# textdomain: mobs ** Peaceful Mode Active - No Monsters Will Spawn=** 和平模式已激活——沒有怪物會產生 Active Mob Limit Reached!= Mob has been protected!=Mob 已經被保護了! @1 (Tamed)=@1(已馴服) Not tamed!=沒有馴服! @1 is owner!=@1 是主人 Missed!=沒抓住! Already protected!=已經被保護! @1 has been tamed!=@1已經被馴服! @1 follows:= @1 mobs removed.= Enter name:=輸入名稱: Rename=重新命名 Name Tag=名稱標籤 Leather=皮革 Raw Meat=生肉 Meat=肉 Lasso (right-click animal to put in inventory)=套索(右鍵單擊動物以放入物品欄) Net (right-click animal to put in inventory)=網(右鍵單擊動物以放入物品欄) Steel Shears (right-click to shear)=鋼剪(右鍵單擊以剪切) Mob Protection Rune=Mob 保護符文 Mob Protection Rune (Level 2)= Saddle=鞍 Mob Fence=Mob 柵欄 Mob Fence Top= Mob Reset Stick= Meat Block= Raw Meat Block= Enter texture:= Change= Mob Spawner= (mob name) (min light) (max light) (amount) (player distance) (Y offset)= Command:= Spawner Not Active (enter settings)=孵化器未使用(輸入設置) Spawner Active (@1)=孵化器正在運轉(@1) Mob Spawner settings failed!=Mob 孵化器設置失敗! Syntax: “name min_light[0-14] max_light[0-14] max_mobs_in_area[0 to disable] player_distance[1-20] y_offset[-10 to 10]”=