// Copyright 2014, 2015 by Sascha L. Teichmann // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "log" "bitbucket.org/s_l_teichmann/mtsatellite/common" ) func main() { var ( port int host string xMin, zMin int xMax, zMax int colorsFile string outDir string numWorkers int skipBaseLevel bool skipPyramid bool transparent bool transparentDim float64 version bool ) flag.IntVar(&port, "port", 6379, "port to of mtredisalize server") flag.IntVar(&port, "p", 6379, "port to of mtredisalize server (shorthand)") flag.StringVar(&host, "host", "localhost", "host to mtredisalize server") flag.IntVar(&xMin, "xmin", -1933, "x min of the area to tile") flag.IntVar(&xMax, "xmax", 1932, "x max of the area to tile") flag.IntVar(&zMin, "zmin", -1933, "z min of the area to tile") flag.IntVar(&zMax, "zmax", 1932, "z max of the area to tile") flag.StringVar(&colorsFile, "colors", "colors.txt", "definition of colors") flag.StringVar(&outDir, "output-dir", "map", "directory with the resulting image tree") flag.StringVar(&outDir, "o", "map", "directory with the resulting image tree") flag.IntVar(&numWorkers, "workers", 1, "number of workers") flag.IntVar(&numWorkers, "w", 1, "number of workers (shorthand)") flag.BoolVar(&skipBaseLevel, "skip-base-level", false, "Do not generate base level tiles") flag.BoolVar(&skipBaseLevel, "sb", false, "Do not generate base level tiles (shorthand)") flag.BoolVar(&skipPyramid, "skip-pyramid", false, "Do not generate pyramid tiles") flag.BoolVar(&skipPyramid, "sp", false, "Do not generate pyramid tiles (shorthand)") flag.BoolVar(&transparent, "transparent", false, "Render transparent blocks.") flag.BoolVar(&transparent, "t", false, "Render transparent blocks (shorthand).") flag.Float64Var(&transparentDim, "transparent-dim", common.DefaultTransparentDim*100.0, "Extra dimming of transparent nodes each depth meter in percent.") flag.Float64Var(&transparentDim, "td", common.DefaultTransparentDim*100.0, "Extra fimming of transparent nodes each depth meter in percent. (shorthand)") flag.BoolVar(&version, "version", false, "Print version and exit.") flag.Parse() if version { common.PrintVersionAndExit() } if !skipBaseLevel { td := common.Clamp32f(float32(transparentDim/100.0), 0.0, 1.0) address := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port) if err := createBaseLevel( address, xMin, zMin, xMax, zMax, transparent, td, colorsFile, outDir, numWorkers); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Creating base level tiles failed: %s", err) } } if !skipPyramid { if err := createPyramid(outDir, numWorkers); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Creating pyramid tiles failed: %s", err) } } }