-- -- Register lib_materials ecosystems -- -- Define constants that can be used in csv local heights = { ocean_depth = lib_materials.ocean_depth, beach_depth = lib_materials.beach_depth, sea_level = lib_materials.sea_level, beach = lib_materials.maxheight_beach, coastal = lib_materials.maxheight_coastal, lowland = lib_materials.maxheight_lowland, shelf = lib_materials.maxheight_shelf, highland = lib_materials.maxheight_highland, mountain = lib_materials.maxheight_mountain, snow_min = lib_materials.minheight_snow, snow_max = lib_materials.maxheight_snow, strato = lib_materials.maxheight_strato, } local function read_node_str(node_str) if #node_str > 0 then local node, count = node_str:match("([^%s]+)%s*(%d*)") return node, tonumber(count) or 1 end end for i, ecosystem in ipairs(lib_materials.read_csv("|", lib_materials.path .. "/ecosystems.csv")) do local oretype, orename, wherein, threshold, ymin, ymax, biome = unpack(ecosystem) --minetest.log(oretype .. ", " .. orename .. ", " .. wherein .. ", " .. threshold .. ", " .. ymin .. ", " .. ymax .. ", " .. biome) -- Parse node names: transform empty strings into nil and separate node and count --b = read_node_str(b) --local c1, c2 = read_node_str(c) local spread_val = 2^(tonumber(threshold) * 10) local ore_seed = math.random(1, spread_val) --lib_materials.add_oredef(orename, ore_seed) if oretype == "dirt" then minetest.register_ore({ ore_type = "sheet", ore = "lib_materials:" .. orename, wherein = "lib_materials:" .. wherein, clust_size = 8, y_min = tonumber(ymin) or (heights[ymin] - lib_materials.biome_vertical_blend), y_max = tonumber(ymax) or (heights[ymax] + lib_materials.biome_vertical_blend), noise_threshold = tonumber(threshold), noise_params = { offset = 0, scale = 1, spread = {x = 128, y = 128, z = 128}, seed = ore_seed, octaves = 5, persist = 0.60 }, column_height_min = (lib_materials.biome_altitude_range / 2) + lib_materials.biome_vertical_blend, --1 column_height_max = lib_materials.biome_altitude_range + (lib_materials.biome_vertical_blend * 2), column_midpoint_factor = 0.5, biomes = biome or nil }) elseif oretype == "fungi" then minetest.register_ore({ ore_type = "sheet", ore = "lib_materials:" .. orename, wherein = "lib_materials:" .. wherein, clust_size = (tonumber(threshold) * 10), y_min = tonumber(ymin), y_max = tonumber(ymax), noise_threshold = tonumber(threshold), noise_params = { offset = 0, scale = 1, spread = {x = spread_val, y = spread_val, z = spread_val}, seed = ore_seed, octaves = 5, persist = 0.60 }, column_height_min = 1, column_height_max = lib_materials.biome_altitude_range, column_midpoint_factor = 0.5, biomes = biome or nil }) elseif oretype == "" then else end end