local modpath = mapgen_rivers.modpath local make_polygons = dofile(modpath .. 'polygons.lua') local transform_quadri = dofile(modpath .. 'geometry.lua') local sea_level = mapgen_rivers.settings.sea_level local riverbed_slope = mapgen_rivers.settings.riverbed_slope * mapgen_rivers.settings.blocksize local out_elev = mapgen_rivers.settings.margin_elev -- Localize for performance local floor, min, max = math.floor, math.min, math.max local unpk = unpack -- Linear interpolation local function interp(v00, v01, v11, v10, xf, zf) local v0 = v01*xf + v00*(1-xf) local v1 = v11*xf + v10*(1-xf) return v1*zf + v0*(1-zf) end local function heightmaps(minp, maxp) local polygons = make_polygons(minp, maxp) local incr = maxp.z-minp.z+1 local terrain_height_map = {} local lake_height_map = {} local i = 1 for z=minp.z, maxp.z do for x=minp.x, maxp.x do local poly = polygons[i] if poly then local xf, zf = transform_quadri(poly.x, poly.z, x, z) local i00, i01, i11, i10 = unpk(poly.i) -- Load river width on 4 edges and corners local r_west, r_north, r_east, r_south = unpk(poly.rivers) local c_NW, c_NE, c_SE, c_SW = unpk(poly.river_corners) -- Calculate the depth factor for each edge and corner. -- Depth factor: -- < 0: outside river -- = 0: on riverbank -- > 0: inside river local depth_factors = { r_west - xf, r_north - zf, xf - r_east, zf - r_south, c_NW-xf-zf, xf-zf-c_NE, xf+zf-c_SE, zf-xf-c_SW, } -- Find the maximal depth factor and determine to which river it belongs local depth_factor_max = 0 local imax = 0 for i=1, 8 do if depth_factors[i] > depth_factor_max then depth_factor_max = depth_factors[i] imax = i end end -- Transform the coordinates to have xf and zf = 0 or 1 in rivers (to avoid rivers having lateral slope and to accomodate the surrounding smoothly) if imax == 0 then local x0 = max(r_west, c_NW-zf, zf-c_SW) local x1 = min(r_east, c_NE+zf, c_SE-zf) local z0 = max(r_north, c_NW-xf, xf-c_NE) local z1 = min(r_south, c_SW+xf, c_SE-xf) xf = (xf-x0) / (x1-x0) zf = (zf-z0) / (z1-z0) elseif imax == 1 then xf = 0 elseif imax == 2 then zf = 0 elseif imax == 3 then xf = 1 elseif imax == 4 then zf = 1 elseif imax == 5 then xf, zf = 0, 0 elseif imax == 6 then xf, zf = 1, 0 elseif imax == 7 then xf, zf = 1, 1 elseif imax == 8 then xf, zf = 0, 1 end -- Determine elevation by interpolation local vdem = poly.dem local terrain_height = floor(0.5+interp( vdem[1], vdem[2], vdem[3], vdem[4], xf, zf )) -- Spatial gradient of the interpolation local slope_x = zf*(vdem[3]-vdem[4]) + (1-zf)*(vdem[2]-vdem[1]) < 0 local slope_z = xf*(vdem[3]-vdem[2]) + (1-xf)*(vdem[4]-vdem[1]) < 0 local lake_id = 0 if slope_x then if slope_z then lake_id = 3 else lake_id = 2 end else if slope_z then lake_id = 4 else lake_id = 1 end end local lake_height = max(floor(poly.lake[lake_id]), terrain_height) if imax > 0 and depth_factor_max > 0 then terrain_height = min(max(lake_height, sea_level) - floor(1+depth_factor_max*riverbed_slope), terrain_height) end terrain_height_map[i] = terrain_height lake_height_map[i] = lake_height else terrain_height_map[i] = out_elev lake_height_map[i] = out_elev end i = i + 1 end end return terrain_height_map, lake_height_map end return heightmaps