-- Assertion tools for Metatools function assert_contextid(ctid) return contexts[ctid] ~= nil end function assert_ownership(ctid, name) return playerlocks[name] == ctid end function assert_pos(pos) if type(pos) ~= "string" then return pos and pos.x and pos.y and pos.z and minetest.pos_to_string(pos) else return minetest.string_to_pos(pos) ~= nil end end function assert_mode(mode) return mode and (mode == "fields" or mode == "inventory") end function assert_poslock(pos) return nodelock[minetest.pos_to_string(pos)] == nil end function assert_specific_mode(contextid, mode) return assert_contextid(contextid) and contexts[contextid].mode == mode end function assert_field_type(ftype) return ftype and type(ftype) == "string" and (ftype == "int" or ftype == "float" or ftype == "string") end function assert_integer(int) return int and tonumber(int) and tonumber(int) % 1 == 0 end