locks = {}; minetest.register_privilege("openlocks", { description = "allows to open/use all locked objects", give_to_singleplayer = false}); minetest.register_privilege("diglocks", { description = "allows to open/use and dig up all locked objects", give_to_singleplayer = false}); -- initializes a lock (that is: prepare the metadata so that it can store data) -- default_formspec is the formspec that will be used on right click; the input field for the commands will be added -- Call this in on_construct in register_node. Excample: -- on_construct = function(pos) -- locks:lock_init( pos, "" ); -- end; function locks:lock_init( pos, default_formspec ) if( pos == nil ) then print( "Error: [locks] lock_init: pos is nil"); return; end local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos); if( meta == nil ) then print( "Error: [locks] lock_init: unable to get meta data"); return; end -- this will be changed after the node is placed meta:set_string("infotext", "Locked object"); -- prepare the field for the owner meta:set_string("owner", ""); -- this is the list of players/groups that may unlock the lock even if they are not the owner meta:set_string("allowed_users",""); -- objects can be unlocked by passwords as well (if it is set) meta:set_string("password",""); -- the last player who entered the right password (to save space this is not a list) meta:set_string("pw_user",""); -- this formspec is presented on right-click when the user has access meta:set_string("default_formspec",default_formspec); -- just to be sure... meta:set_string("formspec", default_formspec); end -- Set the owner of the locked object. -- Call this in after_place_node in register_node. Example: -- after_place_node = function(pos, placer) -- locks:lock_set_owner( pos, placer ); -- end, function locks:lock_set_owner( pos, player_or_name ) if( pos == nil or player_or_name == nil ) then print( "Error: [locks] Missing/wrong parameters to lock_set_owner"); return false; end local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos); if( meta == nil ) then print( "Error: [locks] lock_set_owner: unable to get meta data"); return; end -- accepts a name or a player object if( type( player_or_name )~="string") then player_or_name = player_or_name:get_player_name(); end meta:set_string("owner", player_or_name or ""); -- TODO: not very convincing...has to carry the name of the object meta:set_string("infotext", "Locked object (owned by "..meta:get_string("owner")..")"); end -- The locked object can only be digged by the owner OR by people with the diglocks priv -- Call this in can_dig in register_node. Example: -- can_dig = function(pos,player) -- return locks:lock_allow_dig( pos, player ); -- end function locks:lock_allow_dig( pos, player ) if( pos == nil or player == nil ) then print( "Error: [locks] Missing/wrong parameters to lock_allow_dig"); return false; end local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos); local lock_owner = meta:get_string("owner"); -- locks who lost their owner can be opened/digged by anyone if( meta == nil or lock_owner == nil or lock_owner == "") then return true; end -- the owner can dig up his own locked objects if( player:get_player_name() == meta:get_string("owner")) then return true; end -- players with diglocks priv can dig up locked objects as well if( minetest.check_player_privs(player:get_player_name(), {diglocks=true})) then return true; end return false; -- fallback end -- The locked object can only be used (i.e. opened, stuff taken out, changed, ... - depends on object) if this -- function returns true. Call it wherever appropriate (usually in on_punch in register_node). Example: -- on_punch = function(pos,player) -- if( !locks:lock_allow_use( pos, player ) then -- print( "Sorry, you have no access here."); -- else -- do_what_this_object_is_good_for( pos, puncher ); -- end -- end function locks:lock_allow_use( pos, player ) if( pos == nil or player == nil ) then print( "Error: [locks] Missing/wrong parameters to lock_allow_use"); return false; end -- TODO: the player has to have a key (when allowed to dig) or else a keychain for this to be actually allowed -- if the user would even be allowed to dig this node up, using the node is allowed as well if( locks:lock_allow_dig( pos, player )) then return true; end local name = player:get_player_name(); -- players with openlocks priv can open locked objects if( minetest.check_player_privs(name, {openlocks=true})) then return true; end -- the player might be specificly allowed to use this object through allowed_users local liste = meta:get_string("allowed_users"):split( "," ); for i in ipairs( liste ) do if( liste[i] == name ) then return true; end end -- TODO: the player might be in a group of players allowed to use this (also listed in allowed_users) -- the player may have entered the right password if( name == meta:get_string("pw_user")) then return true; end -- the lock may have a password set. If this is the case then ask the user for it if( meta:get_string( "password" ) and meta:get_sring( "password" ) ~= "" ) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Access denied. Right-click and enter password first!"); return false; end return false; -- fallback end -- Method for the lock to get password and configuration data -- Call in on_receive_fields in register_node. Example: -- on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) -- locks:lock_handle_input( pos, formname, fields, sender ); -- end, function locks:lock_handle_input( pos, formname, fields, player ) if( pos == nil or player == nil ) then print( "Error: [locks] Missing/wrong parameters to lock_handle_input"); return false; end local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos); if( meta == nil ) then print( "Error: [locks] lock_handle_input: unable to get meta data"); return; end -- is this input the lock is supposed to handle? if( not( fields.locks_sent_input ) or not( fields.locks_sent_lock_command ) or fields.locks_sent_lock_command == "" ) then return; end name = player:get_player_name(); if( fields.locks_sent_lock_command == "/help" ) then if( name == meta:get_string( "owner" )) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "The following commands are available to you, the owner of this object, only:\n".. " /help Shows this help text.\n".. " /add Player can now unlock this object with any key.\n".. " /del Player can no longer use this object.\n".. " /list Shows a list of players who can use this object.\n".. " /set Sets a password. Everyone who types that in can use the object."); else if( locks:lock_allow_use( pos, player )) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "This locked object is owned by "..tostring( meta:get_string( "owner" ))..".\n".. "You do have access to it.\n"); else if( meta:get_string( "password" ) ~= "" ) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "This locked object is owned by "..tostring( meta:get_string( "owner" ))..".\n".. "Enter the correct password to gain access.\n"); else minetest.chat_send_player(name, "This locked object is owned by "..tostring( meta:get_string( "owner" ))..".\n".. "There is no password set. You can only gain access if the owner grants it to you."); end end end -- lua is not the most intuitive language here.... return; end -- of /help -- other players can only try to input the correct password if( name ~= meta:get_string( "owner" )) then -- no need to bother with trying other PWs if none is set... if( meta.get_string("password")=="" ) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "There is no password set. Access denied."); return; end -- the player may have entered the right password already if( name == meta:get_string("pw_user")) then -- nothing to do - the player entered the right pw alredy minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You have entered the right password already. Access granted."); return; end if( fields.locks_sent_lock_command ~= meta:get_string("password")) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Wrong password. Access denied."); return; end -- store the last user (this one) who entered the right pw meta:set_string( "pw_user", name ); minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Password confirmed. Access granted."); return; end local txt = ""; if( fields.locks_sent_lock_command == "/list" ) then if( meta:get_string("allowed_users")=="" ) then txt = "No other users are allowed to use this object (except those with global privs like moderators/admins)."; else txt = "You granted the following users/groups of users access to this object:\n"; local liste = meta:get_string("allowed_users"):split( "," ); for i in ipairs( liste ) do txt = txt.." "..tostring(liste[i]); end end if( meta:get_string( "password" ) == "" ) then txt = txt.."\nThere is no password set. That means no one can get access through a password."; else txt = txt.."\nThe password for this lock is: \""..tostring( meta:get_string( "password" ).."\""); end minetest.chat_send_player(name, txt ); return; end -- of /list -- -- all other commands take exactly one parameter local help = fields.locks_sent_lock_command:split( " " ); print( tostring( help[1] )); print( tostring( help[2] )); -- set/change a password if( help[1]=="/set" ) then -- if empty password then delete it if( help[2]==nil ) then help[2] = ""; end minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Old password: \""..tostring( meta:get_string( "password" )).. "\"\n Changed to new password: \""..tostring( help[2]).."\"."); meta:set_string( "password", help[2]); -- reset the list of users who typed the right password meta:set_string("pw_users",""); if( help[2]=="") then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "The password is empty and thus will be disabled."); end return; end if( help[2]==nil or help[2]=="") then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Error: Missing parameter (player name) for command \""..tostring( help[1] ).."\"." ); return; end -- for add and del: check if the player is already in the list local found = false; local anz = 0; local liste = meta:get_string("allowed_users"):split( "," ); for i in ipairs( liste ) do anz = anz + 1; -- count players if( tostring( liste[i] ) == help[2] ) then found = true; end end if( help[1]=="/add" and found==true ) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Player \""..tostring( help[2] ).."\" is already allowed to use this locked object. Nothing to do."); return; end if( help[1]=="/del" and found==false) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Player \""..tostring( help[2] ).."\" is not amongst the players allowed to use this locked object. Nothing to do."); return; end -- TODO: check if the player exists.... if( help[1]=="/add" ) then if( anz >= 6 ) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Sorry, no more players can be added. To save space, only up to 6 players can be added. For more players please use groups!"); return; end meta:set_string( "allowed_users", meta:get_string("allowed_users")..","..help[2] ); minetest.chat_send_player(name, help[2].." may now use/access this locked object."); return; end if( help[1]=="/del" ) then userlist = meta:get_string("allowed_users"):split( ","..help[2] ); if( userlist[2]==nil ) then userlist[2]=""; end meta:set_string( "allowed_users", userlist[1]..userlist[2] ); minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Access for player \""..tostring(help[2]).."\" has been revoked."); return; end minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Error: Command \""..tostring(help[1]).."\" not understood."); end -- a chest minetest.register_node("locks:locked_shared_chest", { description = "Locked shared chest", tiles = {"default_chest_top.png", "default_chest_top.png", "default_chest_side.png", "default_chest_side.png", "default_chest_side.png", "default_chest_front.png"}, paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = {snappy=2,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2}, legacy_facedir_simple = true, on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) -- prepare the lock of the chest locks:lock_init( pos, "size[8,10]".. -- "field[0.5,0.2;8,1.0;locks_sent_lock_command;Locked chest. Type password, command or /help for help:;]".. -- "button_exit[3,0.8;2,1.0;locks_sent_input;Proceed]".. "list[current_name;main;0,0;8,4;]".. "list[current_player;main;0,5;8,4;]".. "field[0.3,9.6;6,0.7;locks_sent_lock_command;Locked chest. Type /help for help:;]".. "button_exit[6.3,9.2;1.7,0.7;locks_sent_input;Proceed]" ); -- "size[8,9]".. -- "list[current_name;main;0,0;8,4;]".. -- "list[current_player;main;0,5;8,4;]"); local inv = meta:get_inventory() inv:set_size("main", 8*4) end, after_place_node = function(pos, placer) locks:lock_set_owner( pos, placer ); end, can_dig = function(pos,player) if( not(locks:lock_allow_dig( pos, player ))) then return false; end local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos); local inv = meta:get_inventory() return inv:is_empty("main") end, on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) locks:lock_handle_input( pos, formname, fields, sender ); end, allow_metadata_inventory_move = function(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) if( not( locks:lock_allow_use( pos, player ))) then return 0; end return count; end, allow_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) if( not( locks:lock_allow_use( pos, player ))) then return 0; end return stack:get_count() end, allow_metadata_inventory_take = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) if( not( locks:lock_allow_use( pos, player ))) then return 0; end return stack:get_count() end, on_metadata_inventory_move = function(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) minetest.log("action", player:get_player_name().. " moves stuff in locked shared chest at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) end, on_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) minetest.log("action", player:get_player_name().. " moves stuff to locked shared chest at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) end, on_metadata_inventory_take = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) minetest.log("action", player:get_player_name().. " takes stuff from locked shared chest at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) end, }) -- a sign minetest.register_node("locks:locked_shared_sign_wall", { description = "Locked shared sign", drawtype = "signlike", tiles = {"default_sign_wall.png"}, inventory_image = "default_sign_wall.png", wield_image = "default_sign_wall.png", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "wallmounted", sunlight_propagates = true, walkable = false, selection_box = { type = "wallmounted", --wall_top = --wall_bottom = --wall_side = }, groups = {choppy=2,dig_immediate=2}, legacy_wallmounted = true, on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) -- prepare the lock of the sign locks:lock_init( pos, "size[8,4]".. "field[0.3,0.6;6,0.7;text;Text:;]".. "field[0.3,3.6;6,0.7;locks_sent_lock_command;Locked sign. Type /help for help:;]".. "button_exit[6.3,3.2;1.7,0.7;locks_sent_input;Proceed]" ); end, after_place_node = function(pos, placer) locks:lock_set_owner( pos, placer ); end, can_dig = function(pos,player) return locks:lock_allow_dig( pos, player ); end, on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) -- if the user already has the right to use this and did input text if( fields.text and locks:lock_allow_use( pos, sender )) then --print("Sign at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos).." got "..dump(fields)) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) fields.text = fields.text or ""; print((sender:get_player_name() or "").." wrote \""..fields.text.. "\" to sign at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)); meta:set_string("text", fields.text.." ["..sender:get_player_name().."]"); meta:set_string("infotext", '"'..fields.text..'"'.." ["..sender:get_player_name().."]"); -- a command for the lock? else locks:lock_handle_input( pos, formname, fields, sender ); end end, });