mirror of https://github.com/Sokomine/markers.git synced 2025-03-14 16:20:27 +01:00

makres work on raz: city & plot

This commit is contained in:
Ralf Weinert 2019-04-22 17:30:08 +02:00
parent c4bc9c7fc7
commit 94053015db
3 changed files with 230 additions and 106 deletions


@ -924,3 +924,103 @@ markers.show_marker_stone_formspec = function( player, pos )
minetest.show_formspec( player:get_player_name(), "markers:info", formspec );
markers.get_marker_formspec = function(player, pos, error_msg)
local formspec = "";
local meta = minetest.get_meta( pos );
local owner = meta:get_string( 'owner' );
local name = player:get_player_name();
local formspec_info = "size[6,4]"..
if( owner ~= nil and owner ~= '' and owner ~= name ) then
return formspec_info.."This marker\ncan only be used by\n"..tostring( owner )..", who\nplaced the markers.]";
if( not( markers.positions[ name ]) or #markers.positions[name]<1) then
return formspec_info.."Information about the positions\nof your other markers\ngot lost.\nPlease dig and place\nyour markers again!]";
local n = #markers.positions[ name ];
if ( n < 2 ) then
return formspec_info.."Please place 2 or more markers\n - at least one in each corner\n of your area first]";
local coords={}
coords[1],coords[2] = markers.get_box_from_markers(name)
-- save data
meta:set_string( 'coords', minetest.serialize( coords ) );
if( not( coords ) or #coords < 2 or not( coords[1] ) or not( coords[2] )) then
return formspec_info.."Error in markers.]";
-- the coordinates are set; we may present an input form now
-- has the area already been defined?
local area = markers.get_area_by_pos1_pos2( coords[1], coords[2] );
local size = (math.abs( coords[1].x - coords[2].x )+1)
* (math.abs( coords[1].z - coords[2].z )+1);
-- check if area is too large
if( markers.MAX_SIZE < size ) then
return formspec_info.."Error: You can only protect\nareas of up to "..tostring( markers.MAX_SIZE ).."m^2.\n"..
"Your marked area is "..tostring( size ).." m^2 large.]";
local formspec = 'size[10,7]'..
'label[0.5,1;The area you marked extends from]'..
'label[4.7,1;'..minetest.pos_to_string( coords[ 1 ] )..' to '..minetest.pos_to_string( coords[ 2 ] )..'.]'..
'label[4.7,1.5;It spans '..tostring( math.abs( coords[1].x - coords[2].x )+1 )..
' x '..tostring( math.abs( coords[1].z - coords[2].z )+1 )..
' = '..tostring( size )..' m^2.]';
-- display the error message (if there is any)
if( error_msg ~= nil ) then
formspec = formspec..
'label[0.5,0.0;Error: ]'..
if( area and area['id'] ) then
formspec = formspec..
'label[0.5,2.0;This is area number ]'..
'label[4.7,2.0;'..tostring( area['id'] )..'.]'..
'label[0.5,2.5;It is owned by ]'..
'label[4.7,2.5;'..tostring( area['owner'] )..'.]'..
'label[0.5,3.0;The area is called ]'..
'label[4.7,3.0;'..tostring( area['name'] )..'.]'..
formspec = formspec..
-- 'label[0.5,2.0;Buying this area will cost you ]'..
-- 'label[4.7,2.0;'..markers.calculate_area_price_text( coords[1], coords[2], name )..'.]'..
'label[0.5,3.0;Your area ought to go..]'..
'label[0.5,3.5;this many blocks up:]'..
'label[6.0,3.5;(above '..coords[2].y..' )]'..
'label[0.5,4.0;and this many blocks down:]'..
'label[6.0,4.0;(below '..coords[1].y..' )]'..
'label[0.5,4.5;The area shall be named]'..
'field[5.0,5.0;6,0.5;set_area_name;;please enter a name]'..
-- code the position in the "Buy area" field
"button_exit[6,6.0;2,0.5;"..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)..";Protect area]";
return formspec;

@ -242,103 +242,7 @@ end --get_box_from_markers
markers.get_marker_formspec = function(player, pos, error_msg)
local formspec = "";
local meta = minetest.get_meta( pos );
local owner = meta:get_string( 'owner' );
local name = player:get_player_name();
local formspec_info = "size[6,4]"..
if( owner ~= nil and owner ~= '' and owner ~= name ) then
return formspec_info.."This marker\ncan only be used by\n"..tostring( owner )..", who\nplaced the markers.]";
if( not( markers.positions[ name ]) or #markers.positions[name]<1) then
return formspec_info.."Information about the positions\nof your other markers\ngot lost.\nPlease dig and place\nyour markers again!]";
local n = #markers.positions[ name ];
if ( n < 2 ) then
return formspec_info.."Please place 2 or more markers\n - at least one in each corner\n of your area first]";
local coords={}
coords[1],coords[2] = markers.get_box_from_markers(name)
-- save data
meta:set_string( 'coords', minetest.serialize( coords ) );
if( not( coords ) or #coords < 2 or not( coords[1] ) or not( coords[2] )) then
return formspec_info.."Error in markers.]";
-- the coordinates are set; we may present an input form now
-- has the area already been defined?
local area = markers.get_area_by_pos1_pos2( coords[1], coords[2] );
local size = (math.abs( coords[1].x - coords[2].x )+1)
* (math.abs( coords[1].z - coords[2].z )+1);
-- check if area is too large
if( markers.MAX_SIZE < size ) then
return formspec_info.."Error: You can only protect\nareas of up to "..tostring( markers.MAX_SIZE ).."m^2.\n"..
"Your marked area is "..tostring( size ).." m^2 large.]";
local formspec = 'size[10,7]'..
'label[0.5,1;The area you marked extends from]'..
'label[4.7,1;'..minetest.pos_to_string( coords[ 1 ] )..' to '..minetest.pos_to_string( coords[ 2 ] )..'.]'..
'label[4.7,1.5;It spans '..tostring( math.abs( coords[1].x - coords[2].x )+1 )..
' x '..tostring( math.abs( coords[1].z - coords[2].z )+1 )..
' = '..tostring( size )..' m^2.]';
-- display the error message (if there is any)
if( error_msg ~= nil ) then
formspec = formspec..
'label[0.5,0.0;Error: ]'..
if( area and area['id'] ) then
formspec = formspec..
'label[0.5,2.0;This is area number ]'..
'label[4.7,2.0;'..tostring( area['id'] )..'.]'..
'label[0.5,2.5;It is owned by ]'..
'label[4.7,2.5;'..tostring( area['owner'] )..'.]'..
'label[0.5,3.0;The area is called ]'..
'label[4.7,3.0;'..tostring( area['name'] )..'.]'..
formspec = formspec..
-- 'label[0.5,2.0;Buying this area will cost you ]'..
-- 'label[4.7,2.0;'..markers.calculate_area_price_text( coords[1], coords[2], name )..'.]'..
'label[0.5,3.0;Your area ought to go..]'..
'label[0.5,3.5;this many blocks up:]'..
'label[6.0,3.5;(above '..coords[2].y..' )]'..
'label[0.5,4.0;and this many blocks down:]'..
'label[6.0,4.0;(below '..coords[1].y..' )]'..
'label[0.5,4.5;The area shall be named]'..
'field[5.0,5.0;6,0.5;set_area_name;;please enter a name]'..
-- code the position in the "Buy area" field
"button_exit[6,6.0;2,0.5;"..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)..";Protect area]";
return formspec;


@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
-- this is here becaue of the teleport mod
areas = {}
function areas:canInteract(target_coords, player)
return raz:can_interact(pos, name)
function areas:getNodeOwners(target_coords)
local can_interact, owner = raz:can_interact(pos, name)
return owner
-- convert_to_areas
@ -95,9 +109,8 @@ function markers:player_can_add_region(pos1, pos2, name)
return false, "You dont have the privileg 'region_mark' "
local err = raz:player_can_mark_region(pos1, pos2, name)
minetest.log("action", "[" .. markers.modname .. "] markers:player_can_add_region(pos1, pos2, name) err = "..tostring(err) )
--minetest.log("action", "[" .. markers.modname .. "] markers:player_can_add_region(pos1, pos2, name) err = "..tostring(err) )
if err ~= true then
-- if raz:get_area_by_pos1_pos2(pos1, pos2) ~= nil then
raz:msg_handling(err, name) -- message and error handling
return false, "The pos1,pos2 are in an other region! - You can not mark the region."
@ -129,7 +142,9 @@ markers.marker_on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
-- do not protect areas twice
local area = markers.get_area_by_pos1_pos2( coords[1], coords[2] );
if( area ) then
-- check if this region has marked as building plot, then it can be set
if raz:region_is_plot( coords[1], coords[2] ) == false then
minetest.log("action", "[" .. markers.modname .. "] markers.marker_on_receive_fields area = :"..tostring(area) )
minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'This area is already protected.');
@ -190,6 +205,7 @@ markers.marker_on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
" endpos=" ..minetest.pos_to_string(pos2));
local canAdd, errMsg = markers:player_can_add_region(pos1, pos2, name)
check_region_plot = raz:region_is_plot( coords[1], coords[2] )
if canAdd == false then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You can't protect that area: "..tostring(errMsg))
minetest.show_formspec( name, "markers:mark", markers.get_marker_formspec(sender, pos, errMsg));
@ -214,11 +230,6 @@ if not vector.interpolate then
-- taken from mobf
--local COLOR_RED = "#FF0000";
--local COLOR_GREEN = "#00FF00";
--local COLOR_WHITE = "#FFFFFF";
-- we need to store which list we present to which player
markers.menu_data_by_player = {}
@ -392,7 +403,7 @@ end
-- shows a formspec with information about a particular area
-- pos is the position of the marker stone or place where the player clicked
-- with the land title register; it is used for relative display of coordinates
-- with the land title register; can used for relative display of coordinates
markers.get_area_desc_formspec = function( id, player, pos )
if( not id or not raz.raz_store:get_area( id )) then
@ -948,3 +959,112 @@ markers.show_marker_stone_formspec = function( player, pos )
minetest.show_formspec( player:get_player_name(), "markers:info", formspec );
markers.get_marker_formspec = function(player, pos, error_msg)
local formspec = "";
local meta = minetest.get_meta( pos );
local owner = meta:get_string( 'owner' );
local name = player:get_player_name();
local formspec_info = "size[6,4]"..
if( owner ~= nil and owner ~= '' and owner ~= name ) then
return formspec_info.."This marker\ncan only be used by\n"..tostring( owner )..", who\nplaced the markers.]";
if( not( markers.positions[ name ]) or #markers.positions[name]<1) then
return formspec_info.."Information about the positions\nof your other markers\ngot lost.\nPlease dig and place\nyour markers again!]";
local n = #markers.positions[ name ];
if ( n < 2 ) then
return formspec_info.."Please place 2 or more markers\n - at least one in each corner\n of your area first]";
local coords={}
coords[1],coords[2] = markers.get_box_from_markers(name)
-- save data
meta:set_string( 'coords', minetest.serialize( coords ) );
if( not( coords ) or #coords < 2 or not( coords[1] ) or not( coords[2] )) then
return formspec_info.."Error in markers.]";
-- the coordinates are set; we may present an input form now
-- has the area already been defined?
local area = markers.get_area_by_pos1_pos2( coords[1], coords[2] );
local size = (math.abs( coords[1].x - coords[2].x )+1)
* (math.abs( coords[1].z - coords[2].z )+1);
-- check if area is too large
if( markers.MAX_SIZE < size ) then
return formspec_info.."Error: You can only protect\nareas of up to "..tostring( markers.MAX_SIZE ).."m^2.\n"..
"Your marked area is "..tostring( size ).." m^2 large.]";
local formspec = 'size[10,7]'..
'label[0.5,1;The area you marked extends from]'..
'label[4.7,1;'..minetest.pos_to_string( coords[ 1 ] )..' to '..minetest.pos_to_string( coords[ 2 ] )..'.]'..
'label[4.7,1.5;It spans '..tostring( math.abs( coords[1].x - coords[2].x )+1 )..
' x '..tostring( math.abs( coords[1].z - coords[2].z )+1 )..
' = '..tostring( size )..' m^2.]';
-- display the error message (if there is any)
if( error_msg ~= nil ) then
formspec = formspec..
'label[0.5,0.0;Error: ]'..
-- if this area exists
-- case 1 the region has the attribut "plot" == true then setting a new area is possible
-- case 2 the region has the attribut "plot" == false
local can_set_region = false
if( area and area['id'] ) then
if not raz:region_is_plot( coords[1], coords[2] ) == false then
can_set_region = true
if can_set_region == false then
formspec = formspec..
'label[0.5,2.0;This is area number ]'..
'label[4.7,2.0;'..tostring( area['id'] )..'.]'..
'label[0.5,2.5;It is owned by ]'..
'label[4.7,2.5;'..tostring( area['owner'] )..'.]'..
'label[0.5,3.0;The area is called ]'..
'label[4.7,3.0;'..tostring( area['name'] )..'.]'..
formspec = formspec..
-- 'label[0.5,2.0;Buying this area will cost you ]'..
-- 'label[4.7,2.0;'..markers.calculate_area_price_text( coords[1], coords[2], name )..'.]'..
'label[0.5,3.0;Your area ought to go..]'..
'label[0.5,3.5;this many blocks up:]'..
'label[6.0,3.5;(above '..coords[2].y..' )]'..
'label[0.5,4.0;and this many blocks down:]'..
'label[6.0,4.0;(below '..coords[1].y..' )]'..
'label[0.5,4.5;The area shall be named]'..
'field[5.0,5.0;6,0.5;set_area_name;;please enter a name]'..
-- code the position in the "Buy area" field
"button_exit[6,6.0;2,0.5;"..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)..";Protect area]";
return formspec;