-- markers are useful for measuring distances and for marking areas -- markers are protected from digging by other players for one day -- (the protection for the *marker* auto-expires then, and it can be digged) markers = {} -- stores up to 4 marker positions for each player markers.positions = {} -- store the positions of that many markers for each player (until server restart) markers.MAX_MARKERS = 10; -- the protection against digging of the marker by other players expires after this time markers.EXPIRE_AFTER = 60*60*24; -- self-protected areas can not get higher than 100 blocks markers.MAX_HEIGHT = 100; -- only areas up to this size (in square meters) can be protected markers.MAX_SIZE = 1024; -- 32m * 32m = 1024 m^2 dofile(minetest.get_modpath("markers").."/areas.lua"); dofile(minetest.get_modpath("markers").."/marker_stone.lua"); dofile(minetest.get_modpath("markers").."/land_title_register.lua"); -- returns the first area found markers.get_area_by_pos1_pos2 = function(pos1, pos2) for id, area in pairs(areas.areas) do if( ((area.pos1.x == pos1.x and area.pos1.z == pos1.z ) or (area.pos1.x == pos1.x and area.pos1.z == pos2.z ) or (area.pos1.x == pos2.x and area.pos1.z == pos1.z ) or (area.pos1.x == pos2.x and area.pos1.z == pos2.z )) and((area.pos2.x == pos1.x and area.pos2.z == pos1.z ) or (area.pos2.x == pos1.x and area.pos2.z == pos2.z ) or (area.pos2.x == pos2.x and area.pos2.z == pos1.z ) or (area.pos2.x == pos2.x and area.pos2.z == pos2.z ))) then -- at least pos1 needs to have a hight value that fits in if( (area.pos1.y <= pos1.y and area.pos2.y >= pos1.y) or (area.pos1.y >= pos1.y and area.pos2.y <= pos1.y)) then local found = area; found[ 'id' ] = id; return found; end end end return nil; end -- this function is supposed to return a text string describing the price of the land between po1 and pos2 -- You can return somethiing like "for free" or "the promise to build anything good" as well as any -- real prices in credits or materials - it's really just a text here. -- Make sure you do not charge the player more than what you ask here. markers.calculate_area_price_text = function( pos1, pos2, playername ) local price = ( math.abs( pos1.x - pos2.x )+1 ) * ( math.abs( pos1.z - pos2.z )+1 ); -- * math.ceil( ( math.abs( pos1.y - pos2.y )+1 )/10); return tostring( price )..' credits'; end markers.marker_placed = function( pos, placer, itemstack ) if( not( pos ) or not( placer )) then return; end local meta = minetest.env:get_meta( pos ); local name = placer:get_player_name(); meta:set_string( 'infotext', 'Marker at '..minetest.pos_to_string( pos ).. ' (placed by '..tostring( name )..'). '.. 'Right-click to update.'); meta:set_string( 'owner', name ); -- this allows protection of this particular marker to expire meta:set_string( 'time', tostring( os.time()) ); local txt = ''; if( not( markers.positions[ name ] ) or #markers.positions[name]<1) then markers.positions[ name ] = {}; markers.positions[ name ][ 1 ] = pos; minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'First marker set to position '.. minetest.pos_to_string( markers.positions[ name ][ 1 ] ).. '. Please place a second marker to measure distance. '.. 'Place four markers in a square to define an area.'); else table.insert( markers.positions[ name ], pos ); local n = #markers.positions[ name ]; local dx = markers.positions[ name ][ n ].x - markers.positions[ name ][ n-1 ].x; local dy = markers.positions[ name ][ n ].y - markers.positions[ name ][ n-1 ].y; local dz = markers.positions[ name ][ n ].z - markers.positions[ name ][ n-1 ].z; local dir_name = "unknown"; local d = 0; if( dx == 0 and dz > 0 ) then dir_name = "north"; d = math.abs(dz); elseif( dx == 0 and dz < 0 ) then dir_name = "south"; d = math.abs(dz); elseif( dz == 0 and dx > 0 ) then dir_name = "east"; d = math.abs(dx); elseif( dz == 0 and dx < 0 ) then dir_name = "west"; d = math.abs(dx); elseif( dx == 0 and dz == 0 and dy > 0 ) then dir_name = "above"; d = math.abs(dy); elseif( dx == 0 and dz == 0 and dy < 0 ) then dir_name = "below"; d = math.abs(dy); else local area = (math.abs( dx )+1) * (math.abs( dz )+1); local volume = area * (math.abs( dy )+1); minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'This marker is at '.. minetest.pos_to_string( markers.positions[ name ][ n ] )..', while the last one is at '.. minetest.pos_to_string( markers.positions[ name ][ n-1 ] )..'. Distance (x/y/z): '.. tostring(math.abs(dx))..'/'.. tostring(math.abs(dy))..'/'.. tostring(math.abs(dz)).. '. Area: '..tostring( area )..' m^2. Volume: '..tostring( volume )..' m^3.'); end -- this marker is aligned to the last one if( d > 0 ) then minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'Marker placed at '..minetest.pos_to_string( pos ).. '. Relative to the marker you placed before, this one is '.. tostring( d )..' m '..dir_name..'.'); end -- do the last 4 markers placed form an area? if( #markers.positions[ name ] > 3 ) then local count_x_coord = {}; local count_z_coord = {}; local anz_x_coord = 0; local anz_z_coord = 0; local check_failed = 0; for i=0,3 do local v = markers.positions[ name ][ n-i ].x; if( not( count_x_coord[ v ] )) then count_x_coord[ v ] = 1; anz_x_coord = anz_x_coord + 1; elseif( count_x_coord[ v ] == 2 ) then check_failed = 1; else count_x_coord[ v ] = count_x_coord[ v ] + 1; end v = markers.positions[ name ][ n-i ].z; if( not( count_z_coord[ v ] )) then count_z_coord[ v ] = 1; anz_z_coord = anz_z_coord + 1; elseif( count_z_coord[ v ] == 2 ) then check_failed = 1; else count_z_coord[ v ] = count_z_coord[ v ] + 1; end end if( anz_x_coord == 2 and anz_z_coord == 2 and check_failed == 0 ) then minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'The last four markers you placed form a rectangle. '.. 'Right-click on this marker here in order to protect the area.'); end end -- make sure the list does not grow too large if( n > markers.MAX_MARKERS ) then table.remove( markers.positions[ name ], 1 ); end end end markers.marker_can_dig = function(pos,player) if( not( pos ) or not( player )) then return true; end local meta = minetest.env:get_meta( pos ); local owner = meta:get_string( 'owner' ); local time = meta:get_string( 'time' ); -- can the marker be removed? if( not( owner ) or owner=='' or not( time ) or time=='' or (os.time() - tonumber( time )) > markers.EXPIRE_AFTER ) then return true; -- marker whose data got lost anyway elseif( not( markers.positions[ owner ] ) or #markers.positions[ owner ] < 1 ) then return true; -- marker owned by someone else and still in use elseif( owner ~= player:get_player_name()) then minetest.chat_send_player( player:get_player_name(), 'Sorry, this marker belongs to '..tostring( owner ).. '. If you still want to remove it, try again in '.. ( tostring( markers.EXPIRE_AFTER + tonumber( time ) - os.time()))..' seconds.'); return false; end return true; end markers.marker_after_dig_node = function(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger) if( not(oldmetadata ) or not(oldmetadata['fields'])) then return; end local owner = oldmetadata['fields']['owner']; if( not( owner ) or owner=='' or not( markers.positions[ owner ] ) or #markers.positions[ owner ] < 1 ) then return; end -- remove the markers position from our table of stored positions local found = 0; for i,v in ipairs( markers.positions[ owner ] ) do if( v.x == pos.x and v.y == pos.y and v.z == pos.z ) then found = i; end end if( found ~= 0 ) then table.remove( markers.positions[ owner ], found ); end return true; end markers.get_marker_formspec = function(player, pos, error_msg) local formspec = ""; local meta = minetest.env:get_meta( pos ); local owner = meta:get_string( 'owner' ); local name = player:get_player_name(); local formspec_info = "size[6,4]".. "button_exit[2,2.5;1,0.5;abort;OK]".. "textarea[1,1;4,2;info;Information;"; if( owner ~= nil and owner ~= '' and owner ~= name ) then return formspec_info.."This marker\ncan only be used by\n"..tostring( owner )..", who\nplaced the markers.]"; end if( not( markers.positions[ name ]) or #markers.positions[name]<1) then return formspec_info.."Information about the positions\nof your other markers\ngot lost.\nPlease dig and place\nyour markers again!]"; end local n = #markers.positions[ name ]; if( markers.positions[ name ][ n ].x ~= pos.x or markers.positions[ name ][ n ].y ~= pos.y or markers.positions[ name ][ n ].z ~= pos.z ) then return formspec_info.."Please use the marker\nyou placed last\n".. "for accessing this menu.\nYou can find said marker at\n".. minetest.pos_to_string( markers.positions[ name ][ n ] )..'.]'; end if( n < 4 ) then return formspec_info.."Please place 4 markers\n - one in each corner\n of your area - first.]"; end local coords_raw = meta:get_string( 'coords' ); local coords = {}; if( coords_raw ~= nil and coords_raw ~= '' ) then coords = minetest.deserialize( coords_raw ); end local opposite = n; -- the last 4 markers placed ought to form the area if( true or #coords ~= 2 ) then -- TODO for i=1,3 do -- if both coordinates are diffrent, then this may be the opposite marker if( ( markers.positions[ name ][ n-i ].x ~= markers.positions[ name ][ n ].x ) and ( markers.positions[ name ][ n-i ].z ~= markers.positions[ name ][ n ].z )) then opposite = n-i; coords = { markers.positions[ name ][ n ], markers.positions[ name ][ n-i ] }; end end -- check if they fit for i=1,3 do if(not( ((n-i) == opposite ) or not(markers.positions[ name ][ n-i ] ) or ( markers.positions[ name ][ n-i ].x == coords[ 1 ].x and markers.positions[ name ][ n-i ].z == coords[ 2 ].z ) or ( markers.positions[ name ][ n-i ].x == coords[ 2 ].x and markers.positions[ name ][ n-i ].z == coords[ 1 ].z ))) then return formspec_info.."Error: The last 4 markers\nyou placed do not form\na rectangle.]"; end end -- save data meta:set_string( 'coords', minetest.serialize( coords ) ); end -- the coordinates are set; we may present an input form now -- has the area already been defined? local area = markers.get_area_by_pos1_pos2( coords[1], coords[2] ); local size = (math.abs( coords[1].x - coords[2].x )+1) * (math.abs( coords[1].z - coords[2].z )+1); -- check if area is too large if( markers.MAX_SIZE < size ) then return formspec_info.."Error: You can only protect\nareas of up to "..tostring( markers.MAX_SIZE ).."m^2.\n".. "Your marked area is "..tostring( size ).." m^2 large.]"; end local formspec = 'size[10,7]'.. 'label[0.5,1;The area you marked extends from]'.. 'label[4.7,1;'..minetest.pos_to_string( coords[ 1 ] )..' to '..minetest.pos_to_string( coords[ 2 ] )..'.]'.. 'label[4.7,1.5;It spans '..tostring( math.abs( coords[1].x - coords[2].x )+1 ).. ' x '..tostring( math.abs( coords[1].z - coords[2].z )+1 ).. ' = '..tostring( size )..' m^2.]'; -- display the error message (if there is any) if( error_msg ~= nil ) then formspec = formspec.. 'label[0.5,0.0;Error: ]'.. 'textarea[5.0,0;4,1.5;info;;'..error_msg..']'; end if( area and area['id'] ) then formspec = formspec.. 'label[0.5,2.0;This is area number ]'.. 'label[4.7,2.0;'..tostring( area['id'] )..'.]'.. 'label[0.5,2.5;It is owned by ]'.. 'label[4.7,2.5;'..tostring( area['owner'] )..'.]'.. 'label[0.5,3.0;The area is called ]'.. 'label[4.7,3.0;'..tostring( area['name'] )..'.]'.. "button_exit[2,6.0;2,0.5;abort;OK]"; else formspec = formspec.. 'label[0.5,2.0;Buying this area will cost you ]'.. 'label[4.7,2.0;'..markers.calculate_area_price_text( coords[1], coords[2], name )..'.]'.. 'label[0.5,3.0;Your area ought to go..]'.. 'label[0.5,3.5;this many blocks up:]'.. 'field[5.0,4.0;1,0.5;add_height;;40]'.. 'label[6.0,3.5;(relative to this marker)]'.. 'label[0.5,4.0;and this many blocks down:]'.. 'field[5.0,4.5;1,0.5;add_depth;;10]'.. 'label[6.0,4.0;(relative to this marker)]'.. 'label[0.5,4.5;The area shall be named]'.. 'field[5.0,5.0;6,0.5;set_area_name;;please enter a name]'.. "button_exit[2,6.0;2,0.5;abort;Abort]".. -- code the position in the "Buy area" field "button_exit[6,6.0;2,0.5;"..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)..";Buy area]"; end return formspec; end -- protect/buy an area markers.marker_on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) if( not( pos )) then minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'Sorry, could not find the marker you where using to access this formspec.' ); return; end local meta = minetest.env:get_meta( pos ); local name = sender:get_player_name(); local coords_string = meta:get_string( 'coords' ); if( not( coords_string ) or coords_string == '' ) then minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'Could not find marked area. Please dig and place your markers again!'); return; end local coords = minetest.deserialize( coords_string ); -- do not protect areas twice local area = markers.get_area_by_pos1_pos2( coords[1], coords[2] ); if( area ) then minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'This area is already protected.'); return; end -- check input local add_height = tonumber( fields['add_height'] ); local add_depth = tonumber( fields['add_depth'] ); local error_msg = ''; if( not( add_height ) or add_height < 0 or add_height > markers.MAX_HEIGHT ) then minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'Please enter a number between 0 and '..tostring( markers.MAX_HEIGHT ).. ' in the field where the height of your area is requested. Your area will stretch that many blocks '.. 'up into the sky from the position of this marker onward.'); error_msg = 'The height value\nhas to be larger than 0\nand smaller than '..tostring( markers.MAX_HEIGHT ); elseif( not( add_depth ) or add_depth < 0 or add_depth > markers.MAX_HEIGHT ) then minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'Please enter a number between 0 and '..tostring( markers.MAX_HEIGHT ).. ' in the field where the depth of your area is requested. Your area will stretch that many blocks '.. 'into the ground from the position of this marker onward.'); error_msg = 'The depth value\nhas to be larger than 0\nand smaller than '..tostring( markers.MAX_HEIGHT ); elseif( add_height + add_depth > markers.MAX_HEIGHT ) then minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'Sorry, your area exceeds the height limit. Height and depth added have to '.. 'be smaller than '..tostring( markers.MAX_HEIGHT )..'.'); error_msg = 'height + depth has to\nbe smaller than '..tostring( markers.MAX_HEIGHT )..'.' elseif( not( fields[ 'set_area_name' ] ) or fields['set_area_name'] == 'please enter a name' ) then minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'Please provide a name for your area, i.e. \"'.. tostring( name )..'s first house\" The name ought to describe what you intend to build here.'); error_msg = 'Please provide a\nname for your area!'; else error_msg = nil; end if( error_msg ~= nil ) then minetest.show_formspec( name, "markers:mark", markers.get_marker_formspec(sender, pos, error_msg)); return; end -- those coords lack the height component local pos1 = coords[1]; local pos2 = coords[2]; -- apply height values from the formspeck pos1.y = pos.y + add_height; pos2.y = pos.y - add_depth; pos1, pos2 = areas:sortPos( pos1, pos2 ); --minetest.chat_send_player('singleplayer','INPUT: '..minetest.serialize( pos1 )..' pos2: '..minetest.serialize( pos2 )); minetest.log("action", "[markers] /protect invoked, owner="..name.. " areaname="..fields['set_area_name'].. " startpos="..minetest.pos_to_string(pos1).. " endpos=" ..minetest.pos_to_string(pos2)); local canAdd, errMsg = areas:canPlayerAddArea(pos1, pos2, name) if not canAdd then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You can't protect that area: "..errMsg) minetest.show_formspec( name, "markers:mark", markers.get_marker_formspec(sender, pos, errMsg)); return end local id = areas:add(name, fields['set_area_name'], pos1, pos2, nil) areas:save() minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Area protected. ID: "..id) minetest.show_formspec( name, "markers:mark", markers.get_marker_formspec(sender, pos, nil)); end -- formspec input needs to be handled diffrently markers.form_input_handler = function( player, formname, fields) if( formname == "markers:mark" ) then if( not(fields) or fields['abort']) then return true; end --- decode the position of the marker (which is hidden in the Buy-buttons name local pos = {}; for k, v in pairs( fields ) do if( v == 'Buy area' ) then pos = minetest.string_to_pos( k ); end end if( pos and pos.x and pos.y and pos.z ) then markers.marker_on_receive_fields(pos, formname, fields, player); end return true; elseif( formname == "markers:info" and player and markers.menu_data_by_player[ player:get_player_name() ] ) then local res = markers.form_input_handler_areas( player, formname, fields); if( res ) then return true; end -- TODO -- minetest.chat_send_player('singleplayer','MARKERS:INFO WITH '..minetest.serialize( fields )); else -- TODO -- minetest.chat_send_player('singleplayer','YOU CALLED '..tostring( formname )..' WITH '..minetest.serialize( fields )); end return false; end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields( markers.form_input_handler) minetest.register_node("markers:mark", { description = "Marker", tiles = {"markers_mark.png"}, drawtype = "nodebox", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = {snappy=2,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=1}, --fixed on both buttons dig client crash light_source = 1, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { { -0.1, -0.5, -0.1, 0.1, 1.5, 0.1 }, }, }, after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack) markers.marker_placed( pos, placer, itemstack ); end, -- the node is digged immediately, so we may as well do all the work in can_dig (any wrong digs are not that critical) can_dig = function(pos,player) return markers.marker_can_dig( pos, player ); end, after_dig_node = function(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger) return markers.marker_after_dig_node( pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger ); end, on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker) minetest.show_formspec( clicker:get_player_name(), "markers:mark", markers.get_marker_formspec(clicker, pos, nil) ); end, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "markers:mark 4", recipe = { { "group:stick" }, { "default:apple" }, { "group:stick" }, } });