '%s' = No se pudo insertar '%s'
## 1: Percentage
Oven active: %d%% = Estufa activa: %d%%
Oven out of fuel = Estufa sin combustible
Oven is empty = Estufavacía
### refrigerator.lua ###
Refrigerator = Refrigerador
## 1: Player name, 2: position
%s moves stuff in refrigerator at %s = %s mueve cosas en refrigerador en %s
%s moves stuff to refrigerator at %s = %s mueve cosas hacia refrigerador en %s
%s takes stuff from refrigerator at %s = %s mueve cosas desde refrigerador en %s
Not enough vertical space to place a refrigerator! = ¡No hay suficiente espacio vertical para colocar un refrigerador!
### television.lua ###
Small CRT Television = Pequeña Televisión CRT
### signs_lib.lua ###
%s wrote "%s" to sign at %s = %s ha escrito "%s" en el letrero en %s
Reading cached character database. = Leyendo base de datos de catacteres.
Font seems to have changed. Rebuilding cache. = La fuente parece haber cambiado. Reconstruyendo información guardada.
Could not find font line height in cached DB. Trying brute force. = No se pudo encontrar la altura de línea en la base de datos. Intentando con fuerza bruta.
Registered %s and %s = Registrados %s y %s
signs loaded = letreros cargados