local name = "moon_phases:phase" local mod_climate_api = minetest.get_modpath("climate_api") ~= nil local GSCYCLE = 0.5 -- global step cycle local DEFAULT_LENGTH = 4 -- default cycle length local DEFAULT_STYLE = "realistic" -- default texture style local PHASE_COUNT = 8 -- number of phases to go through -- retrieve mod configuration local PHASE_LENGTH = minetest.settings:get("moon_phases_cycle") or DEFAULT_LENGTH local TEXTURE_STYLE = minetest.settings:get("moon_phases_style") or DEFAULT_STYLE local moon_phases = {} local state = minetest.get_mod_storage() local phase = 1 -- return the current moon phase function moon_phases.get_phase() return phase end -- set the current moon phase -- @param phase int Phase between 1 and PHASE_COUNT function moon_phases.set_phase(nphase) phase = math.floor(tonumber(nphase)) if (not nphase) or nphase < 1 or nphase > PHASE_COUNT then return false end local day = params.day_count local date_offset = state:get_int("date_offset") local progress = (day + date_offset - 1) % PHASE_LENGTH + 1 local phase_offset = (nphase - phase + PHASE_COUNT) % PHASE_COUNT local add_offset = (phase_offset * PHASE_LENGTH) - progress if add_offset == 0 then add_offset = nil end phase = nphase state:set_int("date_offset", add_offset) end -- set the moon's texture style for the given player function moon_phases.set_style(player, style) if style ~= "classic" and style ~= "realistic" then return false end local meta_data = player:get_meta() if style == DEFAULT_STYLE then style = nil end meta_data:set_string("moon_phases:texture_style", style) return true end -- calculate the current sky layout for a given player local function generate_effects(params) local override = {} local time = params.time local day = params.day_count local date_offset = state:get_int("date_offset") day = day + date_offset if time > 0.5 then day = day + 1 end local meta_data = params.player:get_meta() local style = meta_data:get_string("moon_phases:texture_style") if style ~= "classic" and style ~= "realistic" then style = TEXTURE_STYLE end phase = ((math.ceil(day / PHASE_LENGTH) - 1) % PHASE_COUNT) + 1 override["climate_api:skybox"] = { moon_data = { texture = "moon_" .. phase .. "_" .. style .. ".png", scale = 0.8 } } return override end local function update_sky(player) local params = {} params.time = minetest.get_timeofday() params.day_count = minetest.get_day_count() params.player = player local sky = generate_effects(params) player:set_moon(sky.moon_data) end local timer = 0 local function handle_time_progression(dtime) timer = timer + dtime if timer < GSCYCLE then return end for _, player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do update_sky(player) end timer = 0 end if mod_climate_api then -- register moon cycles as weather preset climate_api.register_weather(name, {}, generate_effects) else -- set the moon texture of newly joined player minetest.register_on_joinplayer(update_sky) -- check for changes and update player skies minetest.register_globalstep(handle_time_progression) end