--[[ --================= --====================================== LazyJ's Fork of Splizard's "Snow" Mod by LazyJ version: Umpteen and 7/5ths something or another. 2014_04_12 --====================================== --================= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE LIST OF CHANGES I'VE MADE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Falling snow would destroy nodes it deposited snow on. I figured out that if I switched the 'snow.place' with 'minetest.place_node' and increased the y position by 2, then the nodes were nolonger destroyed and the snow would start to pile up. ~~~~~~ TODO ~~~~~~ * Add code to prevent snowfall from depositing snow on or near torches and lava. * Add code to prevent snowfall from depositing snow on 'walkable = false' defined nodes. both are already fixed -- Hybrid Dog --]] --============================================================= -- CODE STUFF --============================================================= local weather_legacy local worldpath = minetest.get_worldpath() local read_weather_legacy = function () local file = io.open(worldpath.."/weather_v6", "r") if not file then return end local readweather = file:read() file:close() return readweather end --Weather for legacy versions of minetest. local save_weather_legacy = function () local file = io.open(worldpath.."/weather_v6", "w+") file:write(weather_legacy) file:close() end weather_legacy = read_weather_legacy() or "" local function leg_step() if weather_legacy == "snow" then if math.random(1000) == 1 then weather_legacy = "none" save_weather_legacy() end elseif math.random(5000) == 2 then weather_legacy = "snow" save_weather_legacy() end minetest.after(2, leg_step) end minetest.after(4, leg_step) local function infolog(msg) minetest.log("info", "[snow] falling_snow: "..msg) end -- copied from meru mod local SEEDDIFF3 = 9130 -- 9130 -- Values should match minetest mapgen desert perlin. local OCTAVES3 = 3 -- 3 local PERSISTENCE3 = 0.5 -- 0.5 local SCALE3 = 250 -- 250 -- cache perlin noise tests local perlin_scale, rarity local cold_perl_values = {} setmetatable(cold_perl_values, {__mode = "kv"}) local function cold_perlin_test(x, y) if not cold_perl_values[y] then cold_perl_values[y] = {} setmetatable(cold_perl_values[y], {__mode = "kv"}) end local v = cold_perl_values[y][x] if v ~= nil then return v end if not rarity then rarity = snow.mapgen.smooth_rarity_min perlin_scale = snow.mapgen.perlin_scale end v = minetest.get_perlin(112,3, 0.5, perlin_scale):get2d({x=x, y=y}) >= rarity local em = "" if type(x) ~= "number" then em = em.. "x no number but "..type(x).." " elseif x%1 ~= 0 then em = em.. "x no integer but "..x.." " end if type(y) ~= "number" then em = em.. "y no number but "..type(y).." " elseif y%1 ~= 0 then em = em.. "y no integer but "..y.." " end if em ~= "" then error(em) end if cold_perl_values[y] then cold_perl_values[y][x] = v end return v end -- disable falling snow in desert local desert_perl_values = {} setmetatable(desert_perl_values, {__mode = "kv"}) local function is_desert(x, y) if not desert_perl_values[y] then desert_perl_values[y] = {} setmetatable(desert_perl_values[y], {__mode = "kv"}) end local v = desert_perl_values[y][x] if v ~= nil then return v end -- Offsets must match minetest mapgen desert perlin. -- Smooth transition 0.35 to 0.45. v = minetest.get_perlin(SEEDDIFF3, OCTAVES3, PERSISTENCE3, SCALE3):get2d({x=x+150,y=y+50}) <= 0.35 desert_perl_values[y][x] = v return v end --Get snow at position. local function get_snow(pos) return weather_legacy == "snow" --Legacy support. and cold_perlin_test(pos.x, pos.z) and not is_desert(pos.x, pos.z) end local addvectors = vector.add --Returns a random position between minp and maxp. -- TODO: make a fload random position local function randpos(minp, maxp) local x,z if minp.x > maxp.x then x = math.random(maxp.x,minp.x) else x = math.random(minp.x,maxp.x) end if minp.z > maxp.z then z = math.random(maxp.z,minp.z) else z = math.random(minp.z,maxp.z) end return {x=x,y=minp.y,z=z} end local default_snow_particle = { amount = 3, time = 0.5, exptime = 5, size = 50, collisiondetection = false, vertical = false, } local function get_snow_particledef(data) for n,i in pairs(default_snow_particle) do data[n] = data[n] or i end for _,i in pairs({"vel", "acc", "exptime", "size"}) do data["min"..i] = data[i] data["max"..i] = data[i] end data.texture = "weather_snow.png^[transform"..math.random(0,7) return data end local function snow_fall(pos, player, animate) local ground_y = nil for y=pos.y+10,pos.y+20,1 do local n = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x,y=y,z=pos.z}).name if n ~= "air" and n ~= "ignore" then return end end for y=pos.y+9,pos.y-15,-1 do local n = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x,y=y,z=pos.z}).name if n ~= "air" and n ~= "ignore" then ground_y = y break end end if not ground_y then return end pos = {x=pos.x, y=ground_y, z=pos.z} if not get_snow(pos) then return end if animate then local spos = {x=pos.x, y=ground_y+10, z=pos.z} minetest.add_particlespawner(get_snow_particledef({ minpos = addvectors(spos, {x=-9, y=3, z=-9}), maxpos = addvectors(spos, {x= 9, y=5, z= 9}), vel = {x=0, y=-1, z=-1}, acc = {x=0, y=0, z=0}, playername = player:get_player_name() })) end snow.place(pos, true) --minetest.place_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+2, z=pos.z}, {name="default:snow"}) -- LazyJ end -- Snow local lighter_snowfall = snow.lighter_snowfall local function calc_snowfall() for _, player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local ppos = player:getpos() -- Make sure player is not in a cave/house... if get_snow(ppos) and minetest.get_node_light(ppos, 0.5) == 15 then local animate if not lighter_snowfall then local vel = {x=0, y=-1, z=-1} local acc = {x=0, y=0, z=0} minetest.add_particlespawner(get_snow_particledef({ amount = 5, minpos = addvectors(ppos, {x=-9, y=3, z=-9}), maxpos = addvectors(ppos, {x= 9, y=5, z= 9}), vel = vel, acc = acc, size = 25, playername = player:get_player_name() })) minetest.add_particlespawner(get_snow_particledef({ amount = 4, minpos = addvectors(ppos, {x=-5, y=3.2, z=-5}), maxpos = addvectors(ppos, {x= 5, y=1.6, z= 5}), vel = vel, acc = acc, exptime = 4, size = 25, playername = player:get_player_name() })) animate = false else animate = true end if math.random(1,5) == 4 then snow_fall( randpos( addvectors(ppos, {x=-20, y=0, z=-20}), addvectors(ppos, {x= 20, y=0, z= 20}) ), player, animate ) end end end end local step_func minetest.register_globalstep(function() step_func() end) if snow.enable_snowfall then step_func = calc_snowfall infolog("step function set to calc_snowfall") else step_func = function() end infolog("step function set to empty function") end snow.register_on_configuring(function(name, v) if name == "enable_snowfall" then if v then step_func = calc_snowfall infolog("step function set to calc_snowfall") else step_func = function() end infolog("step function set to empty function") end elseif name == "lighter_snowfall" then lighter_snowfall = v end end)