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synced 2025-03-22 20:10:26 +01:00
Rationale: It is possible to craft a tool with less wear by combining two tools of the same type. This allows to use tools longer than level 6 which was a hard limit in the previous implementation
218 lines
7.7 KiB
218 lines
7.7 KiB
toolranks = {}
toolranks.colors = {
grey = minetest.get_color_escape_sequence("#9d9d9d"),
green = minetest.get_color_escape_sequence("#1eff00"),
gold = minetest.get_color_escape_sequence("#ffdf00"),
white = minetest.get_color_escape_sequence("#ffffff")
function toolranks.get_tool_type(description)
if string.find(description, "Pickaxe") then
return "pickaxe"
elseif string.find(description, "Axe") then
return "axe"
elseif string.find(description, "Shovel") then
return "shovel"
elseif string.find(description, "Hoe") then
return "hoe"
return "tool"
function toolranks.create_description(name, uses, level)
local description = name
local tooltype = toolranks.get_tool_type(description)
local newdesc = toolranks.colors.green .. description .. "\n" ..
toolranks.colors.gold .. "Level " .. level .. " " .. tooltype .. "\n" ..
toolranks.colors.grey .. "Nodes dug: " .. uses
return newdesc
function toolranks.log2(value)
return math.log(value) / math.log(2)
function toolranks.get_level(uses)
level = math.ceil(toolranks.log2(uses / 100)) + 1
if level < 1 then
level = 1
return level
function toolranks.new_afteruse(itemstack, user, node, digparams)
local itemmeta = itemstack:get_meta() -- Metadata
local itemdef = itemstack:get_definition() -- Item Definition
local itemdesc = itemdef.original_description -- Original Description
local dugnodes = tonumber(itemmeta:get_string("dug")) or 0 -- Number of nodes dug
local lastlevel = tonumber(itemmeta:get_string("lastlevel")) or 1 -- Level the tool had
-- on the last dig
-- Only count nodes that spend the tool
if(digparams.wear > 0) then
dugnodes = dugnodes + 1
itemmeta:set_string("dug", dugnodes)
if(itemstack:get_wear() > 60135) then
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "Your tool is about to break, comrade!")
minetest.sound_play("default_tool_breaks", {
to_player = user:get_player_name(),
gain = 2.0,
local level = toolranks.get_level(dugnodes)
if lastlevel < level then
local levelup_text = "Your " .. toolranks.colors.green ..
itemdesc .. toolranks.colors.white ..
" just leveled up!"
minetest.sound_play("toolranks_levelup", {
to_player = user:get_player_name(),
gain = 2.0,
minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), levelup_text)
itemmeta:set_string("lastlevel", level)
local newdesc = toolranks.create_description(itemdesc, dugnodes, level)
itemmeta:set_string("description", newdesc)
local wear = digparams.wear
if level > 1 then
wear = digparams.wear / (1 + level / 4)
--minetest.chat_send_all("wear="..wear.."Original wear: "..digparams.wear.." 1+level/4="..1+level/4)
-- Uncomment for testing ^
return itemstack
minetest.override_item("default:pick_diamond", {
original_description = "Diamond Pickaxe",
description = toolranks.create_description("Diamond Pickaxe", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("default:axe_diamond", {
original_description = "Diamond Axe",
description = toolranks.create_description("Diamond Axe", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("default:shovel_diamond", {
original_description = "Diamond Shovel",
description = toolranks.create_description("Diamond Shovel", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("default:pick_wood", {
original_description = "Wooden Pickaxe",
description = toolranks.create_description("Wooden Pickaxe", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("default:axe_wood", {
original_description = "Wooden Axe",
description = toolranks.create_description("Wooden Axe", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("default:shovel_wood", {
original_description = "Wooden Shovel",
description = toolranks.create_description("Wooden Shovel", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("default:pick_steel", {
original_description = "Steel Pickaxe",
description = toolranks.create_description("Steel Pickaxe", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("default:axe_steel", {
original_description = "Steel Axe",
description = toolranks.create_description("Steel Axe", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("default:shovel_steel", {
original_description = "Steel Shovel",
description = toolranks.create_description("Steel Shovel", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("default:pick_stone", {
original_description = "Stone Pickaxe",
description = toolranks.create_description("Stone Pickaxe", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("default:axe_stone", {
original_description = "Stone Axe",
description = toolranks.create_description("Stone Axe", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("default:shovel_stone", {
original_description = "Stone Shovel",
description = toolranks.create_description("Stone Shovel", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("default:pick_bronze", {
original_description = "Bronze Pickaxe",
description = toolranks.create_description("Bronze Pickaxe", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("default:axe_bronze", {
original_description = "Bronze Axe",
description = toolranks.create_description("Bronze Axe", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("default:shovel_bronze", {
original_description = "Bronze Shovel",
description = toolranks.create_description("Bronze Shovel", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("default:pick_mese", {
original_description = "Mese Pickaxe",
description = toolranks.create_description("Mese Pickaxe", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("default:axe_mese", {
original_description = "Mese Axe",
description = toolranks.create_description("Mese Axe", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("default:shovel_mese", {
original_description = "Mese Shovel",
description = toolranks.create_description("Mese Shovel", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
if minetest.get_modpath("moreores") then
minetest.override_item("moreores:pick_mithril", {
original_description = "Mithril Pickaxe",
description = toolranks.create_description("Mithril Pickaxe", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("moreores:axe_mithril", {
original_description = "Mithril Axe",
description = toolranks.create_description("Mithril Axe", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("moreores:shovel_mithril", {
original_description = "Mithril Shovel",
description = toolranks.create_description("Mithril Shovel", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("moreores:pick_silver", {
original_description = "Silver Pickaxe",
description = toolranks.create_description("Silver Pickaxe", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("moreores:axe_silver", {
original_description = "Silver Axe",
description = toolranks.create_description("Silver Axe", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.override_item("moreores:shovel_silver", {
original_description = "Silver Shovel",
description = toolranks.create_description("Silver Shovel", 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})