Prefix tile generation output

This commit is contained in:
est31 2016-01-17 20:34:34 +01:00
parent ec6c89a331
commit 4f42cacbc3

View File

@ -27,6 +27,26 @@ esac
# echo "Number of jobs: $JOBNUM"
prefix() { \
while read line ; do \
echo \"\${1}\${line}\"; \
done \
# retains || usage when doing | prefix "sth"
# use it when needed
set -o pipefail ; \
# prefix should be usable within this script as well
eval $prefix_func
#sh -c "$prefix_func ; echo -e 'a\nb\nc\n' | prefix 'PREF '"
#bash -c "$prefix_pipefail ; (echo -e 'a\nb\nc\n' ; false) | prefix 'PREF '" || echo "ERR"
#exit 1
scriptdir=`readlink -f $0`
scriptdir=`dirname $scriptdir`
@ -54,10 +74,11 @@ do
# Execute sh -c "something"
echo "-c"
echo "$mapperpath ${MAPPERPARAMS} -i ${MAPDIR} --geometry ${posx},${posy}+${tilesize}+${tilesize} -o ${tiledir}/20/map_${x}_${y}.png \
|| (>&2 echo 'minetesmapper ended with non zero exit code'; exit 255)"
echo "$prefix_pipefail ; $mapperpath ${MAPPERPARAMS} -i ${MAPDIR} --geometry ${posx},${posy}+${tilesize}+${tilesize} -o ${tiledir}/20/map_${x}_${y}.png \
| prefix '[TILEGEN $x,$y]: ' \
|| (>&2 echo 'minetesmapper for tile [${x},${y}] ended with non zero exit code'; exit 255)"
done | xargs -n2 $jobparam -d '\n' sh
done | xargs -n2 $jobparam -d '\n' bash # bash required because of "set -o pipefail" usage
if [ $xargs_exit -ne 0 ]; then