import numpy as np import numpy.random as npr from collections import defaultdict # This file provide functions to construct the river tree from an elevation model. # Based on a research paper: # | Cordonnier, G., Bovy, B., and Braun, J.: # | A versatile, linear complexity algorithm for flow routing in topographies with depressions, # | Earth Surf. Dynam., 7, 549–562,, 2019. # Big thanks to them for releasing this paper under a free license ! :) # The algorithm here makes use of most of the paper's concepts, including the Planar Boruvka algorithm. # Only flow_local and accumulate_flow are custom algorithms. # Define two different method for local flow routing def flow_local_steepest(plist): vmax = 0.0 imax = 0.0 for i, p in enumerate(plist): if p > vmax: vmax = p imax = i if vmax > 0.0: return imax+1 return 0 def flow_local_semirandom(plist): """ Determines a flow direction based on denivellation for every neighbouring node. Denivellation must be positive for downward and zero for flat or upward: dz = max(zref-z, 0) """ psum = sum(plist) if psum == 0: return 0 r = npr.random() * psum for i, p in enumerate(plist): if r < p: return i+1 r -= p flow_local_methods = { 'steepest' : flow_local_steepest, 'semirandom' : flow_local_semirandom, } def flow(dem, method='semirandom'): if method in flow_local_methods: flow_local = flow_local_methods[method] else: raise KeyError('Flow method \'{}\' does not exist'.format(method)) # Flow locally dirs1 = np.zeros(dem.shape, dtype=int) dirs2 = np.zeros(dem.shape, dtype=int) (X, Y) = dem.shape Xmax, Ymax = X-1, Y-1 singular = [] for x in range(X): z0 = z1 = z2 = dem[x,0] for y in range(Y): z0 = z1 z1 = z2 if y < Ymax: z2 = dem[x, y+1] plist = [ max(z1-dem[x+1,y],0) if x x+1 max(z1-z2,0), # 2: y -> y+1 max(z1-dem[x-1,y],0) if x>0 else 0, # 3: x -> x-1 max(z1-z0,0), # 4: y -> y-1 ] pdir = flow_local(plist) dirs2[x,y] = pdir if pdir == 0: singular.append((x,y)) elif pdir == 1: dirs1[x+1,y] += 1 elif pdir == 2: dirs1[x,y+1] += 2 elif pdir == 3: dirs1[x-1,y] += 4 elif pdir == 4: dirs1[x,y-1] += 8 # Compute basins basin_id = np.zeros(dem.shape, dtype=int) stack = [] for i, s in enumerate(singular): queue = [s] while queue: x, y = queue.pop() basin_id[x,y] = i d = int(dirs1[x,y]) if d & 1: queue.append((x-1,y)) if d & 2: queue.append((x,y-1)) if d & 4: queue.append((x+1,y)) if d & 8: queue.append((x,y+1)) del dirs1 # Link basins nsing = len(singular) links = {} def add_link(b0, b1, elev, bound): b = (min(b0,b1),max(b0,b1)) if b not in links or links[b][0] > elev: links[b] = (elev, bound) for x in range(X): b0 = basin_id[x,0] add_link(-1, b0, dem[x,0], (True, x, 0)) for y in range(1,Y): b1 = basin_id[x,y] if b0 != b1: add_link(b0, b1, max(dem[x,y-1],dem[x,y]), (True, x, y)) b0 = b1 add_link(-1, b1, dem[x,Ymax], (True, x, Y)) for y in range(Y): b0 = basin_id[0,y] add_link(-1, b0, dem[0,y], (False, 0, y)) for x in range(1,X): b1 = basin_id[x,y] if b0 != b1: add_link(b0, b1, max(dem[x-1,y],dem[x,y]), (False, x, y)) b0 = b1 add_link(-1, b1, dem[Xmax,y], (False, X, y)) # Computing basin tree graph = planar_boruvka(links) basin_links = defaultdict(dict) for elev, b1, b2, bound in graph: basin_links[b1][b2] = basin_links[b2][b1] = (elev, bound) basins = np.zeros(nsing+1) stack = [(-1, float('-inf'))] # Applying basin flowing dir_reverse = (0, 3, 4, 1, 2) while stack: b1, elev1 = stack.pop() basins[b1] = elev1 for b2, (elev2, bound) in basin_links[b1].items(): stack.append((b2, max(elev1, elev2))) # Reverse flow direction in b2 (TODO) isY, x, y = bound backward = True # Whether water will escape the basin in +X/+Y direction if not (x < X and y < Y and basin_id[x,y] == b2): if isY: y -= 1 else: x -= 1 backward = False d = 2*backward + isY + 1 while d > 0: d, dirs2[x,y] = dirs2[x,y], d if d == 1: x += 1 elif d == 2: y += 1 elif d == 3: x -= 1 elif d == 4: y -= 1 d = dir_reverse[d] del basin_links[b2][b1] del basin_links[b1] # Calculating water quantity dirs2[-1,:][dirs2[-1,:]==1] = 0 dirs2[:,-1][dirs2[:,-1]==2] = 0 dirs2[0,:][dirs2[0,:]==3] = 0 dirs2[:,0][dirs2[:,0]==4] = 0 waterq = accumulate_flow(dirs2) return dirs2, basins[basin_id], waterq def accumulate_flow(dirs): ndonors = np.zeros(dirs.shape, dtype=int) ndonors[1:,:] += dirs[:-1,:] == 1 ndonors[:,1:] += dirs[:,:-1] == 2 ndonors[:-1,:] += dirs[1:,:] == 3 ndonors[:,:-1] += dirs[:,1:] == 4 waterq = np.ones(dirs.shape, dtype=int) (X, Y) = dirs.shape rangeX = range(X) rangeY = range(Y) for x in rangeX: for y in rangeY: if ndonors[x,y] > 0: continue xw, yw = x, y w = waterq[xw, yw] while 1: d = dirs[xw, yw] if d <= 0: break elif d == 1: xw += 1 elif d == 2: yw += 1 elif d == 3: xw -= 1 elif d == 4: yw -= 1 w += waterq[xw, yw] waterq[xw, yw] = w if ndonors[xw, yw] > 1: ndonors[xw, yw] -= 1 break return waterq def planar_boruvka(links): # Compute basin tree basin_list = defaultdict(dict) for (b1, b2), (elev, bound) in links.items(): basin_list[b1][b2] = basin_list[b2][b1] = (elev, b1, b2, bound) threshold = 8 lowlevel = {} for k, v in basin_list.items(): if len(v) <= threshold: lowlevel[k] = v basin_graph = [] n = len(basin_list) while n > 1: (b1, lnk1) = lowlevel.popitem() b2 = min(lnk1, key=lnk1.get) lnk2 = basin_list[b2] # Add link to the graph basin_graph.append(lnk1[b2]) # Union : merge basin 1 into basin 2 # First, delete the direct link del lnk1[b2] del lnk2[b1] # Look for basin 1's neighbours, and add them to basin 2 if they have a lower pass for k, v in lnk1.items(): bk = basin_list[k] if k in lnk2 and lnk2[k] < v: del bk[b1] else: lnk2[k] = v bk[b2] = bk.pop(b1) if k not in lowlevel and len(bk) <= threshold: lowlevel[k] = bk if b2 in lowlevel: if len(lnk2) > threshold: del lowlevel[b2] elif len(lnk2) <= threshold: lowlevel[b2] = lnk2 del lnk1 n -= 1 return basin_graph