// Copyright 2014, 2015, 2022 by Sascha L. Teichmann // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main import ( "flag" "time" "github.com/BurntSushi/toml" "bitbucket.org/s_l_teichmann/mtsatellite/common" ) type config struct { WebPort int `toml:"web_port"` WebHost string `toml:"web_host"` WebDir string `toml:"web"` MapDir string `toml:"map"` RedisPort int `toml:"redis_port"` RedisHost string `toml:"redis_host"` ColorsFile string `toml:"update_hosts"` BGColor string `toml:"background"` Workers int `toml:"workers"` Transparent bool `toml:"transparent"` TransparentDim float64 `toml:"transparent_dim"` UpdateHosts string `toml:"update_hosts"` Websockets bool `toml:"websockets"` PlayersFIFO string `toml:"players"` YMin int `toml:"ymin"` YMax int `toml:"ymax"` ChangeDuration time.Duration `toml:"change_duration"` } func (cfg *config) bindFlags() { defaultBgColor := common.ColorToHex(common.BackgroundColor) flag.IntVar(&cfg.WebPort, "web-port", 8808, "port of the web server") flag.IntVar(&cfg.WebPort, "p", 8808, "port of the web server (shorthand)") flag.StringVar(&cfg.WebHost, "web-host", "localhost", "address to bind web server") flag.StringVar(&cfg.WebHost, "h", "localhost", "address to bind web server(shorthand)") flag.StringVar(&cfg.WebDir, "web", "web", "static served web files.") flag.StringVar(&cfg.WebDir, "w", "web", "static served web files (shorthand)") flag.StringVar(&cfg.MapDir, "map", "map", "directory of prerendered tiles") flag.StringVar(&cfg.MapDir, "m", "map", "directory of prerendered tiles (shorthand)") flag.StringVar(&cfg.UpdateHosts, "update-hosts", "localhost", "';' separated list of hosts which are allowed to send map update requests") flag.StringVar(&cfg.UpdateHosts, "u", "localhost", "';' separated list of hosts which are allowed to send map update requests (shorthand)") flag.StringVar(&cfg.RedisHost, "redis-host", "", "address of the backend Redis server") flag.StringVar(&cfg.RedisHost, "rh", "", "address of the backend Redis server (shorthand)") flag.IntVar(&cfg.RedisPort, "redis-port", 6379, "port of the backend Redis server") flag.IntVar(&cfg.RedisPort, "rp", 6379, "port of the backend Redis server (shorthand)") flag.IntVar(&cfg.Workers, "workers", 1, "number of workers to render tiles") flag.StringVar(&cfg.ColorsFile, "colors", "colors.txt", "colors used to render map tiles.") flag.StringVar(&cfg.ColorsFile, "c", "colors.txt", "colors used to render map tiles (shorthand).") flag.StringVar(&cfg.BGColor, "background", defaultBgColor, "background color") flag.StringVar(&cfg.BGColor, "bg", defaultBgColor, "background color (shorthand)") flag.BoolVar(&cfg.Transparent, "transparent", false, "Render transparent blocks.") flag.BoolVar(&cfg.Transparent, "t", false, "Render transparent blocks (shorthand).") flag.Float64Var(&cfg.TransparentDim, "transparent-dim", common.DefaultTransparentDim*100.0, "Extra dimming of transparent nodes each depth meter in percent.") flag.Float64Var(&cfg.TransparentDim, "td", common.DefaultTransparentDim*100.0, "Extra dimming of transparent nodes each depth meter in percent. (shorthand)") flag.BoolVar(&cfg.Websockets, "websockets", false, "Forward tile changes to clients via websockets.") flag.BoolVar(&cfg.Websockets, "ws", false, "Forward tile changes to clients via websockets (shorthand).") flag.StringVar(&cfg.PlayersFIFO, "players", "", "Path to FIFO file to read active players from.") flag.StringVar(&cfg.PlayersFIFO, "ps", "", "Path to FIFO file to read active players from (shorthand).") flag.IntVar(&cfg.YMin, "ymin", common.MinHeight, "Minimum y in blocks.") flag.IntVar(&cfg.YMax, "ymax", common.MaxHeight, "Maximum y in blocks.") flag.DurationVar(&cfg.ChangeDuration, "change-duration", time.Second, "Duration to aggregate changes. (PG only)") } func (cfg *config) load(fname string) error { _, err := toml.DecodeFile(fname, &cfg) return err }