local function distance_to_segment(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y) -- get the distance between point (x,y) and segment (x1,y1)-(x2,y2) local a = (x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2 local b = (x1-x)^2 + (y1-y)^2 local c = (x2-x)^2 + (y2-y)^2 if a + b < c then return math.sqrt(b) elseif a + c < b then return math.sqrt(c) else return math.abs(x1 * (y2-y) + x2 * (y-y1) + x * (y1-y2)) / math.sqrt(a) end end local function transform_quadri(X, Y, x, y) -- X, Y 4-vectors giving the coordinates of the 4 nodes -- x, y position to index. local x1, x2, x3, x4 = unpack(X) local y1, y2, y3, y4 = unpack(Y) local d23 = distance_to_segment(x2,y2,x3,y3,x,y) local d41 = distance_to_segment(x4,y4,x1,y1,x,y) local xc = d41 / (d23+d41) local d12 = distance_to_segment(x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y) local d34 = distance_to_segment(x3,y3,x4,y4,x,y) local yc = d12 / (d12+d34) return xc, yc end return transform_quadri