#!/usr/bin/python3 from http.client import HTTPConnection,HTTPException,BadStatusLine import json import base64 from contextlib import closing import sys,os,shutil,time def die(message,code=23): print(message,file=sys.stderr) raise SystemExit(code) server = "minetest.fensta.bplaced.net" skinsdir = "u_skins/textures/" metadir = "u_skins/meta/" curskin = 0 curpage = 1 pages = None def replace(location,base,encoding=None,path=None): if path is None: path = os.path.join(location,base) mode = "wt" if encoding else "wb" # an unpredictable temp name only needed for a+rwxt directories tmp = os.path.join(location,'.'+base+'-tmp') def deco(handle): with open(tmp,mode,encoding=encoding) as out: handle(out) os.rename(tmp,path) return deco def maybeReplace(location,base,encoding=None): def deco(handle): path = os.path.join(location,base) if os.path.exists(path): return return replace(location,base,encoding=encoding,path=path)(handle) return deco class Pipeline(list): "Gawd why am I being so elaborate?" def __init__(self, threshold=10): "threshold is how many requests in parallel to pipeline" self.threshold = threshold self.sent = True def __enter__(self,*a): self.reopen() def __exit__(self): self.drain() def reopen(self): self.c = HTTPConnection(server) self.send() def append(self,url,recv,diemessage): super().append((url,recv,diemessage)) if len(self) > self.threshold: self.send() self.drain() def trydrain(self): for url,recv,diemessage in self: try: recv(self.c) except BadStatusLine as e: return False except HTTPException as e: die(diemessage+' (url='+url+')') self.clear() return True def drain(self): print('draining pipeline...') assert self.sent, "Can't drain without sending the requests!" self.sent = False while trydrain() is not True: self.c.close() print('derped requesting',url) print('drain failed, trying again') time.sleep(1) self.reopen() def trysend(self): for url,_,diemessage in pipeline: try: self.c.request("GET", url) except BadStatusLine: return False except HTTPException as e: die(diemessage) return True def send(self): if self.sent: return print('filling pipeline...') while self.tryresend() is not True: self.c.close() print('derped resending') time.sleep(1) self.reopen() self.sent = True with Pipeline() as pipeline: # two connections is okay, right? one for json, one for preview images c = HTTPConnection(server) def addpage(page): global curskin, pages print("Page: " + str(page)) r = 0 try: c.request("GET", "/api/get.json.php?getlist&page=" + str(page) + "&outformat=base64") r = c.getresponse() except Exception: if r != 0: if r.status != 200: die("Error", r.status) return data = r.read().decode() l = json.loads(data) if not l["success"]: die("Success != True") r = 0 pages = int(l["pages"]) foundOne = False for s in l["skins"]: # make sure to increment this, even if the preview exists! curskin = curskin + 1 previewbase = "character_" + str(curskin) + "_preview.png" preview = os.path.join(skinsdir, previewbase) if os.path.exists(preview): print('skin',curskin,'already retrieved') continue print('updating skin',curskin,'id',s["id"]) foundOne = True @maybeReplace(skinsdir, "character_" + str(curskin) + ".png") def go(f): f.write(base64.b64decode(bytes(s["img"], 'utf-8'))) f.close() @maybeReplace(metadir, "character_" + str(curskin) + ".txt", encoding='utf-8') def go(f): f.write(str(s["name"]) + '\n') f.write(str(s["author"]) + '\n') f.write(str(s["license"])) url = "/skins/1/" + str(s["id"]) + ".png" def tryget(c): with closing(c.getresponse()) as r: if r.status != 200: print("Error", r.status) return @replace(skinsdir,previewbase,path=preview) def go(f): shutil.copyfileobj(r,f) pipeline.append(url,tryget, "Couldn't get {} because of a {}".format( s["id"], e)) if not foundOne: print("No skins updated on this page. Seems we're done?") #raise SystemExit addpage(1) while pages > curpage: curpage = curpage + 1 addpage(curpage) print("Skins have been updated!")