--+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- -- convert_to_areas -- get region datatable from id and -- makes an area table -- --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- input: region ID -- msg/error handling: no -- returns this_area as table in the area-format function markers:convert_to_areas(id) local this_area = {} local pos1,pos2,data = raz:get_region_data_by_id(id) this_area[ 'id' ] = id this_area[ 'owner' ] = data.owner this_area[ 'name' ] = data.region_name this_area[ 'pos1' ] = pos1 this_area[ 'pos2' ] = pos2 this_area[ 'guests' ] = raz:convert_string_to_table(data.guests, ",") return this_area end --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- -- check_region_mark -- checks if pname is owner of an region and has the correct privileg -- or is region_admin -- --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- input: region ID -- msg/error handling: no -- returns true - is owner with privileg or region_admin function markers:check_region_mark(pname, owner) if( owner == pname and minetest.check_player_privs(pname, { region_mark = true }) ) or minetest.check_player_privs(pname, { region_admin = true }) then return true; end return false end --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- -- check_region_mark -- checks if pname is owner of an region and has the correct privileg -- or is region_admin -- --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- input: region ID -- msg/error handling: no -- returns true - is owner with privileg or region_admin function markers:check_region_set(pname, owner) if( owner == pname and minetest.check_player_privs(pname, { region_set = true }) ) or minetest.check_player_privs(pname, { region_admin = true }) then return true; end return false end --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- -- get area by pos1 uand pos2 -- looks for the region in the pos1-pos2 zone -- --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- input: pos1, pos2 as vector (table) -- returns the first area found -- msg/error handling: no -- return nil if the is no area -- return area-table with id of the first found area markers.get_area_by_pos1_pos2 = function(pos1, pos2) local found_id = raz:get_area_by_pos1_pos2(pos1, pos2) if found_id ~= nil then local return_table = markers:convert_to_areas(found_id) return return_table else return nil end end ----------------------------------------- -- -- player can add region -- ----------------------------------------- -- check ich name has the privileg -- pos1 and pos2 are not in an other region -- the player/name has less when MAX-Regions set -- msg/error handling: -- return false, err-text -- return true, nil function markers:player_can_add_region(pos1, pos2, name) if not minetest.check_player_privs(name, { region_mark = true }) then return false, "You dont have the privileg 'region_mark' " end if raz:get_area_by_pos1_pos2(pos1, pos2) ~= nil then return false, "The pos1,pos2 are in an other region! - You can not mark the region." end return true, nil end -- protect an region markers.marker_on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) if( not( pos )) then minetest.log("action", "[" .. markers.modname .. "] markers.marker_on_receive_fields nor )pos) sender = "..tostring(sender) ) minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'Sorry, could not find the marker you where using to access this formspec.' ); return; end local meta = minetest.get_meta( pos ); local name = sender:get_player_name(); local coords_string = meta:get_string( 'coords' ); if( not( coords_string ) or coords_string == '' ) then minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'Could not find marked area. Please dig and place your markers again!'); return; end local coords = minetest.deserialize( coords_string ); -- do not protect areas twice local area = markers.get_area_by_pos1_pos2( coords[1], coords[2] ); if( area ) then minetest.log("action", "[" .. markers.modname .. "] markers.marker_on_receive_fields area = :"..tostring(area) ) minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'This area is already protected.'); return; end -- check input local add_height = tonumber( fields['add_height'] ); local add_depth = tonumber( fields['add_depth'] ); local error_msg = ''; if( not( add_height ) or add_height < 0 or add_height > markers.MAX_HEIGHT ) then minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'Please enter a number between 0 and '..tostring( markers.MAX_HEIGHT ).. ' in the field where the height of your area is requested. Your area will stretch that many blocks '.. 'up into the sky from the position of this marker onward.'); error_msg = 'The height value\nhas to be larger than 0\nand smaller than '..tostring( markers.MAX_HEIGHT ); elseif( not( add_depth ) or add_depth < 0 or add_depth > markers.MAX_HEIGHT ) then minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'Please enter a number between 0 and '..tostring( markers.MAX_HEIGHT ).. ' in the field where the depth of your area is requested. Your area will stretch that many blocks '.. 'into the ground from the position of this marker onward.'); error_msg = 'The depth value\nhas to be larger than 0\nand smaller than '..tostring( markers.MAX_HEIGHT ); elseif( add_height + add_depth > markers.MAX_HEIGHT ) then minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'Sorry, your area exceeds the height limit. Height and depth added have to '.. 'be smaller than '..tostring( markers.MAX_HEIGHT )..'.'); error_msg = 'height + depth has to\nbe smaller than '..tostring( markers.MAX_HEIGHT )..'.' elseif( not( fields[ 'set_area_name' ] ) or fields['set_area_name'] == 'please enter a name' ) then minetest.chat_send_player( name, 'Please provide a name for your area, i.e. \"'.. tostring( name )..'s first house\" The name ought to describe what you intend to build here.'); error_msg = 'Please provide a\nname for your area!'; else error_msg = nil; end if( error_msg ~= nil ) then minetest.show_formspec( name, "markers:mark", markers.get_marker_formspec(sender, pos, error_msg)); return; end -- those coords lack the height component local pos1 = coords[1]; local pos2 = coords[2]; -- apply height values from the formspeck pos1.y = pos1.y - add_depth; pos2.y = pos2.y + add_height; -- sort pos1 and pos2 pos1, pos2 = markers:sortPos( pos1, pos2 ); minetest.log("action", "[markers] /protect invoked, owner="..name.. " areaname="..fields['set_area_name'].. " startpos="..minetest.pos_to_string(pos1).. " endpos=" ..minetest.pos_to_string(pos2)); local canAdd, errMsg = markers:player_can_add_region(pos1, pos2, name) if canAdd == false then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You can't protect that area: "..tostring(errMsg)) minetest.show_formspec( name, "markers:mark", markers.get_marker_formspec(sender, pos, errMsg)); return end local data = raz:create_data(name,fields['set_area_name'],true) local id = raz:set_region(pos1,pos2,data) minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Area protected. ID: "..tostring(id)) minetest.show_formspec( name, "markers:mark", markers.get_marker_formspec(sender, pos, nil)); end -- Temporary compatibility function - see minetest PR#1180 if not vector.interpolate then vector.interpolate = function(pos1, pos2, factor) return {x = pos1.x + (pos2.x - pos1.x) * factor, y = pos1.y + (pos2.y - pos1.y) * factor, z = pos1.z + (pos2.z - pos1.z) * factor} end end -- taken from mobf --local COLOR_RED = "#FF0000"; --local COLOR_GREEN = "#00FF00"; --local COLOR_WHITE = "#FFFFFF"; -- we need to store which list we present to which player markers.menu_data_by_player = {} markers.get_area_by_pos = function(pos) local found_areas = raz.raz_store:get_areas_for_pos(pos) --{}; return found_areas; end -- ppos: current player (or marker stone) position - used for sorting the list -- mode: can be pos, player, all, subarea, main_areas -- mode_data: content depends on mode -- selected: display information about the area the player single-clicked on markers.get_area_list_formspec = function(ppos, player, mode, pos, mode_data, selected ) local id_list = {}; local title = '???'; local tlabel = ''; -- expects a position in mode_data if( mode=='pos' ) then -- title would be too long for a label title = 'All areas which contain position..'; tlabel = '<'..minetest.pos_to_string( mode_data )..'>:'; id_list = raz.raz_store:get_areas_for_pos(pos) -- expects a playername in mode_data elseif( mode=='player' ) then title = 'All areas owned by player..'; tlabel = '<'..tostring( mode_data )..'>:'; local counter = 0 local data = {} while raz.raz_store:get_area(counter) do data = raz:get_region_datatable(counter) if( data.owner == mode_data ) then table.insert( id_list, counter ); end counter = counter + 1 end -- expects an area_id in mode_data elseif( mode=='subareas' ) then minetest.log("error", "[" .. markers.modname .. "] {markers.get_area_list_formspec} there are no subareas in raz-mod.") -- show only regions that do have parent attribute = true elseif( mode=='main_areas' ) then title = 'All parent region withhin '..tostring( markers.AREA_RANGE )..' m:'; tlabel = '*all parent regions *'; local counter = 0 local data = {} while raz.raz_store:get_area(counter) do data = raz:get_region_datatable(counter) if( data.parent == true ) then table.insert( id_list, counter ); end counter = counter + 1 end -- show all regions elseif( mode=='all' ) then title = 'All regions withhin '..tostring( markers.AREA_RANGE )..' m:'; tlabel = '*all regions*'; local counter = 0 local data = {} while raz.raz_store:get_area(counter) do table.insert( id_list, counter ); counter = counter + 1 end end -- Sort the list of regions so the nearest comes first local nearsorter = function(a, b) return vector.distance(vector.interpolate(raz.raz_store:get_area(a).min, raz.raz_store:get_area(a).max, 0.5), ppos) < vector.distance(vector.interpolate(raz.raz_store:get_area(b).min, raz.raz_store:get_area(b).max, 0.5), ppos) end table.sort(id_list, nearsorter) local formspec = 'size[10,9]'; title = minetest.formspec_escape( title ); tlabel = minetest.formspec_escape( tlabel ); formspec = formspec.. "label[0.5,0;"..title.."]".. "label[4.7,0;"..tlabel.."]".. "label[0.5,8.5;Doubleclick to select area.]".. "label[4.7,8.5;Areas found: "..tostring( #id_list )..".]".. "textlist[0.5,0.5;7,8;markers_area_list_selection;"; local liste = ''; local liste_string = "" for i,v in ipairs( id_list ) do if( liste ~= '' ) then liste = liste..','; end list_string = "ID = "..v.." - "..raz:get_region_attribute(v, "region_name") liste = liste..minetest.formspec_escape( list_string ) end -- highlight selected entry if( selected ) then formspec = formspec..liste..';'..selected..';false]'; else formspec = formspec..liste..';]'; end local pname = player:get_player_name(); if( not( markers.menu_data_by_player[ pname ] )) then markers.menu_data_by_player[ pname ] = {}; end -- display information about the location of the area the player clicked on if( selected and id_list[ selected ] and raz.raz_store:get_area( id_list[ selected ]) ) then local this_area = markers:convert_to_areas( id_list[ selected ]); formspec = formspec.. markers.show_compass_marker( 8.5, 3.0, false, pos, this_area.pos1, this_area.pos2 ); if( mode=='player' ) then formspec = formspec.. 'label[8.0,1.5;'.. minetest.formspec_escape( this_area.owner..'\'s areas')..']'; else formspec = formspec.. 'button[8.0,1.5;2,0.5;list_player_areas;'.. minetest.formspec_escape( this_area.owner..'\'s areas')..']'; end end formspec = formspec.. 'button[8.0,8.5;2,0.5;list_main_areas;List all main areas]'; -- we need to remember especially the id_list - else it would be impossible to know what the -- player selected markers.menu_data_by_player[ pname ] = { typ = 'area_list', mode = mode, pos = pos, mode_data = mode_data, list = id_list, selected = id_list[ selected ], }; return formspec; end -- shows a formspec with information about a particular area -- pos is the position of the marker stone or place where the player clicked -- with the land title register; it is used for relative display of coordinates markers.get_area_desc_formspec = function( id, player, pos ) if( not id or not raz.raz_store:get_area( id )) then return 'field[info;Error:;Area not found.]'; end -- build the this_area table from raz_store data local this_area = markers:convert_to_areas(id) local pname = player:get_player_name(); -- show some buttons only if area is owned by the player local has_region_mark = markers:check_region_mark(pname, this_area.owner) local has_region_set = markers:check_region_set(pname, this_area.owner) local formspec = 'size[10,9]'.. 'label[2.5,0.0;Area information and management]'.. 'button_exit[4.7,7.0;1,0.5;abort;OK]'; -- general information about the region formspec = formspec.. 'label[0.5,1.0;This is area number ]'.. 'label[4.7,1.0;'..tostring( id )..']'.. 'label[0.5,1.5;The area is called ]'.. 'label[4.7,1.5;'..minetest.formspec_escape( this_area.name or '-not set-')..']'.. 'label[0.5,2.0;It is owned by ]'.. 'label[4.7,2.0;'..minetest.formspec_escape( this_area.owner)..']'; -- these functions are only available to the owner of the region with privileg region_set if has_region_set then formspec = formspec.. 'button_exit[8.0,0.0;2.2,0.7;change_owner;Change owner]'; end -- these functions are only available to the owner of the region with privileg region_mark if has_region_mark then formspec = formspec.. 'button_exit[8.0,1.0;2.2,0.7;delete;Delete]'.. 'button_exit[8.0,1.7;2.2,0.7;rename;Rename]' end -- show subowners and areas with the same coordinates formspec = formspec.. 'label[0.5,2.5;invited Guests of the area:]'; local guests = this_area.guests--{}; if( #guests > 0 ) then formspec = formspec.. 'label[4.7,2.5;'..minetest.formspec_escape( table.concat( guests, ', '))..'.]'; if( has_region_set ) then formspec = formspec.. 'button_exit[8.0,2.5;2.2,0.7;add_guest;Add Guest]'.. 'button_exit[8.0,3.2;2.2,0.7;ban_guest;remove Guest]'; end else formspec = formspec.. 'label[4.7,2.5;-none-]'; if( has_region_set ) then formspec = formspec.. 'button_exit[8.0,2.5;2.2,0.7;add_guest;Add Guest]'.. 'button_exit[8.0,3.2;2.2,0.7;ban_guest;remove Guest]'; end end -- give information about the size of the area local length_x = (math.abs( this_area.pos2.x - this_area.pos1.x )+1); local length_y = (math.abs( this_area.pos2.y - this_area.pos1.y )+1); local length_z = (math.abs( this_area.pos2.z - this_area.pos1.z )+1); formspec = formspec.. 'label[0.5,4.5;The area extends from]'.. 'label[4.7,4.5;'..minetest.pos_to_string( this_area.pos1 )..' to '..minetest.pos_to_string( this_area.pos2 )..'.]'.. 'label[4.7,4.75;It spans '..tostring( length_x ).. ' x '..tostring( length_z ).. ' = '..tostring( length_x * length_z ).. ' m^2. Height: '..tostring( length_y )..' m.]'; formspec = formspec.. markers.show_compass_marker( 2.0, 7.0, true, pos, this_area.pos1, this_area.pos2 ); --local pname = player:get_player_name(); if( not( markers.menu_data_by_player[ pname ] )) then markers.menu_data_by_player[ pname ] = {}; end -- we need to remember especially the id_list - else it would be impossible to know what the -- player selected markers.menu_data_by_player[ pname ] = { typ = 'show_area', mode = nil, pos = pos, mode_data = nil, list = nil, selected = id, }; return formspec; end -- formspec input needs to be handled diffrently markers.form_input_handler_areas = function( player, formname, fields) -- player name local pname = player:get_player_name(); local ppos = player:getpos() if( formname ~= "markers:info" or not( player ) or not( markers.menu_data_by_player[ pname ] )) then return false; end local menu_data = markers.menu_data_by_player[ pname ]; local formspec = ''; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rename an region -- only region_admin or owner with region_mark can rename region if( fields.rename -- rename and menu_data.selected -- raz_store-ID is set and raz.raz_store:get_area(menu_data.selected) ) then -- there is an region for this ID -- there are no checks here - those happen when the region will renamed local area = markers:convert_to_areas(menu_data.selected) -- get raz_store converted to an areas-table if( not( area.name )) then area.name = '-enter area name-'; end formspec = 'field[rename_new_name;Enter new name for area:;'..minetest.formspec_escape( area.name )..']'; elseif( fields.rename_new_name -- rename_new_name and menu_data.selected -- raz_store-ID is set and raz.raz_store:get_area(menu_data.selected) ) then -- there is an region for this ID local area = markers:convert_to_areas(menu_data.selected) -- get raz_store converted to an areas-table -- check owner with privileg or region admin if markers:check_region_mark(pname, area.owner) then -- owner with privileg or admin -- actually rename the area local err = raz:region_set_attribute(pname, menu_data.selected, "region_name", fields.rename_new_name) if err then minetest.chat_send_player( pname, 'Region successfully renamed.'); -- shwo the renamed area formspec = markers.get_area_desc_formspec( menu_data.selected, player, menu_data.pos ); else raz:msg_handling(err, pname) end else if area.owner ~= pname then minetest.chat_send_player( pname, 'Permission denied. You are not owner of this region!'); else minetest.chat_send_player( pname, "Permission denied. Missing privileg \'region_mark\'!"); end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- change owner the area -- only region_admin or owner with region_set can change owner elseif( fields.change_owner -- change_owner and menu_data.selected -- raz_store-ID is set and raz.raz_store:get_area(menu_data.selected)) then -- there is an region for this ID -- there are no checks here - those happen when the area is transferred local area = markers:convert_to_areas(menu_data.selected) -- get raz_store converted to an areas-table formspec = 'field[change_owner_name;Give area \"'..minetest.formspec_escape( area.name )..'\" to player:;-enter name of NEW OWNER-]'; elseif( fields.change_owner_name -- change_owner_name and menu_data.selected -- raz_store-ID is set and raz.raz_store:get_area(menu_data.selected)) then -- there is an region for this local area = markers:convert_to_areas(menu_data.selected) -- get raz_store converted to an areas-table -- check new owner is player if( not( minetest.player_exists( fields.change_owner_name ))) then minetest.chat_send_player( pname, 'That player does not exist.'); -- check owner with privileg or region admin elseif markers:check_region_set(pname, area.owner) then -- owner with privileg or admin -- actually change the owner local err = raz:region_set_attribute(pname, menu_data.selected, "owner", fields.change_owner_name) if err then minetest.chat_send_player( pname, 'Your region '..tostring( area.name )..' has been transfered to '..tostring( fields.change_owner_name )..'.'); minetest.chat_send_player( fields.change_owner_name, pname..' has given you control over an region.') else raz:msg_handling(err, pname) end elseif area.owner ~= pname then minetest.chat_send_player( pname, 'Permission denied. You are not owner of this region!'); else minetest.chat_send_player( pname, "Permission denied. Missing privileg \'region_set\'!"); end formspec = markers.get_area_desc_formspec( menu_data.selected, player, menu_data.pos ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- add a guest - check id / region with ID elseif( fields.add_guest and menu_data.selected -- raz_store-ID is set and raz.raz_store:get_area(menu_data.selected) ) then -- there is an region for this ID local area = markers:convert_to_areas(menu_data.selected) -- get raz_store converted to an areas-table formspec = 'field[add_guest_name;Invite a player to your region: \"'..minetest.formspec_escape( area.name )..'\";-enter player name-]'; elseif( fields.add_guest_name and menu_data.selected -- raz_store-ID is set and raz.raz_store:get_area(menu_data.selected) ) then -- there is an region for this ID local area = markers:convert_to_areas(menu_data.selected) -- get raz_store converted to an areas-table -- does the player exist? if( not( minetest.player_exists( fields.add_guest_name ))) then minetest.chat_send_player( pname, 'That player does not exist.'); -- show the formspec formspec = markers.get_area_desc_formspec( menu_data.selected, player, menu_data.pos ); -- check owner with privileg or region admin elseif markers:check_region_set(pname, area.owner) then -- owner with privileg or admin -- log add guest minetest.log("action", pname.." add_guest through the markers-mod. guest = "..fields.add_guest_name.. " AreaName = "..area.name.." ParentID = "..menu_data.selected.. " StartPos = "..area.pos1.x..","..area.pos1.y..","..area.pos1.z.. " EndPos = " ..area.pos2.x..","..area.pos2.y..","..area.pos2.z) -- actually add the guest if raz:region_set_attribute(pname, menu_data.selected, "guest", fields.add_guest_name, true) then minetest.chat_send_player( fields.add_guest_name, "You have been invitedinto the region #".. menu_data.selected..". Type /region list to show your region.") minetest.chat_send_player( pname, 'The player may now build and dig in your area.'); -- shwo the new area formspec = markers.get_area_desc_formspec( menu_data.selected, player, menu_data.pos ); else minetest.chat_send_player( pname, "ther is a player with this name {".. fields.ban_guest_name.."} in your guestlist!"); end elseif area.owner ~= pname then minetest.chat_send_player( pname, 'Permission denied. You are not owner of this region!'); else minetest.chat_send_player( pname, "Permission denied. Missing privileg \'region_setz\'!"); end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ban a guest elseif( fields.ban_guest and menu_data.selected -- raz_store-ID is set and raz.raz_store:get_area(menu_data.selected) ) then -- there is an region for this ID local area = markers:convert_to_areas(menu_data.selected) -- get raz_store converted to an areas-table formspec = 'field[ban_guest_name;Grant access to area \"'..minetest.formspec_escape( area.name )..'\" to player:;-enter player name-]'; elseif( fields.ban_guest_name and menu_data.selected -- raz_store-ID is set and raz.raz_store:get_area(menu_data.selected) ) then -- there is an region for this ID local area = markers:convert_to_areas(menu_data.selected) -- get raz_store converted to an areas-table -- does the player exist? if( not( minetest.player_exists( fields.ban_guest_name ))) then minetest.chat_send_player( pname, 'That player does not exist.'); -- show the formspec formspec = markers.get_area_desc_formspec( menu_data.selected, player, menu_data.pos ); -- check owner with privileg or region admin elseif markers:check_region_set(pname, area.owner) then -- owner with privileg or admin -- log ban guest minetest.log("action", pname.." ban_guest through the markers-mod. guest = "..fields.ban_guest_name.. " AreaName = "..area.name.." ParentID = "..menu_data.selected.. " StartPos = "..area.pos1.x..","..area.pos1.y..","..area.pos1.z.. " EndPos = " ..area.pos2.x..","..area.pos2.y..","..area.pos2.z) -- actually add the guest if raz:region_set_attribute(pname, menu_data.selected, "guest", fields.ban_guest_name, false) then minetest.chat_send_player( fields.ban_guest_name, "You have been banned from the region #".. menu_data.selected..". Type /region list to show your region.") minetest.chat_send_player( pname, "You have banned player ".. fields.ban_guest_name.." from your region {"..area.name.."}"); -- shwo the new area formspec = markers.get_area_desc_formspec( menu_data.selected, player, menu_data.pos ); else minetest.chat_send_player( pname, "No player {".. fields.ban_guest_name.."} in your guestlist of region {"..area.name.."}"); end else minetest.chat_send_player( pname, 'Permission denied. You do not have the correct privileg.'); end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- delete area elseif( fields.delete and menu_data.selected -- raz_store-ID is set and raz.raz_store:get_area(menu_data.selected) ) then -- there is an region for this ID local area = markers:convert_to_areas(menu_data.selected) -- get raz_store converted to an areas-table -- a player can only delete own regions with privileg - region_mark or as admin -- check owner with privileg or region admin if markers:check_region_mark(pname, area.owner) then -- owner with privileg or admin -- get name of region formspec = 'field[rename_new_name;Enter new name for area:;'..minetest.formspec_escape( area.name )..']'; -- confirm formspec = 'field[delete_confirm;'..minetest.formspec_escape( 'Really delete area \"'..area.name.. '\" (owned by '..area.owner..')? Confirm with YES:')..';-type yes in capitals to confirm-]'; elseif raz:get_region_attribute(menu_data.selected, "owner" ) ~= pname then minetest.chat_send_player( pname, 'Permission denied. You are not owner of this region!'); else minetest.chat_send_player( pname, "Permission denied. missing privileg \'region_mark\'!"); -- show the area where the renaming failed formspec = markers.get_area_desc_formspec( menu_data.selected, player, menu_data.pos ); end elseif( fields.delete_confirm and menu_data.selected -- raz_store-ID is set and raz.raz_store:get_area(menu_data.selected) ) then -- there is an region for this ID -- there are no checks here - those happened before local area = markers:convert_to_areas(menu_data.selected) -- get raz_store converted to an areas-table -- a player can only delete own areas -- check owner with privileg or region admin if markers:check_region_mark(pname, area.owner) then -- owner with privileg or admin -- avoid accidents if( fields.delete_confirm ~= 'YES' ) then minetest.chat_send_player( pname, 'Delition of area \"'..tostring( area.name )..'\" (owned by '..area.owner..') aborted.'); formspec = markers.get_area_desc_formspec( menu_data.selected, player, menu_data.pos ); else minetest.chat_send_player( pname, 'Area \"'..tostring( area.name )..'\" (owned by '..area.owner..') deleted.'); -- really delete raz:delete_region(menu_data.selected) -- show the list of areas owned by the previous owner formspec = markers.get_area_list_formspec(ppos, player, 'player', menu_data.pos, area.owner, nil ); end else minetest.chat_send_player( pname, 'Permission denied. You are not owner of this region!'); -- shwo the area where the renaming failed formspec = markers.get_area_desc_formspec( menu_data.selected, player, menu_data.pos ); end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- list_main_areas elseif( fields.list_main_areas ) then formspec = markers.get_area_list_formspec(ppos, player, 'main_areas', menu_data.pos, nil, nil ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- list_areas_at elseif( fields.list_areas_at and menu_data.pos ) then -- formspec = markers.get_area_list_formspec(ppos, player, 'pos', menu_data.pos, menu_data.pos, nil ); formspec = markers.get_area_list_formspec(ppos, player, 'all', menu_data.pos, menu_data.pos, nil ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- markers_area_list_selection elseif( fields.markers_area_list_selection and menu_data.typ and menu_data.typ == 'area_list' and menu_data.list and #menu_data.list > 0 ) then local field_data = fields.markers_area_list_selection:split( ':' ); if( not( field_data ) or #field_data < 2 ) then field_data = { '', '' }; end local selected = tonumber( field_data[ 2 ] ); if( field_data[1]=='DCL' ) then -- on doubleclick, show detailed area information formspec = markers.get_area_desc_formspec( tonumber( menu_data.list[ selected ] ), player, menu_data.pos ); else -- on single click, just show the position of that particular area formspec = markers.get_area_list_formspec(ppos, player, menu_data.mode, menu_data.pos, menu_data.mode_data, selected ); end else return false; end minetest.show_formspec( pname, "markers:info", formspec ) return true; end -- search the area at the given position pos that might be of most intrest to the player markers.show_marker_stone_formspec = function( player, pos ) local pname = player:get_player_name(); local ppos = pos -- this table stores the list the player may have selected from; at the beginning, there is no list if( not( markers.menu_data_by_player[ pname ] )) then markers.menu_data_by_player[ pname ] = { typ = 'area_list', mode = 'main_areas', pos = pos, mode_data = pos, list = {}, selected = nil, }; end local formspec = ''; local found_areas = {}; local min_area_size = 100000000000; for id, area in pairs(raz.raz_store:get_areas_for_pos(pos)) do -- ignore y (height) value because some areas may go from bottom to top local area_size = math.abs( area.max.x - area.min.x ) * math.abs( area.max.z - area.min.z ); -- collect subareas that have the same size if( area_size == min_area_size ) then table.insert(found_areas, id ); -- we have found a smaller area - that is more intresting here elseif( area_size <= min_area_size ) then found_areas = {}; min_area_size = area_size; table.insert(found_areas, id ); end end -- no areas found; display error message and selection menu if( #found_areas < 1 ) then formspec = 'size[4,3]'.. 'label[0.5,0.5;This position is not protected.]'.. 'button[1.0,1.5;2,0.5;list_main_areas;List all main areas]'.. 'button_exit[3.0,1.5;1,0.5;abort;OK]'; -- found exactly one areaa - display it elseif( #found_areas == 1 ) then formspec = markers.get_area_desc_formspec( found_areas[ 1 ], player, pos ); -- found more than one area; we have saved only those with the smallest size else local own_area = 0; local parent_area = 0; local upper_area = 0; --[[ for i,v in ipairs( found_areas ) do local area = areas.areas[ v ]; -- owned by player? if( area.owner == pname ) then own_area = v; -- parentless area? elseif( not( area.parent )) then parent_area = v; -- the parent has diffrent coordinates? elseif( areas.areas[ area.parent ].pos1.x ~= area.pos1.x or areas.areas[ area.parent ].pos1.y ~= area.pos1.y or areas.areas[ area.parent ].pos1.z ~= area.pos1.z or areas.areas[ area.parent ].pos2.x ~= area.pos2.x or areas.areas[ area.parent ].pos2.y ~= area.pos2.y or areas.areas[ area.parent ].pos2.z ~= area.pos2.z ) then upper_area = v; end end ]]-- -- the area owned by the player is most intresting if( own_area > 0 ) then formspec = markers.get_area_desc_formspec( own_area, player, pos ); --[[ -- if the player owns none of these areas, show the topmost (parentless) area elseif( parent_area > 0 ) then formspec = markers.get_area_desc_formspec( parent_area, player, pos ); -- an area which has a parent with diffrent coordinates from its child may (or may not) be the -- parent of all these subareas we've found here; there is no guarantee, but it's a best guess. -- If it is not good enough, then the player can still search for himshelf. elseif( upper_area > 0 ) then formspec = markers.get_area_desc_formspec( upper_area, player, pos ); -- our superficial analysis of the structure of the areas failed; it is up to the player to -- find out which of the candidates he is intrested in; we list them all ]]-- else formspec = markers.get_area_list_formspec(ppos, player, 'pos', pos, pos, nil ); end end minetest.show_formspec( player:get_player_name(), "markers:info", formspec ); end