2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
1. We choose a random position in the same way plants are placed . That ' s the root for our lake.
2. From there we go lx in the x direction and lz in the z direction . That gives us a rectangle .
3. We check the sides of the rectangle for air and itterate down until the rectangle is closed .
4. Now we repeat this itteration , but search for the opposite , not for solid nodes but for air .
5. As soon as we found the lower limit , we check if the bottom is sealed . Now we have some jar .
6. Now as we made sure no water can escape we can replace all air inside the volume with water .
--lib_lakes = {}
local c_air = minetest.get_content_id ( " air " )
local c_ignore = minetest.get_content_id ( " ignore " )
2019-08-30 14:05:56 -07:00
local c_lava = minetest.get_content_id ( " lib_materials:liquid_lava_source " )
local c_water = minetest.get_content_id ( " lib_materials:liquid_water_source " )
local c_ice = minetest.get_content_id ( " lib_materials:ice " )
local c_murky = minetest.get_content_id ( " lib_materials:liquid_water_murky_source " )
local c_dirty = minetest.get_content_id ( " lib_materials:liquid_water_dirty_source " )
local c_river = minetest.get_content_id ( " lib_materials:liquid_water_river_source " )
local c_muddy = minetest.get_content_id ( " lib_materials:liquid_water_river_muddy_source " )
local c_quick_source = minetest.get_content_id ( " lib_materials:liquid_quicksand_source " )
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
local c_quick = minetest.get_content_id ( " lib_materials:quicksand " )
2019-08-30 14:05:56 -07:00
local c_mud_boil = minetest.get_content_id ( " lib_materials:liquid_mud_boiling_flowing " )
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
local c_mud_wet = minetest.get_content_id ( " lib_materials:mud_wet " )
local c_mud_dried = minetest.get_content_id ( " lib_materials:dirt_mud_dried " )
local c_fluid_id
-- Find position
minetest.register_on_generated ( function ( minp , maxp , seed )
if maxp.y <= 1024 and minp.y >= - 32 then
local perlin1 = minetest.get_perlin ( 318 , 3 , 0.6 , 100 )
-- Lua Voxel Machine
local vm = minetest.get_voxel_manip ( )
local vm_minp , vm_maxp = vm : read_from_map ( { x = minp.x , y = minp.y , z = minp.z - 16 } , { x = maxp.x + 16 , y = maxp.y + 16 , z = maxp.z + 16 } )
local a = VoxelArea : new { MinEdge = vm_minp , MaxEdge = vm_maxp }
local data = vm : get_data ( )
-- Assume X and Z lengths are equal
local divlen = 32
local divs = ( maxp.x - minp.x ) / divlen + 1 ;
for divx = 0 , divs - 1 do
for divz = 0 , divs - 1 do
local x0 = minp.x + math.floor ( ( divx + 0 ) * divlen )
local z0 = minp.z + math.floor ( ( divz + 0 ) * divlen )
local x1 = minp.x + math.floor ( ( divx + 1 ) * divlen )
local z1 = minp.z + math.floor ( ( divz + 1 ) * divlen )
-- Determine amount from perlin noise
local amount = math.floor ( perlin1 : get2d ( { x = x0 , y = z0 } ) * 5 + 10 )
-- Find random positions based on this random
local pr = PseudoRandom ( seed + 486 )
for i = 0 , amount do
local x = pr : next ( x0 , x1 )
local z = pr : next ( z0 , z1 )
local ground_y = nil
-- Prevent from starting underground
local nn = minetest.get_node ( { x = x , y = maxp.y , z = z } ) . name
if nn ~= " air " and nn ~= " ignore " then
-- Find groundlevel
for y = maxp.y , minp.y , - 1 do
local nn = minetest.get_node ( { x = x , y = y , z = z } ) . name
if nn ~= " air " and nn ~= " ignore " then
2019-04-19 12:33:56 -07:00
--local is_leaves = minetest.registered_nodes[nn].groups.leaves
--if is_leaves == nil or is_leaves == 0 then
-- ground_y = y
-- break
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
local is_leaves = minetest.registered_nodes [ nn ] . groups.leaves
2019-04-19 12:33:56 -07:00
local is_plant = minetest.registered_nodes [ nn ] . groups.plant
local is_le_plant = minetest.registered_nodes [ nn ] . groups.lib_ecology_plant
local is_flora = minetest.registered_nodes [ nn ] . groups.flora
local is_flower = minetest.registered_nodes [ nn ] . groups.flower
local is_growing = minetest.registered_nodes [ nn ] . groups.growing
2019-06-13 12:20:42 -07:00
if is_leaves == nil or is_leaves == 0 then
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
ground_y = y
2019-06-13 12:20:42 -07:00
-- or is_plant == nil or is_plant == 0 or is_le_plant == nil or is_le_plant == 0 or is_flora == nil or is_flora == 0 or is_flower == nil or is_flower == 0 or is_growing == nil or is_growing == 0 then
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
if ground_y and ground_y >= 2 then
2019-08-30 14:05:56 -07:00
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
local p = { x = x , y = ground_y , z = z }
local ground_name = minetest.get_node ( p )
local node_name = minetest.get_node ( p ) . name
2019-08-30 14:05:56 -07:00
if ground_name == " default:water_source " or ground_name == " lib_materials:liquid_water_source " then
2019-06-13 12:20:42 -07:00
2019-08-30 14:05:56 -07:00
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
local lx = pr : next ( 10 , 30 )
local lz = pr : next ( 10 , 30 )
2019-08-30 14:05:56 -07:00
if string.find ( node_name , " _black " ) then
c_fluid_id = c_dirty
if string.find ( node_name , " _brown " ) then
c_fluid_id = c_dirty
if string.find ( node_name , " _rainforest " ) then
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
c_fluid_id = c_murky
2019-08-30 14:05:56 -07:00
if string.find ( node_name , " _silt " ) then
c_fluid_id = c_murky
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
2019-08-30 14:05:56 -07:00
if string.find ( node_name , " _mud " ) then
c_fluid_id = c_murky
if string.find ( node_name , " _clay " ) then
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
c_fluid_id = c_muddy
2019-08-30 14:05:56 -07:00
if string.find ( node_name , " _gravel " ) then
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
c_fluid_id = c_mud_dried
2019-08-30 14:05:56 -07:00
if string.find ( node_name , " _sand " ) then
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
c_fluid_id = c_mud_dried
2019-08-30 14:05:56 -07:00
if string.find ( node_name , " stone_ " ) then
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
c_fluid_id = c_lava
2019-08-30 14:05:56 -07:00
if string.find ( node_name , " snow " ) then
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
c_fluid_id = c_ice
2019-04-19 12:33:56 -07:00
if ground_y >= lib_materials.minheight_snow then
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
c_fluid_id = c_ice
2019-08-30 14:05:56 -07:00
if c_fluid_id then
c_fluid_id = c_river
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
-- if c_water == "" then
-- else
-- c_water = minetest.get_content_id("default:river_water_source")
-- end
2019-08-30 14:05:56 -07:00
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
lib_materials.lakes_fill ( data , a , p , lx , lz )
--c_fluid_id = ""
-- Write to map
vm : set_data ( data )
2019-08-30 14:05:56 -07:00
vm : update_liquids ( )
2019-04-17 09:16:36 -07:00
vm : write_to_map ( data )
vm : update_map ( )
end )
-- Make lake
-- TODO: combine functions into one
local function check_x ( data , a , x , y , z , lx , lz )
for xi = 0 , lx do
local vi = a : index ( x + xi , y , z )
if data [ vi ] == c_air or data [ vi ] == c_ignore then
return true
local vii = a : index ( x + xi , y , z + lz )
if data [ vii ] == c_air or data [ vii ] == c_ignore then
return true
local function check_z ( data , a , x , y , z , lx , lz )
for zi = 0 , lz do
local vi = a : index ( x , y , z + zi )
if data [ vi ] == c_air or data [ vi ] == c_ignore then
return true
local vii = a : index ( x + lx , y , z + zi )
if data [ vii ] == c_air or data [ vii ] == c_ignore then
return true
local function leak ( data , a , j , lx , lz )
for xi = 0 , lx do
for zi = 0 , lz do
local vi = a : index ( xi , - j , zi )
if data [ vi ] == c_air or data [ vi ] == c_ignore then
return true
function lib_materials . lakes_fill ( data , a , pos , lx , lz )
local x , y , z = pos.x , pos.y , pos.z
local water_a = VoxelArea : new { MinEdge = { x = 0 , y =- 32 , z = 0 } , MaxEdge = { x = lx , y = 0 , z = lz } }
local water_buffer = { }
-- Find upper start
local i = 0
while i <= 16 do
if check_x ( data , a , x , y - i , z , lx , lz ) or check_z ( data , a , x , y - i , z , lx , lz ) then
i = i + 1
if i >= 16 then return end
-- Itterate downwards
local j = i
while j <= ( i + 16 ) do
if check_x ( data , a , x , y - j , z , lx , lz ) or check_z ( data , a , x , y - j , z , lx , lz ) then
j = j - 1
j = j + 1
if j >= i + 16 then return end
-- print ('[lib_lakes] i = '.. i ..'')
-- print ('[lib_lakes] j = '.. j ..'')
-- Check bottom
if leak ( data , a , j , lx , lz ) then return end
-- Add volume to buffer
for xi = 0 , lx do
for yi = - i , - j , - 1 do
for zi = 0 , lz do
water_buffer [ water_a : index ( xi , yi , zi ) ] = true
-- Add the water
for xi = water_a.MinEdge . x , water_a.MaxEdge . x do
for yi = water_a.MinEdge . y , water_a.MaxEdge . y do
for zi = water_a.MinEdge . z , water_a.MaxEdge . z do
if a : contains ( x + xi , y + yi , z + zi ) then
local vi = a : index ( x + xi , y + yi , z + zi )
if data [ vi ] == c_air or data [ vi ] == c_ignore then
if water_buffer [ water_a : index ( xi , yi , zi ) ] then
data [ vi ] = c_fluid_id
-- print ('[lib_lakes] Wasser auf (' .. x+xi .. ',' .. y+yi .. ',' .. z+zi .. ')')