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Formspec overhaul

This commit is contained in:
Jean-Patrick Guerrero 2017-06-22 10:29:28 +02:00
parent c09e8c0e1c
commit cf1bac8a3c
5 changed files with 104 additions and 112 deletions

View File

@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ markers.get_area_list_formspec = function(ppos, player, mode, pos, mode_data, se
-- expects a position in mode_data
if( mode=='pos' ) then
-- title would be too long for a label
title = 'All areas which contain position..';
tlabel = '<'..minetest.pos_to_string( mode_data )..'>:';
title = 'All areas at position: ';
tlabel = minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", minetest.pos_to_string( mode_data ));
for id, area in pairs(areas.areas) do
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ markers.get_area_list_formspec = function(ppos, player, mode, pos, mode_data, se
-- expects a playername in mode_data
elseif( mode=='player' ) then
title = 'All areas owned by player..';
title = 'All areas owned by player...';
tlabel = '<'..tostring( mode_data )..'>:';
for id, area in pairs(areas.areas) do
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ markers.get_area_list_formspec = function(ppos, player, mode, pos, mode_data, se
-- expects an area_id in mode_data
elseif( mode=='subareas' ) then
title = 'All subareas of area..';
title = 'All sub-areas of area...';
tlabel = '<'..tostring( areas.areas[ mode_data ].name )..'> ['..tostring( mode_data )..']:';
for id, area in pairs(areas.areas) do
@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ markers.get_area_list_formspec = function(ppos, player, mode, pos, mode_data, se
-- show only areas that do not have parents
elseif( mode=='main_areas' ) then
title = 'All main areas withhin '..tostring( markers.AREA_RANGE )..' m:';
tlabel = '*all main areas*';
title = 'Main areas (within '..tostring( markers.AREA_RANGE )..' m)';
tlabel = '[main areas]';
for id, area in pairs(areas.areas) do
if( not( area.parent )
@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ markers.get_area_list_formspec = function(ppos, player, mode, pos, mode_data, se
elseif( mode=='all' ) then
title = 'All areas withhin '..tostring( markers.AREA_RANGE )..' m:';
tlabel = '*all areas*';
title = 'Areas (within '..tostring( markers.AREA_RANGE )..' m)';
tlabel = '[all areas]';
for id, area in pairs(areas.areas) do
if( ( (area.pos1.x >= ppos.x-markers.AREA_RANGE and area.pos1.x <= ppos.x+markers.AREA_RANGE )
@ -132,17 +132,16 @@ markers.get_area_list_formspec = function(ppos, player, mode, pos, mode_data, se
table.sort(id_list, nearsorter)
local formspec = 'size[10,9]';
local formspec = 'size[10,8.5]';
title = minetest.formspec_escape( title );
tlabel = minetest.formspec_escape( tlabel );
formspec = formspec..
"label[0.5,8.5;Doubleclick to select area.]"..
"label[4.7,8.5;Areas found: "..tostring( #id_list )..".]"..
"label[0,8;Areas found: ".. minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", tostring(#id_list)) .."]"..
local liste = '';
for i,v in ipairs( id_list ) do
@ -180,18 +179,18 @@ markers.get_area_list_formspec = function(ppos, player, mode, pos, mode_data, se
formspec = formspec..
markers.show_compass_marker( 8.5, 3.0, false, pos, this_area.pos1, this_area.pos2 );
markers.show_compass_marker( 8, 3.0, false, pos, this_area.pos1, this_area.pos2 );
if( this_area.parent) then
formspec = formspec..
minetest.formspec_escape( areas.areas[ this_area.parent ].name )..']';
if( #subareas > 0 ) then
formspec = formspec..
minetest.formspec_escape( 'List subareas ('..tostring( #subareas )..')')..']';
@ -202,14 +201,15 @@ markers.get_area_list_formspec = function(ppos, player, mode, pos, mode_data, se
minetest.formspec_escape( this_area.owner..'\'s areas')..']';
formspec = formspec..
minetest.formspec_escape( this_area.owner..'\'s areas')..']';
formspec = formspec..
'button[8.0,8.5;2,0.5;list_main_areas;List all main areas]';
'button[3.15,8;4,0.5;list_main_areas;List all main areas]' ..
-- we need to remember especially the id_list - else it would be impossible to know what the
-- player selected
@ -249,29 +249,27 @@ markers.get_area_desc_formspec = function( id, player, pos )
is_owner = true;
local formspec = 'size[10,9]'..
'label[2.5,0.0;Area information and management]'..
local formspec = 'size[10,7]'..
'label[0,0.0;' .. minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", "Area information and management") .. ']'
-- general information about the area
formspec = formspec..
'label[0.5,1.0;This is area number ]'..
'label[4.7,1.0;'..tostring( id )..']'..
'label[0,0.8;Area number: ' ..minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", tostring( id ))..']'..
'label[0.5,1.5;The area is called ]'..
'label[4.7,1.5;'..minetest.formspec_escape( this_area.name or '-not set-')..']'..
'label[0,1.3;Area name: ' ..minetest.colorize("#FFFF00",
minetest.formspec_escape( this_area.name or '-not set-'))..']'..
'label[0.5,2.0;It is owned by ]'..
'label[4.7,2.0;'..minetest.formspec_escape( this_area.owner)..']';
'label[0,1.8;Owned by: ' ..minetest.colorize("#FFFF00",
minetest.formspec_escape( this_area.owner))..']';
-- these functions are only available to the owner of the area
if( is_owner ) then
formspec = formspec..
'button_exit[8.0,0.0;2,0.5;change_owner;Change owner]'..
'button_exit[8.0,2.0;2,0.5;list_player_areas;My areas]';
'button_exit[7,0.0;3,1;change_owner;Change owner]'..
'button_exit[7,0.8;3,1;delete;Delete area]'..
'button_exit[7.0,1.6;3,1;rename;Rename area]'..
'button_exit[7.0,6.4;3,1;list_player_areas;My areas]';
-- subareas of own areas can be deleted (but not renamed)
elseif( not( is_owner )
@ -280,28 +278,27 @@ markers.get_area_desc_formspec = function( id, player, pos )
and areas.areas[ this_area.parent ].owner == pname ) then
formspec = formspec..
'button_exit[8.0,1.0;2,0.5;delete;Delete subarea]'..
'button_exit[8.0,2.0;2,0.5;list_player_areas;Player\'s areas]';
'button_exit[7.0,1.0;2,0.5;delete;Delete subarea]'..
'button_exit[7.0,2.0;2,0.5;list_player_areas;Player\'s areas]';
formspec = formspec..
'button_exit[8.0,2.0;2,0.5;list_player_areas;Player\'s areas]';
'button_exit[7.0,2.0;2,0.5;list_player_areas;Player\'s areas]';
-- players with the areas priv get an extra menu
if( minetest.check_player_privs(pname, {areas=true})) then
if not is_owner and ( minetest.check_player_privs(pname, {areas=true})) then
formspec = formspec..
'label[8.0,6.0;Admin commands:]'..
'button_exit[8.0,6.5;2,0.5;change_owner;Change owner]'..
'button_exit[7.0,0;3,1;change_owner;Change owner]'..
-- show subowners and areas with the same coordinates
formspec = formspec..
'label[0.5,2.5;Further owners of the entire area:]';
local further_owners = {};
for i, area in pairs(areas.areas) do
if( i ~= id and
@ -320,15 +317,15 @@ markers.get_area_desc_formspec = function( id, player, pos )
-- deleting subowners is done by deleting their areas
if( is_owner ) then
formspec = formspec..
'button_exit[7.0,4.8;3,1;add_owner;Add owner]';
formspec = formspec..
if( is_owner ) then
formspec = formspec..
'button_exit[7.0,4.8;3,1;add_owner;Add owner]';
@ -336,7 +333,7 @@ markers.get_area_desc_formspec = function( id, player, pos )
-- is the area a subarea?
if( this_area.parent ) then
formspec = formspec..
'label[0.5,3.0;This area is a sub-area of area]'..
'label[0,3.0;This area is a sub-area of area]'..
'label[4.7,3.0;'..minetest.formspec_escape( areas.areas[ this_area.parent ].name..' ['..this_area.parent..']' )..']'..
'button_exit[8.0,3.0;2,0.5;show_parent;Show main area]';
@ -354,12 +351,11 @@ markers.get_area_desc_formspec = function( id, player, pos )
if( #sub_areas > 0 ) then
formspec = formspec..
'label[0.5,4.0;Number of defined subareas:]'..
'label[4.7,4.0;'..tostring( #sub_areas )..']'..
'label[0.5,2.8;Number of defined subareas: ' ..tostring( #sub_areas )..']'..
'button_exit[8.0,4.0;2,0.5;list_subareas;List subareas]';
formspec = formspec..
'label[0.5,4.0;There are no subareas defined.]';
'label[0,2.8;There are no subareas defined.]';
@ -369,16 +365,19 @@ markers.get_area_desc_formspec = function( id, player, pos )
local length_z = (math.abs( this_area.pos2.z - this_area.pos1.z )+1);
formspec = formspec..
'label[0.5,4.5;The area extends from]'..
'label[4.7,4.5;'..minetest.pos_to_string( this_area.pos1 )..' to '..minetest.pos_to_string( this_area.pos2 )..'.]'..
'label[4.7,4.75;It spans '..tostring( length_x )..
'label[0,3.3;The area extends from '..
minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", minetest.pos_to_string( this_area.pos1 ))..
' to '..
minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", minetest.pos_to_string( this_area.pos2 ))..'.]'..
'label[0,3.8;It spans '..tostring( length_x )..
' x '..tostring( length_z )..
' = '..tostring( length_x * length_z )..
' m^2. Height: '..tostring( length_y )..' m.]';
' m = '..tostring( length_x * length_z )..
' m². Height: '..tostring( length_y )..' m.]';
formspec = formspec..
markers.show_compass_marker( 2.0, 7.0, true, pos, this_area.pos1, this_area.pos2 );
markers.show_compass_marker( 2.0, 6.0, true, pos, this_area.pos1, this_area.pos2 ) ..
-- TODO: buy / sell button
@ -419,17 +418,16 @@ markers.show_compass_marker = function( col_offset, row_offset, with_text, pos,
if( with_text ) then
formspec = formspec..
'label[0.5,5.5;Dimensions of the area in relation to..]'..
-- TODO: check if there is a marker; else write 'position you clicked on'
'label[4.7,5.5;the marker at '..minetest.pos_to_string( pos )..':]'..
'button_exit[8.0,5.5;2,0.5;list_areas_at;Local areas]';
'label[0,4.5;Area dimensions from marker position at '..
minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", minetest.pos_to_string( pos ))..':]'..
'button_exit[7.0,5.6;3,1;list_areas_at;Local areas]';
formspec = formspec..
'label['..(col_offset-0.8)..','..(row_offset+0.05)..';'..tostring( pos.x - pos1.x )..' m W]'..
'label['..(col_offset+1.0)..','..(row_offset+0.05)..';'..tostring( pos2.x - pos.x )..' m E]'..
'label['..(col_offset+0.1)..','..(row_offset+0.80)..';'..tostring( pos.z - pos1.z )..' m S]'..
'label['..(col_offset+0.1)..','..(row_offset-0.80)..';'..tostring( pos2.z - pos.z )..' m N]';
'label['..(col_offset-0.8)..','..(row_offset+0.05)..';'..tostring( pos.x - pos1.x )..' m. ' .. minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", "W") .. ']'..
'label['..(col_offset+1.0)..','..(row_offset+0.05)..';'..tostring( pos2.x - pos.x )..' m. ' .. minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", "E") .. ']'..
'label['..(col_offset+0.1)..','..(row_offset+0.80)..';'..tostring( pos.z - pos1.z )..' m. ' .. minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", "S") .. ']'..
'label['..(col_offset+0.1)..','..(row_offset-0.70)..';'..tostring( pos2.z - pos.z )..' m. ' .. minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", "N") .. ']';
-- else show how far the area is away
@ -456,17 +454,16 @@ markers.show_compass_marker = function( col_offset, row_offset, with_text, pos,
if( with_text ) then
formspec = formspec..
'label[0.5,5.5;Position of the area in relation to..]'..
-- TODO: check if there is a marker; else write 'position you clicked on'
'label[4.7,5.5;the marker at '..minetest.pos_to_string( pos )..':]'..
'button_exit[8.0,5.5;2,0.5;list_areas_at;Local areas]';
'label[0,4.5;Position of the area, from marker position at '..
minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", minetest.pos_to_string( pos ))..':]'..
'button_exit[7.0,5.6;3,1;list_areas_at;Local areas]';
formspec = formspec..
'label['..(col_offset-0.8)..','..(row_offset+0.05)..';'..starts_west:sub(1,-2) .. minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", starts_west:sub(-1))..']'..
'label['..(col_offset+1.0)..','..(row_offset+0.05)..';'..starts_east:sub(1,-2) .. minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", starts_east:sub(-1))..']'..
'label['..(col_offset+0.1)..','..(row_offset-0.80)..';'..starts_north:sub(1,-2) .. minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", starts_north:sub(-1))..']'..
'label['..(col_offset+0.1)..','..(row_offset+0.80)..';'..starts_south:sub(1,-2) .. minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", starts_south:sub(-1))..']'
return formspec;
@ -629,8 +626,9 @@ markers.form_input_handler_areas = function( player, formname, fields)
formspec = 'field[rename_new_name;Enter new name for area:;'..minetest.formspec_escape( area.name )..']';
formspec = 'field[delete_confirm;'..minetest.formspec_escape( 'Really delete area \"'..area.name..
'\" (owned by '..area.owner..')? Confirm with YES:')..';-type yes in capitals to confirm-]';
formspec = 'field[delete_confirm;'..minetest.formspec_escape( 'Delete area '..
minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", area.name)..
' (owned by '..minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", area.owner)..')?')..';-type YES (in capitals) to confirm-]';
@ -797,10 +795,11 @@ markers.show_marker_stone_formspec = function( player, pos )
-- no areas found; display error message and selection menu
if( #found_areas < 1 ) then
formspec = 'size[4,3]'..
'label[0.5,0.5;This position is not protected.]'..
'button[1.0,1.5;2,0.5;list_main_areas;List all main areas]'..
formspec = 'size[4,2]'..
'label[0,0;This position is not protected.]'..
'button[0,0.8;4,0.5;list_main_areas;List all main areas]'..
'button_exit[1.45,1.7;1.2,0.5;abort;OK]' ..
-- found exactly one areaa - display it
elseif( #found_areas == 1 ) then

View File

@ -1 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -247,20 +247,20 @@ markers.get_marker_formspec = function(player, pos, error_msg)
local name = player:get_player_name();
local formspec_info = "size[6,4]"..
if( owner ~= nil and owner ~= '' and owner ~= name ) then
return formspec_info.."This marker\ncan only be used by\n"..tostring( owner )..", who\nplaced the markers.]";
return formspec_info.."This marker can only be used by "..tostring( owner )..", who placed the markers.]";
if( not( markers.positions[ name ]) or #markers.positions[name]<1) then
return formspec_info.."Information about the positions\nof your other markers\ngot lost.\nPlease dig and place\nyour markers again!]";
return formspec_info.."Information about the positions of your other markers got lost. Please dig and place your markers again!]";
local n = #markers.positions[ name ];
if ( n < 2 ) then
return formspec_info.."Please place 2 or more markers\n - at least one in each corner\n of your area first]";
return formspec_info.."Please place 2 or more markers - at least one in each corner of your area first]";
@ -285,53 +285,45 @@ markers.get_marker_formspec = function(player, pos, error_msg)
-- check if area is too large
if( markers.MAX_SIZE < size ) then
return formspec_info.."Error: You can only protect\nareas of up to "..tostring( markers.MAX_SIZE ).."m^2.\n"..
"Your marked area is "..tostring( size ).." m^2 large.]";
return formspec_info.."Error: You can only protect areas of up to "..tostring( markers.MAX_SIZE ).."m²."..
" Your marked area is "..tostring( size ).." m² large.]";
local formspec = 'size[10,7]'..
'label[0.5,1;The area you marked extends from]'..
'label[4.7,1;'..minetest.pos_to_string( coords[ 1 ] )..' to '..minetest.pos_to_string( coords[ 2 ] )..'.]'..
'label[4.7,1.5;It spans '..tostring( math.abs( coords[1].x - coords[2].x )+1 )..
' x '..tostring( math.abs( coords[1].z - coords[2].z )+1 )..
' = '..tostring( size )..' m^2.]';
local formspec =
'size[6,5.8]' ..
'label[0,0;Your area extends from ' ..
minetest.colorize('#FFFF00', minetest.pos_to_string(coords[1])) ..
' to ' .. minetest.colorize('#FFFF00', minetest.pos_to_string(coords[2])) .. '.]' ..
'label[0,0.5;It spans '..tostring( math.abs( coords[1].x - coords[2].x )+1 )..
' x '..tostring( math.abs( coords[1].z - coords[2].z )+1 ) .. ' m' ..
' = '..tostring( size )..' m².]' ..
-- display the error message (if there is any)
if( error_msg ~= nil ) then
formspec = formspec..
'label[0.5,0.0;Error: ]'..
'label[0,0.0;Error: ]'..
if( area and area['id'] ) then
formspec = formspec..
'label[0.5,2.0;This is area number ]'..
'label[4.7,2.0;'..tostring( area['id'] )..'.]'..
'label[0.5,2.5;It is owned by ]'..
'label[4.7,2.5;'..tostring( area['owner'] )..'.]'..
'label[0.5,3.0;The area is called ]'..
'label[4.7,3.0;'..tostring( area['name'] )..'.]'..
'label[0,1.5;Area number: ' .. minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", tostring(area['id'])) .. ']'..
'label[0,2;Owned by: ' .. minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", tostring(area['owner'])) .. ']'..
'label[0,2.5;Area name: ' .. minetest.colorize("#FFFF00", tostring(area['name'])) .. ']'..
formspec = formspec..
-- 'label[0.5,2.0;Buying this area will cost you ]'..
-- 'label[4.7,2.0;'..markers.calculate_area_price_text( coords[1], coords[2], name )..'.]'..
'label[0.5,3.0;Your area ought to go..]'..
'label[0.5,3.5;this many blocks up:]'..
'label[6.0,3.5;(above '..coords[2].y..' )]'..
'field[0.2,2.2;6,0.5;add_height;Area height above this position (min: ' .. coords[2].y .. ');40]'..
'field[0.2,3.5;6,0.5;add_depth;Area depth below this position (min: ' .. coords[1].y .. ');10]'..
'field[0.2,4.7;6,0.5;set_area_name;Area name;]'..
'label[0.5,4.0;and this many blocks down:]'..
'label[6.0,4.0;(below '..coords[1].y..' )]'..
'label[0.5,4.5;The area shall be named]'..
'field[5.0,5.0;6,0.5;set_area_name;;please enter a name]'..
-- code the position in the "Buy area" field
"button_exit[6,6.0;2,0.5;"..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)..";Protect area]";
"button_exit[3,5.4;2.5,0.5;"..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)..";Protect area]";
return formspec;

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