--Global config and function table. snow = { snowball_gravity = 100/109, snowball_velocity = 19, sleds = true, enable_snowfall = true, lighter_snowfall = false, debug = false, smooth_biomes = true, christmas_content = true, smooth_snow = true, min_height = 3, mapgen_rarity = 18, mapgen_size = 210, } --Config documentation. local doc = { snowball_gravity = "The gravity of thrown snowballs", snowball_velocity = "How fast players throw snowballs", sleds = "Disable this to prevent sleds from being riden.", enable_snowfall = "Enables falling snow.", lighter_snowfall = "Reduces the amount of resources and fps used by snowfall.", debug = "Enables debug output. Currently it only prints mgv6 info.", smooth_biomes = "Enables smooth transition of biomes (mgv6)", smooth_snow = "Disable this to stop snow from being smoothed.", christmas_content = "Disable this to remove christmas saplings from being found.", min_height = "The minumum height a snow biome will generate (mgv7)", mapgen_rarity = "mapgen rarity in %", mapgen_size = "size of the generated… (has an effect to the rarity, too)", } -- functions for dynamically changing settings local on_configurings,n = {},1 function snow.register_on_configuring(func) on_configurings[n] = func n = n+1 end local function change_setting(name, value) if snow[name] == value then return end for i = 1,n-1 do if on_configurings[i](name, value) == false then return end end snow[name] = value end local function value_from_string(v) if v == "true" then v = true elseif v == "false" then v = false else local a_number = tonumber(v) if a_number then v = a_number end end return v end local allowed_types = {string = true, number = true, boolean = true} --Saves contents of config to file. local function saveConfig(path, config, doc) local file = io.open(path,"w") if not file then minetest.log("error", "[snow] could not open config file for writing at "..path) return end for i,v in pairs(config) do if allowed_types[type(v)] then if doc and doc[i] then file:write("# "..doc[i].."\n") end file:write(i.." = "..tostring(v).."\n") end end file:close() end local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("snow") minetest.register_on_shutdown(function() saveConfig(modpath.."/config.txt", snow, doc) end) -- load settings from config.txt local config do local path = modpath.."/config.txt" local file = io.open(path,"r") if not file then --Create config file. return end config = {} for line in file:lines() do if line:sub(1,1) ~= "#" then local i, v = line:match("^(%S*) = (%S*)") if i and v then config[i] = value_from_string(v) end end end io.close(file) end if config then for i,v in pairs(config) do if type(snow[i]) == type(v) then snow[i] = v else minetest.log("error", "[snow] wrong type of setting "..i) end end else saveConfig(modpath.."/config.txt", snow, doc) end -- load settings from minetest.conf for i,v in pairs(snow) do if allowed_types[type(v)] then local v = minetest.setting_get("snow_"..i) if v ~= nil then snow[i] = value_from_string(v) end end end --MENU local function form_sort_func(a,b) return a[1] < b[1] end --[[ local function form_sort_func_bool(a,b) if a[2] == b[2] then return a[1] < b[1] else return b[2] end end--]] local function get_formspec() local ids,n1,n2 = {{},{}},1,1 for i,v in pairs(snow) do local t = type(v) if t == "string" or t == "number" then ids[2][n2] = {i,v} n2 = n2+1 elseif t == "boolean" then ids[1][n1] = {i,v} n1 = n1+1 end end table.sort(ids[2], form_sort_func) table.sort(ids[1], form_sort_func) local p = -0.5 local formspec = "label[0,-0.3;Settings:]" for n = 1,n1-1 do local i,v = unpack(ids[1][n]) p = p + 0.5 formspec = formspec.."checkbox[0,"..p..";snow:"..i..";"..i..";"..tostring(v).."]" end for n = 1,n2-1 do local i,v = unpack(ids[2][n]) p = p + 1.5 formspec = formspec.."field[0.3,"..p..";2,1;snow:"..i..";"..i..";"..v.."]" end p = p + 1 formspec = "size[4,"..p..";]\n"..formspec return formspec end minetest.register_chatcommand("snow", { description = "Show a menu for various actions", privs = {server=true}, func = function(name) minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Showing snow menu…") minetest.show_formspec(name, "snow:menu", get_formspec()) end, }) minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname ~= "snow:menu" then return end for i,v in pairs(snow) do local t = type(v) if allowed_types[t] then local field = fields["snow:"..i] if field then if t == "number" then field = tonumber(field) elseif t == "boolean" then if field == "true" then field = true elseif field == "false" then field = false else field = nil end elseif t ~= "string" then field = nil end if field ~= nil then change_setting(i, field) end end end end end)