-- -- Register biomes -- --local read_csv = dofile(lib_materials.path .. "/csv.lua") --local biomes = lib_materials.read_csv(lib_materials.path .. "/biomes.csv") -- Define constants that can be used in csv local heights = { ocean_depth = lib_materials.ocean_depth, beach_depth = lib_materials.beach_depth, sea_level = lib_materials.sea_level, beach = lib_materials.maxheight_beach, coastal = lib_materials.maxheight_coastal, lowland = lib_materials.maxheight_lowland, shelf = lib_materials.maxheight_shelf, highland = lib_materials.maxheight_highland, mountain = lib_materials.maxheight_mountain, snow_min = lib_materials.minheight_snow, snow_max = lib_materials.maxheight_snow, strato = lib_materials.maxheight_strato, } local temperatures = { hot = lib_materials.temperature_hot, warm = lib_materials.temperature_warm, temperate = lib_materials.temperature_temperate, cool = lib_materials.temperature_cool, cold = lib_materials.temperature_cold, } local humidities = { humid = lib_materials.humidity_humid, semihumid = lib_materials.humidity_semihumid, temperate = lib_materials.humidity_temperate, semiarid = lib_materials.humidity_semiarid, arid = lib_materials.humidity_arid, } local function read_node_str(node_str) if #node_str > 0 then local node, count = node_str:match("([^%s]+)%s*(%d*)") return node, tonumber(count) or 1 end end for i, biome in ipairs(lib_materials.read_csv("|", lib_materials.path .. "/" .. lib_materials.biome_data_file .. ".csv")) do --#Name|Dust|NodeTop|NodeTopDepth|Filler|FillerDepth|Stone|WaterTop|WaterTopDepth|Water|River water|RiverBed|RiverBedDepth|CaveLiquid|DungeonNode|DungeonAlt|DungeonStair|Y-min|Y-max|Temperature|Humidity|MaxPos|MinPos|VerticalBlend local a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x = unpack(biome) --minetest.log(a .. ", " .. b .. ", " .. c .. ", " .. d .. ", " .. e .. ", " .. f .. ", " .. g .. ", " .. h .. ", " .. i .. ", " .. j .. ", " .. k .. ", " .. l) -- Parse node names: transform empty strings into nil and separate node and count -- b = read_node_str(b) -- local c1, c2 = read_node_str(c) -- local d1, d2 = read_node_str(d) -- e = read_node_str(e) -- local f1, f2 = read_node_str(f) -- g = read_node_str(g) -- h = read_node_str(h) minetest.register_biome({ name = a, node_dust = b or nil, node_top = c or nil, depth_top = tonumber(d), node_filler = e or nil, depth_filler = tonumber(f), node_stone = g or nil, node_water_top = h or nil, depth_water_top = tonumber(i), node_water = j or nil, node_river_water = k or nil, node_riverbed = l or nil, depth_riverbed = tonumber(m), node_cave_liquid = n or nil, node_dungeon = o or nil, node_dungeon_alt = p or nil, node_dungeon_stair = q or nil, y_min = tonumber(r) or heights[r], y_max = tonumber(s) or heights[s], heat_point = tonumber(t) or temperatures[t], humidity_point = tonumber(u) or humidities[u], max_pos = tonumber(v), min_pos = tonumber(w), vertical_blend = tonumber(x) or lib_materials.biome_vertical_blend, }) end